What is the official bHVR word on the "3gen strategy"?

Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

I have just made a team of Good Loopers fail and cry by Patrolling Gens consistently and as Skull Merchant I used Drones to "Guard" over the gens. It worked quite well, even tho they were able to hit many Dead Hards. I was still able to pick them apart slowly as they ran in and tried to disable my drones again and again.

But you make me wonder bHVR, what were they supposed to do vs that? What are SoloQ supposed to do?

Are you supposed to forget about the Drone, eat up the lockdown and rush the gen as fast as possible putting you at great risk?

I hope we can get some clear words on this, if there is a solution I think the community deserves to get a little video clip on twitter on it. Because looking over the forum, people seem confused. I think the Community deserves you pull back the curtain here.

Best Answer


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,101

    I can deal with 3 gen situations, it's just the length of time that these games get dragged out for that makes it frustrating. It used to be a mistake survivors would make that would benefit killers with extra hooks and a kill or two. But you could still slowly make progress back then. Now it's become more like a stalemate.

    I can't speak for the devs but I imagine they'd be okay with the 3 gen situation as a strategy, as it is of course a strategy, whichever way we wanna look at it. It's just this strategy is going to end up more and more with survivors just handing themselves up to killers because it's been 45 min and they have real life to get back to. And I'm seeing this more and more. People get home from work and want a few games and some decent bp, not one long a** game that isn't worth it bp wise. Maybe for every 5 min your game goes past 25 min or something, you get extra bp and xp? I dunno. But people aren't sticking around for these games anymore.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    The problem is I have no qualms with 3 gen defense at all. Every tactic that's not against the rules is fair play. Everything. My problem that I have is when people smack talk when relying on these strategies with success or failure not mattering. I also have a problem when my teammates cannot comprehend with the idea of not 3 genning if the killer wasn't defending it at the start

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    its not a problem with the skull merchant specifically, its a problem with the fundamental game design as a whole. The problem is, the killer is going to lose the first 2-3 gens during the first chase. So what does that leave them with? This is why the 3-gen strat is so prevalent, because the early game just goes too fast. So what ends up happening is this long drawn out fight over these close 3 gen setups.

    I think if they were to add some method/game mechanic in place to make dealing with a 3 gen easier, while also adding some mechanic to slow down the early game (early trial warmup anyone?) and basically even out the progress so that in say, an average game where all 4 survivors escape, you'll see a general progression where, a single gen gets done every 2 minutes or so, leading to ~11-13 minute matches, would be much better than what we have now where, you lose the first 3 gens in the first 2-3 minutes and then you lose the next one at around 5-6 minutes. Then you defend a 3 gen for the next 10-20 minutes (if you are stalling/3genning specifically)

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    This. Had a SM pick dead dawg (I was solo). They did not engage in chases at all. Just put drones above the free 3 gen in the back added with cob overcharge etc, and there was nothing we could do. Even though we were solos, everyone stopped doing their gens once they realized what was happening. And the game became an unwinnable stalemate where survivors had to feed themselves to the killer just to get them interact. Painfully boring to say the least. It’s even worse on maps like meat plant with 2 floors. There really is no counter play that point other than having toolboxes and bnps to quickly bust through the last few gens.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    Most likely:

    Buff her chase power in exchange for weakening her 3 gen power.

    Nerfs to Call of Brine and Overcharge.

    Although in all honesty, I must ask how Skull Merchant’s 3 gen power compares to other killers. Is she the strongest killer when it comes to locking down an area, or is the community way overblowing it since she’s new?

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 272

    Survivor should realize that there is more than second chance perks.

    Potential Energy, Toolboxes, Hyperfocus.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Can't nerf call of brine and overcharge just because theres a killer that camps gens now. This would hurt other killers that use those perks to slow the game down which is sometimes very needed.

    SM is worse than knight in my opinion. Her drones wont leave the gens unless you disable them. So she can just stay at the area of the 3 gen get free info of people who try to enter her realm and chase them away + kick gens.

    Most SM players ive met wont chase outside her set 3 gens. They sit there like bubba with hooks. This killer is just badly designed but luckily i only tend to see 1 here and there so dealing with 1 frustrating match is ok.

    I do see that this killer will start causing people to quit the match early and Dcs arent something we needed more into this game.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135
    edited March 2023

    3-genning is so boring man. There's little skill involved and it extends matches for far too long. A DBD match should never take more than like 20ish mins. Idk how Killers find it fun. Like yeah you got a 4k but at what cost?

