How does the Entity handle Survivors and Killers? How does it keep them trapped and motivates them?

Bobitslapis Member Posts: 85

The Entity, in many ways, is obviously really mysterious to us. We just know that it's some Folklorish God or something and that it traps Innocent Victims and Broken People or Psychopaths, in it's realm so that both sides play a game of Hide & Seek.

If someone dies, outside of it's realm or inside, there are also no consequences as it says "Death is not an Escape." (Dc'ing is though.)

And if someone looses Hope, they get thrown into a Bin full of people whom have also lost hope.

Oh yeah, it also has that cult called "The Black Vale", kinda reminds me of "The Order" from Silent hill.

But my Question is: How does it keep these people? How does it keep it's Killers motivated? Why does the Entity take certain people?

For example: David King. A Rugby player with personal issues such as:

-His Rugby Career got ruined and his Dad is abusive. He also fights a lot.

-His Ex-Boyfriend Tristan which he still is hung up on is now living the happiest live ever. Without Him. As we see in the Tome he tried to get him back, seemingly without success.

-Through Shady business he works for some dude at the bar as security. Problably to get his bills payed after beating up his Dad and cutting loose any ties to his family.

Sure, it isn't looking super good for him, but what reason does the Entity have to take him in? Is he special in any way? Is there maybe a certain kind of hope only a few people have and the Entity obviously goes after them because they're special?

Is maybe any related person from David Kings life, a part of the "Black Vale" and told his members: "Yo, i got this british dude with some anger issues. Wanna sacrifice him to our Cosmical being?"

We Just don't know, but the only thing that makes sense would be any connection to the Black Vale, because neither did David go into the shady Forrest like Dwight, Meg and So on. But also didn't go to any abandoned territory the Entity observes like Nea when she went to the Crotus Prenn Asylum.

This, (if any character in the movie is even mentioned.) would also be Interesting for the Upcoming Movie we recieve from James Wan and Jason Blum, as they obviously need to think about this stuff too.

But aside from: "Why Her/Him/Them?"

How exactly does it keep them there? Sure, they're scarred the first time like all of us were when we played our first Match of DBD, but after a few Matches we decide to fight back with Perks, Looping, Teamwork and Flashlights and if we look at it directly, most killers aren't supernatural beings.

So why don't the survivors fight back?

Sure, Trapper may be Strong. But If Bill for example came with a Shotgun into the Realm that he got from the apocalypse, then im pretty sure Trapper isn't in a good spot and as we see with the Resident Evil release. Belongings from your original Universe seem to be allowed to Carry over as Jill shoots Nemesis at the start of the Trailer with a Gun.

Or The Legion, just a bunch of Teenagers. Isn't it wierd that Ada Wong, Sheva Alomar, Chris Redfield or any other character with exceptional combat just doesn't absoloutely destroy them? Even the quote from the perk: "No one left Behind" states that they tried to overthrow the killer:

"Yeah, no #########.

But I believe we can outsmart and overthrow him if we work together.

Don't be predictable and selfish!" — Clyde, The Lost Tapes" Just doesn't make sense.

Lastly: How does the Entity handle the survivors over a long Period of time? Also going to the Killers.

Wouldn't they be in need of Food, Water, Hygene and any other thing that a human needs? Does it maybe pause their vitals completely making them restitant against it?

Also, what about if all Surviors and the Killers just loose immeadiete hope after a few matches? Does the Entity just throw them all away? And if so, wouldn't that be a waste then? For example: Dwight seems like he could loose hope in just a few matches and Evan, (Trapper) has been there for a long time, wouldnt he eventually just stop to kill?

IN a not so greater game due to it's Fanbase: Identity V. This problem was kind of solves, as each trial, survivors CAN die and there's only one survivor and Winner at the end. Wouldn't that be better for the Entity too? But instead of one death they are granted like 3 like in the Jumanji movie? And when all 3 are gone then they vanish completely?

Just doesn't make sense that we have this huge party of dieffrent specialist from dieffrent universes now and that no one has done anything over the top. Especially, Ash Williams, litral guy from the prophecy beating up Evil deadites.

Im excited on how the movie will handle that.


  • chatgiraffe
    chatgiraffe Member Posts: 113

    Here are the answers to some of your questions

    Why does X character keep going?

    For survivors: being murdered is not fun. human survival instincts is what keeps them going, or some possibility of escape. also, their memories are sort of soft-wiped whenever they die. so they only have vague flashes of previous trials. when this memory wipe fails, most survivors instantly go insane.

    For Killers: the Entity is not a very fun boss. if you've been chosen as a Killer and you don't kill, you get tortured until you do. most killers are fine with mass murder or have been controlled or manipulated in other ways (Hags unending hunger, Onis rage, etc)

    Why don't survivors fight back?

    We actually can see this happen in the Tomes. Saku, aka The Redcrane is a survivor (at least, they are now) who entered a Bleed and actually fought the Oni. She cut his arm clean off, but it just regenerated instantly. If a killer isn't already indestructable or supernatural, the Entity just gives them regeneration and immortality. Even if someone did sneak in a gun (which the Entity doesn't seem to allow), Frank could unironically tank a shotgun blast to the face and keep stabbing. At most, it would be like a pallet stun. However, in the Lost Realms (aka everywhere inside the Fog that isn't a Trial or some secret lab) the Entity doesn't seem to care, as various Killer-esque indivuals have been shot, stabbed, and cleaved to death, but maybe they were just brought back when we werent paying attention

    How do people survivor in the fog long-term?

    If you're a Killer or Survivor, your need for food is basically gone (unless you're the Hag, in which case you're starving forever). The Entity either removes their need for food and water entirely or just keeps them at the brink of starvation to torture them even more. However, Lost Realm dwellers are not as lucky. Vittirio was able to find a food supply inside the Fog to keep him going, and the Observer would just summon Wiskey and other stuff. As for The House of Arkham gang or the Parents, im not too sure. In Sakus story one group of people were described as Cannibals so some Lost Realm travelers probably also resort to this.

    How does the Entity know who to take?

    honestly just random people for the most part. it takes so many people that if some people instantly give up it doesn't really care. some Killers however, are chosen by the Black Vale/Entity and manipulated throughout their entire lives until they finally become a Killer. it just depends.