Skull Merchant will be nerfed

Her 3 gen capability will get nerfed because the "3 gen unfun for survivors" posts have already begun. And we all know how fast Behavior responds to survivors not having fun and rage quitting. Then the only useful thing this killer has will be gone. Before anyone says "it is unfun and boring though", i would like to say there are a lot of unfun things in the game for killers as well, like DEAD HARD, god pallets, bad map design (Gideon, Coldwind, Badham), 30-40 pallets, basekit BT guarantee escape near exits, but killers are having to suck it up ain't they?
So 45 minutes stucked in a game with no chance of winning is considered fun in your view?
The same killers as soon as PTB's Skull Merchant was released immediately insisted on buffing her at random, putting aside the 3gen strategy. It's a consequence of what you ask.
I have always argued that she needed not buffs but rather a total rework of her power, which did not happen.
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If Skull Merchant made sure there's NO CHANCE OF WINNING for survivors, people would be playing her more and she would be considered a S tier killer, but that isn't the case is it?
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You're completely missing the point. Skull Merchant needs to be changed, not nerfed, because her power is only good for a crappy stall gameplay that's fun for absolutely nobody. She completely sucks otherwise - that's why everyone is doing it. And it's disingenuous to think that people only ask for one of these things to be changed and not the others, tbh. People have been complaining about pallet density and crappy map design since the game launched. One issue does not invalidate the other.
30-minute stalemate games are not healthy for DBD.
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By that logic they would have nerfed knight because he also has a strong 3 gen. So far he has gotten pretty much all buffs so far. Can we just agree that both sides idea have unfun tactics and leave it at that?
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Knowing Behavior it will probably just be a nerf and not a rework, because reworks have always taken years if it happens at all. Too much work.
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People don't play her as much because they don't have the time or the desire to play for an hour every time they choose to open the game.
Moreover, no one said she is an S tier killer.
She's a C/D in chase, but she's an S in keeping in-game hostage survivors, which is quite different.
They simply have to find a meeting point between the two phases of the game.
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They will probably not nerf her. Since the 3 genning must have been a design choice.
Now what to do against her? Well, if she becomes popular, Deja Vu might also become popular.
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You're almost certainly right - it's the same reason they keep dropping horrible maps despite player feedback being very clear about them being too strong. I have very little faith they'll rework her, and I'm just as certain they don't want to rework her. But that doesn't make this an us vs them issues where survivors are just complaining because they don't like things that are strong. There is very clearly something wrong here.
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Deja Vu is useless. Knowing where the 3-gen is doesn't help because she can and will just pick it and hard defend it from the start of the game. Had that happen in my last game, where I tried to bust the center gen by slipping behind a badly placed drone. Once she figured out I was there, she went ham on patrolling and eventually trapped me in the temple basement for an easy tunnel out. Potential Energy would be more helpful, but without a coordinated team, you're still going to get your ass handed to you by the combination of drones, CoB, and Overcharge.
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Well then we´ll probably see something in the next 1 or 2 chapters. Based on how popular she is.
Honestly, i don´t know what to think about this chapter. As everything seems aimed towards making everyone play in SWF:
- perks for SWF
- 2 new survivors that talk with each other in the lobby
- killer that seems unbeatable for solos
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Not to disrespect you in any way, but I find almost every comment/discussion you've been posting increasingly biased. From the repetitive Us vs Them mentality to unnecessary passive-aggressive attitudes and comments towards others and the devs themselves.
The game won't ever be perfect, but the devs probably know better than you and me on what to do with the game and everything within it, considering it's their job and what they get paid for. They also know what is and isn't going to happen, unlike us, so don't assume X is being changed and Y is being added while Z is being worked on because we just can't know for certain.
I think it'd be healthy if people in general started to acknowledge that the player is also responsible to adapt, not just the game. Not everything is put perfectly on the same level, but that doesn't mean a player shouldn't try to get better at something like a certain killer or a perk build before talking.
Last but not least, bias and skewed opinions in the forums are only going to slow down the process of making the game better, which is something that has already been mentioned in a comment made to one of your discussions.
Now, don't let me make you feel like everything you write isn't valid, but don't be so quick to talk and jump onto everything.