    And the gen spawns are just getting worse. You might as well DC on RCPD vs. a 3-gen. Even a coordinated team can't break that BS. And now we get another 3-gen Killer? I'm so fed up with DBD rn. This game is just monotonous to play lately.

    Post edited by Ghoste on
  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,176

    I think BHVR has said in past posts that 3 genning is fine, but the killer never trying to leave the area can be seen as holding the game hostage. I don't think there is a way they could actually enforce that, but I think they've posted something along those lines in regards to videos of knights locking down a 3 gen for an hour.

    The problem with this is that the game is basically decided by loadout.

    Hit a killer who runs to a 3 gen immediately? Oh, you have potential energy and recognize it, not a problem. Oh, you didn't bring those things because you had no way of knowing that was what you were going to hit? So, you want to just sacrifice now or play for 40 minutes?

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    So I actually came to the forums after playing Survivor all day today...

    The MAJORITY of my games went facing up against Skull Merchant and I find her to simply be too Oppressive to deal with...

    I'm actually a Killer main, but I do play both, and while I NEVER like to make comments about Killers feeling too strong right after their release because they get hit SO hard with the nerf hammer that they become completely unplayable afterwards... historically speaking..

    But after facing Skull Merchant over and over again today, each match is worse than the last... there's just too much she's able to do all at once.

    She can literally be in chase while ALSO holding down multiple gens with her Drones... the Drones are a bit of a lose / lose situation because either 1 you get Exposed by them and have your location given away, or you disable them but you still have your location revealed for quite a while... and because the Merchant is ALSO Undetectable while she is inside her drone range, I've had many of them use that as a way to get REALLY close to me while they can use their Radar to pin me down and then just pop up out of no where...

    So yeah idk , but I'm not surprised to see that others are complaining as well, each and every time I face her its the same thing over and over again, basically gens are being guarded so well its really difficult / or impossible to complete them, and the entire time she's still moving around the map getting hooks lol

    Idk, I have to try playing as her to see what its like actually on the other side, but from the Survivor side it's very challenging, but not really in the "fun" way, kind of the annoying way lol.. I like the whole interacting with the drones and pressing the buttons, I think that's a new fun creative addition, there are things I enjoy about facing her, but it gets ruined when it just starts to feel "unfair" every single match.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I hope the next mid chapter will try and address some of this issues, they already hyped the next mid chapter for big changes.

    So i hope this issues get addressed.

    Having the Knight, skull Merchant and the COB/Eruption/Overcharge meta all so close almost seems like the created perfect storm.

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49
    edited March 2023

    While I think three-gen is a legit strategy, it shouldn't be as strong as it is. Killers need to be pressured to go for downs. Some sort of bloodlust, but for generators, would be a good solution IMO. i'm not sure exactly how it'd work (especially with stealth killers) because you'd also have to make sure survivors couldn't just hide to get 'genlust'. But when a game goes on into a stalemate without the killer hooking anyone, survivors should repair at a faster speed until someone has been hooked. That's the general idea, anyway. It would only work when there's only one gen, remaining, though.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    You could probably avoid the hiding issue by making that 'genlust' build up by survivors doing repair actions, but no generators being completed for a long period of time, possibly in conjunction with a lack of hooks or injuries on survivors. It'd need a pretty generous timer on it to prevent it from activating in games where the killer is just getting looped to death, though.

    Personally I would rather just see Knight and Skull Merchant get some limits to their ability to camp gens and buffs elsewhere, though. 3-genning wasn't an issue before we got killers that could lock gens down so effectively that even four living survivors will get stalemated.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    So punish the killer because the survivors refuse to try and do their objective? Sounds fair. How about for every percent of gen speed boost the killer also gets that as haste.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    If the killer has the right perks and actually commits to just patrolling the 3-gen then there's nothing you -can- do. Even a good 4 man on comms can't do anything against a killer like Knight, Doctor or Skull Merchant with a gen-kick build who doesn't let themselves get lured away from their 3-gen.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Okay, pretending a 3-genning Skull Merchant is just 'survivors refusing to try and do their objective' is patently ridiculous. They said right in their post that there'd need to be strictures in there to prevent survivors from hiding and getting benefits from it.

