lets discuss what was your longest dbd match and why?

my longest match was a 50 minute match on gideon as the huntress...sacrificed two survivors and had a 3 gen (2 on the bottom floor one on the top near some stairs) i decided to use a meme chase build with her iridescent add on that increases speed without having hatchets(and no real gen regresion perks except scourge pain resonance).
so anyway no gens were touched after the 20 minute mark and the survivors decided to play hide and seek in the lockers. at about the 40 minute mark i got bored and wandered around opening lockers even the basement lockers and they still wouldn't touch the gens. at the 50 minute mark i just decided to take the dc penalty since it was obviously my fault for not bringing an aura reading perk. honestly still can't believe this is still a thing lol
so what are your stories?
49 (yes, we did the math of when we started to when the last man died) minutes against a nurse on red forest, mother's dwelling. Was in a 3 man swf with 1 random. So throughout the match said nurse is having a hard time catching anyone till she finally gets a Mikayla (whos part of the swf). Unhook she immediately drops chase and heads back to hunt for her and predictably tunnels her out (theres also a semi reason too). By this point theres 2 gens left but everyone notices that theres a 3 gen that the nurse has been protecting (hence the reason as our teammate was caught over there and kept getting caught over there).
So this 3 gen is special, theres 1 at top of the building, 1 at the foot of a hill, and 1 in a small jungle gym. All 3 gens can be seen from the top of this hill. Since the nurse has a real hard time catching any of the remaining survivors, but has erruption, brine, and overcharge, we proceed to do the equivalent of 7 more gens as we work abit, she chases us off for 10 seconds, we run to heal if anyone's hit, gen dies, repeat till we all make enough mistakes for her to get enough hooks to kill 2 more (lucky for us she didn't want to slug for the 4k). We're last on the chopping block and die due to forgetting that bbq exists and throwing ourself into a corner to dodge a blink (funny enough as we literally couldn't move between the rock, bushes, and nurse in fatigue).
Needless to say everyone was done for the night.
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i would imagine so lol thanks for the story
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Probably 45-50 min. Against an oni with full gen kick build holding the infamous haddonfield 3 gen. He would not chase anybody AT ALLLL. Just run back and forth back kicking and kicking. We eventually all just sat across the street watching him run back and forth. It was ridiculous lmao
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My longest match was around 12 hours. It's been around four years since then, but I definitely remember it.
Someone bugged out right after the EGC was first added. Couldn't pick them up, they couldn't bleed out and the EGC didn't kill them. I went to bed and when I came back they were still there.
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Hatch stand off?
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Edited it to show the full context
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Was this before or after the 1 hour limit was added? If after, you could've just AFK'd for the last 10min and waited for the Entity to eat them.
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47 minute game on Gas Heaven against a Knight camping a 3 gen with COB OC Eruption NTH. 2 man premade with two solid randoms. We eventually finished the gens and 4 outed.
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Probably around 35 to 40 min.
I was playing Ghostface on The Game going for adept, and among the survivors was an Ace who was just... amazing. He outran his mark twice. After 30s I knew I should give up on him and find other people, but he was just mesmerizing. I'm a very poor looper myself, so halfway through the first chase I was ecstatic to see someone move so smoothly between the loops.
It also helped that he was super well mannered. Many other survivors would have been mocking at this point, but the guy was genuinely just funny. He didn't treat me like a baby killer (which I was). Most he did all game was moonwalking a bit in the background when his friend was getting chased.
Anyway. After a few gens I went back to his team, and noticed they had left for last 3 easily patrollable gens upstairs. From then, I killed the 2 lesser experienced survivors, and only had Ace and a Kate left. None of the gens had any significant progress.
Everytime I approached one of them, they'd go downstairs to try and lure me out of the 3gen, and I also knew that both of them were much better at chases than I am. Fortunately, as I was Ghostface, I could mark them and hopefully cut in half my chase time. Unfortunately, there was no good line of sight to the gens.
So the next 20min were spent "sneaking" up to them, progressing their mark by a little bit while trying not to get revealed instantly, getting revealed, chasing them off a gen, kick, patrolling while my shroud was on cooldown, repeat.
I also couldn't afford to spend more than 20--30s in chase, so there were several instances of marking, getting into a chase, stopping at the first loop to break pallet, giving up chase to patrol again, until there were no easily accessible pallets.
I eventually got the Ace on a hook, ######### off to let him be unhooked, then Kate, then Ace again, who died.
