Do something about this 3 gen

I’m already over it. Wasted a whole HOUR, when we all did so good.
4 gens done and not a single person was hooked, hour later everyone is dead. Something must be done about this.
and of course the killer messages everyone saying “so easy”
the killer was knight and we were on haddonfield, there was 1 gen in the main house, 1 right outside of it, and 1 behind a wall next to the house.
What they solve it by adding a boon perk next chapter that like;
When 1 generator is left to be completed:
Gain 'x'% repair speed if those are 'y' meters away from each other. Killer is stunned when they kick highlighted generators.
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You know it takes both sides to draw out a match that long, if you don't like the 3 gen then let the killer hook you and move on to the next time, you aren't entitled to an escape just because you can hold M1.
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Keep it coming. More complaints about 3 gens. Can't wait for that topic to get the DH treatment and be ignored (or stalled) by the devs.
They created a monster and now it's back to bite them. What I mean is that they had the right idea to shake up the meta but their way of doing it was horrible. With Pop and Ruin holding 3 gens wasn't impossible but you couldn't stall a match for 40+ minutes. CoB and Overcharge on the other hand can do that and funnily enough they underperform, if a killer doesn't use them in that way since faster regression only works as long as no one touches the gen.
Then there are these weird 3 gen spawns. I have no idea what went wrong there but for some reason the spawn logic of gens changed and now we have some 3 gens that are virtually impossible to break.
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The gen spawns themselves are problematic and I'm not sure how they fix them. Maps are already too big most of the time as it is. But spacing out the gens means adding more space to the maps. And that would make M1s even more painful on a lot of maps.
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They need to buff a lot of the M1 killers and avoid making new stationary killers like Knight or SM. Then they can proceed making the maps bigger in order to create more space for a more balanced gen spawn
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Not trying to be THAT guy but, Have you tried not 3-gen yourself? It's quite easy once you've figured the trick...
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Do you have proof that this happend ? gens are never that close
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While I do agree that 3-gen matches are boring and painful you saying that your team really did do well up until 1 gen was left is an illusion. The killer's plan in your match siply was to defend the 3-gen from the start - and that needs to be your primary goal: breaking the 3-gen. If you don't then you are actually not doing well at all. Once you break the 3-gen your team is actually in the leading position. So yeah. Unless the killer isn't running a 3-gen focused build you were actually not doing too well because a killer that plays for a 3-gen couldn't be bothered by the other gens
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You do realize that certain maps are spawning very easy 3 gens right?
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Yes, and that's the reason why you should do at least ONE of them.
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Lol way to contribute by just insulting them or telling them to give up.
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ah so what the trick to make the killer leave the area when they holding a 3 gen from the start?? of course i 3 gen dumb dumb u was around them 90% of the match lol
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Dunno if the fact that the SM is just 3-gen camping off the bat is being overlooked, but that's part of the bigger issue.
Depending on the map (you're doomed if it's indoors) SM players are 3 gen camping some gens which sometimes have close proximity from the moment they spawn, and that's pretty much it. Stationary, unrelenting camping.
I've seen killers remarking that this is a blisteringly boring way to play.
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I mean, you're four and the killer is one. With the right strategy it can be done... it does take some coordination... you can also force the killer to chase you, maybe give him a hook if that makes you earn some time.
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Funny how ppl keep complaining about 3 gen strats when potential energy is literally right there. But nobody wants to use it. Oh well.
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I’m currently in a 45 minute 3 gens standoff with a stupid ######### Legion. This ######### seriously needs to stop. Fix this, devs. At bare minimum you could put a time limit on matches or make some way to give up without a DC penalty
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Ok let’s force everyone to bring the same stupid situational perk into a match because the devs won’t fix their game
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No, actually you can’t force killers to chase you. That’s kind of the root of the problem
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Spoken like someone who never play solo q. "Force them to chase u".......once u leave the 3 gen they won't chase. Even if u stay and get down in the 3 gen they won't pick up if the gens are even slightly in danger of getting finish.
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This is how mine skull merchant matches are looking like, instant give up on 4 gens
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Did you know that the killer would and will target 3 gens at the beginning so you can’t do them? How exactly do you counter that
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How are you storing potential energy once the drones are above the 3 gen? Once you use it, if the gen is not done, it will regress again with no way to charge the energy for long enough to be useful.
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What did you expect with 4 slowdowns and a map offering lol. They said she can have the win. We will take our freedom instead lol.
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So you're cool if survivors just hide for an hour when there's 1 gen left? I mean if the killer doesn't like it, he can let them finish the gens and move on to the next game. That's your us vs them argument in a nutshell.
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You realize that they said that "it takes both sides to draw out the match". You didn't switch anything up on them. They already acknowledge that is the case.
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The trick? You mean there’s a trick? I thought it was just “complete the generator in the middle of the map early on” and boom instantly no more 3 gen.
that’s literally the reason why deja vu exists.
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If you got 3-genned you didn't do good at all, just saying.
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Controversial opinion but maybe killers shouldn't be able to do something so hideously boring and mindless, that is also virtually unbeatable.
Killers can guard a 3 gen from the start of the match. It doesn't matter if you focus on breaking the 3 gen first, or do the other four gens first. I don't know how you people don't get this.
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Here's a suggestion: If the killer is trying to force a three gen, break their three gen before it becomes a three gen.;
If you let them force a three gen you only have yourselves to blame.