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49

    I mean if they're getting looped to death, the gens are getting done anyway or the survivors aren't doing anything. But that is why I think it should only work if there's only one generator left. Just something to speed the game along. It wouldn't have to be drastic. Just something to put pressure on the killer to get hooks. I think if the killer is still hooking people, that gen lust shouldn't kick in. I think Doctor is just as problematic as Skull Merchant and Knight.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594
    edited March 2023

    To piggyback off of this: this is exactly why VHS failed. Something can be valid on paper, theoretically counterable, etc. But it has to actually be FUN. You can't have a multiplayer game where every other match has the possibility of being a war of attrition. A trail should rarely be pushing past the 15 minute mark. This is going to bleed player count if they don't address it with some urgency, and it can't be some half-baked bandaid perk.

    I'm not a whiny survivor main. I probably have more 4ks on my account as killer than most players have total games played. I would happily play against Nurse, Blight, Wesker, etc, every game. I'm just saying that the 3 gen forever strat completely sucks the life out of the game, and recent killers exacerbate the problem.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The solution will come in the next chapter!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    On a more serious note. Making her THE 3 gen killer per se, was obviously a design choice. Now in regard of why...

    Maybe their solution to tunneling complaints. Since no one is complaining about tunneling right now. So yeah, great success!

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Do you think its a test? bHVR is trying to see if Survivors can adapt to these two new types of killers.

    Knight and Skull merchant.

    I hope someone from bHVR comes by and gives an answer on what they are thinking about it.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2023

    you asked to nerf eruption. of course killer is going rebel. The skull merchant is like D-tier terrible chase killer. what exactly are you expecting killers to do with such a worthless ability? I have 0 anti-loop base-kit and have unreliable expose mechanic that does not help me hit survivors and ton of pointless information that I can do nothing with. If your going to make my chasing experience miserable, then why do you not expect the killer to make your generator objective experience miserable?

    you need to make the killer chasing experience more enjoyable and perhaps the killer might make your generator experience more enjoyable. this is just common sense. Instead we just get a bunch of survivor complaining that X killer power is OP and X killer perk needs nerfing.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594

    I called for a full rework of Skull Merchant the second she made it to PTB. Same for Knight. The design flaws were immediately obvious to experienced players, which the devs should utilize more in the design process. This can't keep happening with killer releases. It's not a personal attack on the role of killer if people pointed out that Eruption needed a rework. The game shouldn't be miserable for anyone, period. Killers shouldn't be awful in chase and incredible at stall. That's a recipe for bad gameplay.

    I don't think anyone who cares about the game's health is encouraged by their design philosophy the last 2 years. Twins, Sadako, Knight, Skull Merchant, and others are miserable for one side or the other for difference reasons.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The game shouldn't be miserable for anyone, period. Killers shouldn't be awful in chase and incredible at stall. That's a recipe for bad gameplay.

    sure.. but with how fast coordinate survivor groups(i.e SWF) can finish generators. I need to down unrealistically quick to have realistic winning chances when it comes to winning through hook rushing. In fact, When I am hook rushing, the survivor complains that I am tunneling. Skull merchant is anything but unrealistic quick. She is methodical and slow. I have no zero idea how you expect to go around chasing people with the pallet design in this game. Pallet design in the game is too safe for any m1 killer to do anything less then pallet break simulator for +10 minutes straight. All i can do is play pallet break simulator and run generator stall perks to not lose.

    Just look at tru3's skull merchant games. They're good representation of how m1 killer gameplay works. you can just watch this gameplay for first 10 minutes. He has 1 hook in 10 minutes. that is how bad skull merchant chase is. Its pure m1 killer. You have to break all this safe pallets and god pallet design before you can down a survivor. This is not just skull merchant problem but its problem with like 75% of the killer cast. Just like tru3 says, the killer control in the chase varies from 0 control, weak control to full control. Skull merchant and bunch of other killer have little to no control, so the gameplay devolves into 3 gen 20+ minute gameplay for a lot of the killers.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    "You don't understand! I HAVE to drag matches out for 45 minutes by humping gens and making people hack 5,000 drones (and then probably still lose, if the survivors didn't give up out of boredom). I don't have a choice, she has no chase power!"

    Here's an idea: play a different killer. One that has a decent chase power.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,155
    edited March 2023

    There has been a marked increase in the amount of gens that spawn ridiculously close together on nearly every map since the Knight released. The only one theyve done anything about is RPD because, at one point, they moved the gen on the main hall landing to at the bottom of the stairs and left the one that has always been downstairs in-situ making any escape near impossible for weeks and have now reverted it. But they're clearly pushing for this style of play.