Kate eventually found hatch, after a harrowing good half an hour if not more.
(I know it's nothing to hatch standoffs and the like, but I'm pretty new so I wasn't around for that haha)
(By the way, I did get my adept with this game ! Hooray ! =D)
The Ace was again, nice in endgame chat, which I did not expect from such a long game.
I actually still have the chat somewhere in my collection...
Here !
Overall good memory, but I don't think I'd do it again haha. It was exhausting !
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surprised he didnt try to slug with his power or were you all good at denying him hits?
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this was before the 1 hour limit around the time artist was released
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dear lord that was a war of attrition 12 hours?
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at least you won at the end all at the price of your mental health and exhaustion haha
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you leveled up that game nice glad the ace wasnt a jerk and taunted you
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I'm not actually sure, way back I went to bed after a killer had already kept me blocked in a corner for 40 minutes and all I know is that it was over by the time I got back up from bed, as I just kept it running while going to sleep for a laugh.
So at the very least 40 minutes, at most closer to 9 hours. I'll never truly know the truth.
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35 minutes against a 3 gen Skull Merchant on The Game.
It was the last gen and of course she was setting up Drones near gens within close proximity of each other. Every time someone attempted to disable or disabled a drone, she'd come back to that area and chase the person off the drone or gen. Then she'd set up another drone if someone managed to disable it and go back to guarding that 3 gen. Our team ended up sacrificing themselves after a while so the game would end.
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50 minutes game agains't 3 genning nurse she refused to leave them and only went for hits. Eventually she managed to kill my teammates as they were repairing gens injured and were almost done with one gen but failed. I ended up finding hatch but that game was just way too long.
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Somewhere around that yeah.
I'm stubborn as ######### so I won that war. His Xbox overheated and shut off.
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As a survivor? 40 minute game against a demo with full gen kick build on RPD. We 3 gen'd and they put portals on all of them and we just couldn't break it we tried getting rid of portals ignoring portals nothing worked and they 4k'd.
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The longest match i've ever played was 45 minutes, I was Spirit on Gideon Meat Plant, Survs do the first 3 gens pretty quick, but i kill two of them also pretty quickly, then the other two survs spent nearly a hour hiding and rotating between lockers,
I bled them out purely out of spite
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what about your system/pc?
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i still think it is ridiculous this can happen if no objectives are being worked on
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you left it on to spite them haha
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was it the old nurse or the new nerfed nurse?
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I put a fan on my Xbox and elevated it to promote better air flow and cooling.
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I was clown on rpd, somebody disconnected right as the match began so I played really chill. Let them get some gens done, let a Rebecca wiggle out when I found her when she was on death hook. Then I killed the first survivor (I don't remember who it was), the last 2 was the Rebecca and a Jeff, long story short they hid for the rest of the game. They didn't get on any of the gens once, just hid, after an almost 30 minute game of hide and seek I found the rebecca. Closed hatch, and found the Jeff as he was doing the gate and hooked him.
I closed the game after that and went to bed.
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Probably the longest was a Knight match where the player was trying to bleed everyone out. They ran Hex: Third Seal, Knockout, and something else dedicated to this. Fortunately, I had Autodidact along with Distortion and managed to keep tabs of others well enough to find the slugs once I realized what was going on. Since he'd just leave slugs and go hunt down other people, I was able to sneak around res'ing people. It was the game where Auto just paid off in spades. When the others realized that I could get them from dying to full healed in no time, we were able to claw back a little. Took forever to find that find that totem though and since he was camping it pretty hard, longer to take down.
Eventually, we were able to kill the totem, but one surv bled out first. After that, I spent most of my time just keeping the other two healed and working on gens. Since the Killer only had one regression perk, we got the gens done, but I think it was pure spite at that point. Ended up with a 2K but, grief, we had to be so careful until we got the totem that it just took forever. I'd never been so happy to see two survivors leave me behind. I don't remember the length and I might have had a recent Skull Merchant match that was longer, but that one with the Knight was so much more painful.
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Old nurse
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2 hours and 4 hours
2 hour match, body blocked in basement (before stairs were changed) camping doctor got mad that I syringed a 2nd state survivor, went afk on stairs. Due to madness animation, was able to eventually glitch through killer and escape
4 hour match, got stuck in hook. (Basically a hatch stand off, whose gonna dc to continue)
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Almost 3 hours
Yeah you guessed it, hatch stand off.