How would you improve this build?

I am not sure if Enduring can be replaced with Brutal S. or Fire Up or Bamboozle, idk. Also this build is quite fun! :D
Probably depends on the killer, but I can definitely see this being fun as it is on a killer that can quickly break pallets with their power (so you don’t need Brutal at all).
edit: forgot breaking pallets with power makes you lose pwyf so nvm on that
Post edited by sizzlingmario4 on0 -
Which killer is it for? If you want to get nemesis keep enduring it saves you a lot of time and will help in chase a lot. Play with your food is cute but leeds to a slight contradiction where you want to chase the obession (gain afoot) but don't, NO:ED and devior hope are two other good perks with haste for the speed or as you said brutal/fireup can work quite nicely with the other options.
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you do not need enduring. enduring is only good for spirit fury otherwise its awful perk. you want people to stun you and run away because by them running away, you lose chase which makes you gain 1 stack of pwyf. you want brutal strength in the build. If the survivor stays at loop, then you use gameafoot+brutal strength perk to zone. if they run away, you follow them to next pallet.
Another aspect of the perk that a lot of people get wrong with pwyf is that you do not need 3 stacks to win the chase. Even a single enough to get the hits in most loops. you'll see people farming 3 stack of pwyf to get a single down. total waste of time. if gameafoot was less convoluted perk, then killer might consider using the perk in regular games.....
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atm it is for Skull Merchant. I wanted to give her something that would fit her at least a bit (lore / theme) since she is like predator hunter that hunts her targets (obsession).
I could easily come up with some build for her power (gen defense), but that is exhausting (long games) and Survivors hate it.
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Fair I like going for strong chase builds with her, I've been using spirit fury + enduring personally. Given the killer I stand by what I said, you could always replace the last perk with some slowdown as I feel like the other 3 perks do what you're looking for anyway but that's a taste more than anyhting.
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It doesnt work with a killer power that can break pallets. You would lose pwyf stacks.
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If you're playin SM and running the Haste and break speed add-on then the build is great, Enduring included. But ya could mess around with it by focusing on one aspect of the obsession build a bit.
Like PWYF could use Dark Devotion in place of Enduring. Enduring won't be gaining you stacks of PWYF while DD plays into the hit and run style that gets you those stacks while supporting your stealth alongside Nemesis and your drones.
Nemesis could use Furtive Chase and Lethal in place of PWYF and Enduring. Pitiful as the perk is, Furtive actually works with Nemesis as Nemesis's effect procs on any obsession change. You'll be getting procs on stuns, hits on the most chased non-obsession, and obsession unhooks. Plus Lethal will turn Nemesis's 4 sec aura read into a 6 sec one.
I think Game Afoot kinda steps on the toes of PWYF a lil, but I've literally never used Game Afoot so I'm not the best judge. Seems like you could throw out PWYF and Nemesis for Brutal and STBFL to really end chases quick against obsessions made by Game Afoot. Then again, Game Afoot almost steps on STBFL's toes more than PWYF's and SM does have that aforementioned break speed add-on so unless you wanna delete pallets the build doesn't need Brutal. Thwack and Lethal could work but Thwack's once per hook limit makes it seem so boring. Idk like I said I think ya did a great job with the initial build. Would try it if it didn't require me to grind for shards to get SM
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I’d probably replace enduring for brutal but it depends on the killer you’re using. For someone like clown I’d take brutal but for M1 killers like merchant I’d keep enduring
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Oh you’re right. Whoops.
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Switch Enduring for Rancor.