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Have you literally read anything at all? I honestly don't understand how people keep making these inane comments.
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just give up and inflate killrates to make bhvr take necessary actions against those tactics
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Some maps spawn easy 4 gens…
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To be fair to them, there have been some changes to the gen spawning (the two gens spawning in the lobby of RPD for a week being an extreme example).
I had a 3 gen on Coldwind Farm - Torment Creek which was so close I could kick any of the three gens and Nowhere To Hide would tell me if anyone was on the other gens too.
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Remember when people insisted Eruption was the problem and said I was overreacting when I said people would complain about Call of Brine next? Lmfao.
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"just lose 4head" jesus christ people in this forum going off their way to defend the most unfun playstyles possible
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Sounds like you’re not prioritizing gens. I’ve seen players crack 3 gens in less than 30 seconds. They bring BNPs, and perks to smash the crucial gens. If you’re in pub matches not using items to escape then you’re handicapping yourself already.
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so i have to use ds for the tunneling, reassurance for the camping, ub for the slugging and potential energy for the three gens.
Perks shouldnt be band aid fixs for unfun playstyles
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It’s so crazy to me how ppl say “just don’t 3 gen yourself” “just do one of them” as if a good amount of the killers camping said 3 gens aren’t doing it from the start of the match. I’ve played too many games in the last week alone where the killer sets up and holds a 3 gen from the start.
You are either trying to break a 3-gen at 4-5 gens for 30-40 minutes or you have solo queue teammates pressuring all the other gens just for you to have end up in the same situation anyways once they are done. Regardless the result is the same- killer refusing to chase to hold an area where for some reason gens are spawning literally right next to one another. Fix the spawns and incentivize chases again and the problem is solved.
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These killer mains hahah. They are like o the killer is an innocent bystander in this they didn't want to 3 gen it just happened.
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People need to stop complaining about 3 gens as there’s no way to eliminate them without severely tilting the game in the survivors’ favor. Even nerfing CoB and OC wouldn’t stop someone like Skully from doing it.
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How exactly would you do anything about it? Nerf CoB and OC? Lets pretend they are outright deleted and no regression perks exist, I can still easily pick a 3 gen drop drones around it(honestly any killer can do this, let's just pick skull merchant for this example). And use my 115% move speed to defend the gens and draw the game out for a very long time.
Change gen spawns? I would love to see a diagram/map of each map where you pick potential spawn points that won't just end up with the 3 gen getting moved around but still possible
Enlarge the maps? This is the exact opposite of what every map re-design has been trying to do(shrink most maps).
3 genning is just part of the games nature and the only way I can see you "fixing" it is by removing spawn rng logic and forcing spawns to always be in the same spot so there is no RNG element that can lead to some funky spawns, thats a pretty large conceptual change though as RNG has been a core part of DBDs design from day 1.
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That’s what survivors want. Don’t you know?? Haha
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I cant image a killer would get a kill rate so high by throwing 3 drones at 3 Gens…
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That's the end goal of all these complaints. Make it so the survivor side doesn't have to try to break up a 3 gen defense. Doesn't have to try to stop a tunneling attempt. Doesn't have to try to save a survivor on hook with a killer nearby.
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Let me tell you a fun fact:
As killer, I've never intentionally played for a 3 gen. Not saying there aren't Killers put there that do that, but I don't do that as I usually get handed one on a silver platter every time one comes about. And then some of these same survivors that put themselves in that position, doesn't matter if they're solo or SWF although a SWF doing it to themselves is pretty funny, get mad at me for not chasing them across the map when I just kicked a 75% gen and chased them to the midway point.
It's not my fault the situation is there, yet I'm not supposed to play the hand survivors dealt me? The total lack of awareness and tact that both sides tend to exhibit is just hilariously awful. And it cracks up when one side chastises the other for using cheesy tactics while using extremely cheesy tactics themselves. It's a game. Treat it as such and you may accidentally have some fun.
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The problem is, what do you add to M1's that helps with larger maps? What makes larger maps hard is being able to get anywhere in time, but if you give M1's some way to do that, now you don't make it harder to spread gens by making the map bigger, because an effective 3gen can be more dispersed.
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RNG would like to have a discussion with you.
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you cannot break a 3 gen if a killer decides to camp it early on ,,all they do is patrol their 3 gen and never commit to chases,,and before you mention potential energy,,it only takes killer to smack you once and you lose all charges + you would need at least 2-3 people running it to get a strong benefit
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Next OG killer: the Mafia Driver. His power is moving generators, ensuing a 4 gen on every map, thus solidifying the 3 gen meta for another season.
But let's be real, the 3 gen defense has been a core strategy actually for years, its just that not many killers new about and/or employed it, even though it was talked about in basically every single "learn killer tutorial" video I ever watched. Its a bit akin to splitting up on gens: this was always the most effective way to play, yet prior to 6.1 most survivors didn't care as they could do pretty well without. 6.1 forced them to split up, and now it's basically the expected way of doing things.
This is the other side of the gameplay medal: over the years, change in the meta and gameplay have ironed out imperfections and inefficiencies on both sides play book and now even casuals can play like a pro from a couple years back.
We can't put the genie back in the bottle and make players unlearn tactics, but BHVR could do a big health update and try to factory zero a couple of developments, by doing some bold and sweeping changed to the games formula.
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Potential energy is a good 3gen breaker