Yeah I’ll be DCing against Skull Merchant from now on

BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

I see what everyone is talking about.

Very beginning of the match she camps a 3 gen with her drones. She can track you in drone radius, you can’t even try to disable her drones because she has no terror radius inside drone area so she sneaks up on you instantly.

Every skull merchant I’ve played gets a 4K because either she never chases, just camps and patrols her 3 gen and everyone gets tired after 30 minutes and just runs at her to die, or people actually try to get the gens and she easily gets us because she camps and patrols her 3 gen and can track everything inside her drone area with the added benefit of no terror radius.

It’s boring and time consuming. I’ll either eat the DC penalty or just let her hook me instantly and then suicide to move onto next match.

Its not worth my time to verse this killer as is.