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You spelled “Call of Brine and Overcharge” wrong.
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Not so if devs follow balance trends; instead we will get a nerf to all the perks that make this one killer strong at their specialty and simultaneously lower their usage on every other killer.
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I think that's giving them too much credit. This is the same team that didn't see anything wrong with a perk that caused the unhooker to run off at light speed for six seconds, or OG Circle of Healing, and the one that thought making Calm Spirit slow down actions and Pharmacy only work when injured were somehow buffs to the perks. I think they're just severely out of touch with average gameplay and don't have a good sense for how things interact with each other, so they frequently make changes or new introductions that everyone knows will be awful, but rarely heed the playerbase's warnings until they're backed up by three months of data.
And I think that when they release killers like this, they get so caught up in 'think of all the cool, creative ways people could use this power!' that they get blindsided by the dominant strategy when it comes - mass camping and slugging with Twins, aggressive 3-genning with Knight and Bone Zone. Simple and effective will always triumph over risky and flashy.
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So you dont want her to put drones near gens she neither can put it close to hooked survivors, so where she can put drones? On the corner of the map?
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That's survivors fault for fearing an m1 killer and not pushing gens. Very few killers can actually be omnipresent enough to counter gen progression even with regression perks. Long matches or stalemates are on the survivors, the killer is trying to managed progression and waiting for mistakes to capitalize on.
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man, BHVR needs some fresh blood and ideas in their HQ.
I will say though, that I really like the new minigame when you disable the drones. They could have easily just made it skillchecks again.
This game needs more interactive features like that, to make Generators less of a prio.
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You mean like Knight 3 Gen was nerfed? ah yes.
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If we want to find out what needs to be changed specifically, we have to look into what causes her to be so efficient at 3-gen situations. Knowing when survivors are around gens is strong information to have, but it isn't what causes survivors to not be able to complete the generators as, in most situations, the survivors could just split up on the three generators as she is only an m1 killer and can't be in three areas at once very fast. Therefore, I can only come up with two reasons her power causes frustration: the drone information in combination with gen kicking perks and her exposed effect on her drones. In a three gen situation, survivors will usually afford taking one hit around the generator before running to the other side of the map to reset and heal, while others do the same on other generators; However, this isn't possible against her because a survivor can't even repair a generator for 10 seconds before being exposed for 60 seconds. Some have said BHVR cannot completely get rid of the exposed because she'd be too weak without it. That is somewhat true, drones should deter survivors in some way but it technically doesn't have to be an exposed effect that does that. However, maybe changes could be done to how long the exposed effect is or how it exposes survivors, I'm not entirely sure. To be honest though, I think the problem has more to do with the gen kicking meta than it does with her power capabilities specifically, but I don't see gen perks being changed any time soon.
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I mean Knight was really good at camping a 3-gen and he didn't get nerfs.
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They'll buff her in every way she doesn't need it, and make her even more eye-rollingly annoying to play against; just like they do every time they release a flop of a killer.
I can't believe you people are still whining about Dead Hard.
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Survivors got dejabu perk to counter that, so dont know why they are crying.
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No problem, if you come to know the game you might understand that better.
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The problem with your argument is that the 3-gen strat isn’t just unfun for survivors, it’s unfun for the killer as well unless you find enjoyment making other player’s’ experiences worse, which it seems you do.
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We don't need help finding the 3 gen.....we can see the killer going to each one every 15 seconds with are eyes.
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Lol we know where the 3 gen is. She's parked her drones within 30 seconds of the game starting.
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No way, there haven't even been one quarter of the ammount of "DH is unfun" posts, so I highly doubt that BHVR would nerf the Skull Merchant because of a couple of disgruntled survivor players, right? Right?
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SM extends games by 30 min. DH extends chases by 30 seconds. It's the same thing! /s
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yep onboxious strat because it expose you, is just bad design i wonder if they play and check their creations before going live.
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Hopefully they just completely rework her.
Still, this isn't anywhere near as bad as OG Legion
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you rank 20 players please be quiet xDD "yeah the survivor howls and the devs nerf a killer" no one really NONE! want 30min+ games per round killer as well as survivor, why do you think she is seen so rarely compared to other killers? although she is a new killer look at the other killers that came out almost every round they were played but this killer is a blunt m1 killer but when she has a 3 gen it is impossible as a survivor to break it...that was but in the ptb already clear, but bhvr never changes anything no matter how stupid and annoying something is, it is brought out like this and so left, i would even say it has to be killswitched until bhvr finds a solution
That's why I think bhvr is the worst dev team I've ever seen, I don't even want to talk about the hit validation not working to this day and killers with a high ping have a giga advantage, servers that don't work to this day, matchmaking after years All this AFTER YEARS, but there is also this policy of bhvr ignore everything the way you have to go through until the community gets upset over and over again about something in the forum that it is so frustrating to play against, even here after a long time something is done, first of all it means suffering for the community, I mean I take the example of Euraption, bhvr recognizes "ok Euraption is really bad for solo people and just ayyoning" what makes a good dev team that loves your community? correct! killswitched it because it's just bad for the game experience (btw people will always get upset just ignore it) but how does our great dev team do ? suffer for a while and then salvation will come at some point
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Then i don´t really understand why they keep giving us killers like that. Or what the general process of thought is.
I mean, Twins would have been a perfect co-op killer. Killers could finally play with a friend. It would have been a success, just because we don´t have something like that.
Knight players would definetly use the power more in chases IF the guards would be actually able to hit a survivor in a chase. But since they only serve to lockdown areas and survivors usually outrun even the fastest one... they are just used for that.
To me it just seems like 2 different teams work on the same killer. Like, for example one team designed the knights power and another how said power is seen by the survivors. Deploying the power feels like Spirits phase walk. But the release (now changed) version of the power was a disco ball that survivors can easily see and avoid.
Or Onryos teleporting, that has a cd of 100 seconds before the tv turns on again. While the addons take 6 seconds off that cd and the cd isn´t mentioned in the power description ingame? Then the next chapter Dredge was released who could teleport as often as he wants. The design decisions just feel weird.
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There is a different between
- survivors have no chance of winning and end game is 5min
- survivors have no chance of winning and end game is 45min
That 5min game is what make a killer S tier.
Killers have no fun when 2 survivors dont do Gen. Its weird that when there are 4 survivors dont do Gen, its more fun.
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I'm not sure I get this logic. If we make an analogy to card games for example if there's a control deck that always take a very long time to finish the opponent but has a high win percentage it would be considered tier 1 nobody would go "well it only ever wins after turn 8 so it's bad" because by that logic aggro decks would be the only tier 1 decks.
I'm not suggesting SM is S tier because I heavily doubt she is but suggesting a killer can't be considered strong because they usually don't win before some arbitrarily decided time limit doesn't make much sense to me.
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I doubt they will nerf her. Realistically, I wish she didn't have the ability to expose survivors.
Just ask every non-instadown killer (Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Doctor, Hag, Pig, etc.)
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Lmao Us vs Them mastercraft in these forums is unreal
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Idk if she's getting nerfed but the moment i see her i give up on hook,, i can't be bothered with gen protecting bots that refuse to play the game
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3gen games are snoozefests, and she’s already F-tier so nerfing her ability to 3gen into the dirt wouldn’t bother me.
I’d like it if the drones were reworked so they could actually do something to benefit chases but then people would just complain about her being anti-loop and I don’t really know what else is left.
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If it means not having to deal with 30 minutes long games, I'd love to see her getting nerfed to uselessness.
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im willing to bet money shell be nerfed because survivors are complaining, and shell be the worst killer in the game
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Skull Merchant is not even out for a week and she's already a dead killer. She has exactly one strength and that should and hopefully will be removed soon. I hope I'll never have to go against her as a survivor (been lucky so far). 40+ minutes long games should not be a thing but SM can't really do anything else.
However, as op pointed out BHVR are most like going to nerf her. Which is the absolute wrong move, considering that her entire kit leaves her with nothing else. It's like we said from the start. This killer needs a full rework. Her entire power is poorly designed. She combines the most unfun aspects for both sides. No chase power (and therefore no incentive to chase), area denial, zoning, 3 genning, no skill expression.
You can keep the idea of drones that allow her to track survivors but everything else will need to be changed.