Why so many players bring no item? I can't understand it one bit.

At first, easier to earn BP and Blood web is cheaper, I thought there is no reason for survivor to not bring anything.
Then I realized that items are so rare in Blood web because of so many useless stuffs. Items deplete pretty fast if you bring them every match.
The lack of items is also the reason why you may usually see Brown item but stacked with strong add-on, because the number of strong add-on are higher than items.
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Because I don't wanna
I'm not even all that sure why I don't, I just...usually don't. There's no real rhyme or reason to it, I just don't *shrugs*
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Why should i?
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To help the team win maybe.
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In solo queue, mmr is such a crap shoot it feels like I have a high chance of wasting any good items I bring.
I also understand it's frustrating for killers to constantly go against teams stacked with a bunch of medkits and toolboxes every match so I try to give them a break. Maybe if more people did so, fewer killers would run black wards with full meta perks. Probably not....
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Im stealing this for the future
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So you save them for swf games then?
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If I bring them at all its usually in swf or for challenges. Or if a build depends on the item. Otherwise i tend to just hoard stuff.
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That's why then I thought so. NIce of you to take it easier on the killer in a swf lol
I might use this information to go hardcore then when I play killer if I see lots of items.
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The games already unbalanced enough without items, that’s why I don’t bring any. I want a fair game, not a game with the killer blindfolded and a hand tied behind his back. The only item I bring is a flashlight for funsies.
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Don't need an item to win
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i don't why they do this. i just leave the lobby when that happen
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No but something that saves a few seconds can be make or break sometimes.
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Doesn't help soloq does it!
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there's usually little point in bringing something other than a medkit or stupidly powerful toolbox. And those are few and far in between and to be used if you need a specific challenge/ritual done or really want to pip or have a specific build in mind.
And since you're not supposed to have an escape rate higher than ~35% and with all the junk in the bloodweb you'll lose items faster than you gain them -- and depending on the match won't even get to use them. So there is really relatively little point in bringing them for any match you play just for the fun of it.
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Pick any number:
- Don't want to or care
- Forgot
- challenge
- perks that give specific/better items
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Because outside of my main survivor, the other survivors I use for challenges or themed builds for a challenge. And often I don't feel like investing BP into those characters to get more items so I would rather just bring no items.
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I use medkits and sometimes toolboxes. If I don't have either of those there's really no point in bringing keys, flashlights or maps unless they will help with a challenge of some kind.
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Some people just like hoarding all their stuff. Personally I tend to use only brown/yellow items because they help a bit but aren’t OP.
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I don’t bring item’s because if I’m running a build I don’t want it to hinge on an item that could be getting franklin’d out of my hands.
if i need an item (for healing if i cant self heal) i’ll check basement or some other chest.
keys are worthless.
Toolboxes are useless if the other survivors don’t help on generators.
The sabotage toolbox is better used with friends and sabotage perks.
running a healer build is pointless if you’re playing alone since other players can’t see your perks and will probably get you both killed without Circle of Healing. And the fact circle of healing exists means… well all you need is botany.
flashlights… i mean… there’s only 1 flashlight build worth using.
firecrackers are event exclusives. Kinda like having them.
maps are a wasted item without emotes or that specific add on that makes markers (good luck finding anyone that knows what it’s used for)
and… i think that’s it. So yeah. Good luck with your brown medkit and toolbox. Because nothing else is worth bringing when playing solo.
so that’s what i bring if i bring anything.
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I only bring items on certain builds unless I’m bringing a brown medkit.
I also like using scrounging builds.
Some perks like flash bang make an item a hindrance so no item is brought with it.
If I see 4 medkits, I remove mine because there’s always the chance killer will bring franklins.
There are a lot of reasons to not bring items. I’m sure we can make lists of reasons not to, like not becoming reliant on them.
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I'll share the confusion about not bringing them. When I started playing the reason for not bringing was obvious, didn't have a lot, but now I have so many that I'd I have to stop leveling to run out (and I've only been playing about half a year). As an example, on my main survivor I had been playing with medkits, but just switched to toolboxes. I have 92 green tool boxes (the two types combines) and 95 brand new parts.
I get not using them as a balance issue, though that's one of the things that makes the game so hard to balance.
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Well for me, I just don't like losing items when I die. If I don't bring an item then I can't lose it. Some challenges require using certain items so I like to save for those challenges.
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I have no reason to bring an item, unless I'm running a specific build for fun. Plus I'm an item hoarder, so I never bring items unless it's on a character I don't play as much and the build thing I mentioned earlier.
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gotta keep the hoard full
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I don't like using rare items (green and above) because I know I'm dying like, 80% of the time, and I don't want to waste them while I don't have time to play regularly to get better at surviving.
Yellows and brown can deplete quickly and there are very few items in the bloodweb.
Addditionally, if the rest of my lobby all have items, especially all medkit, I'll tend not to bring an item so that killer has less of a hard time if teammates happened to bring something busted.
Currently messing with Appraisal/Ace in the Hole though, to let my items up to chance. =)
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Pretty much all my BP goes to killers so I hoard them until I need them for a challenge and I dont ply soloQ so I try to keep it more fair, sometimes I use them if only playing in a duo though.
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So yeah. Any of these work.
Unless I'm doing a tome entry that requires an item or in an SWF (rarely), no real point in bringing anything. Trials are over too fast or I just go next to leave a chitty one.
Hell, I don't even use offerings for BP on survivors. You'll almost never get a decent value out of it unless the killer is up for farming. Wait for the survivor queue bonus to kick in, otherwise farm BPs on killer.
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Because I’m an item hoarder who gets a thrill out of getting a new item from the trial after escaping
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Might need 300 brown medkits later
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Well if you do a mod will just remove it.
I don’t bring items because I like opening chests.
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Then Ill do the unthinkable
Improve it.
Also same here, I usually only bring items when running specific builds
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Ahahahaha!) Poor poor killers. They only win 90% of matches, that's so unfair. Now I understand why all survivors die that fast, it a compassionate gesture.
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Because medkits are busted and unfair I know what it's like to go against 4 medkits while playing Oni any pressure you have is instantly gone because of green medkits + good add-ons.
I only bring items when I have an archive challenge or a daily ritual like sabotage 4 hooks.
I have hundreds of green and purple medkits on my Laurie so I don't really care about losing items I just don't feel bringing any even though they can be decisive and important in some games.
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I almost never bring items since 2017. And there're even a few positives to do so.
1) You have always free hands for Flashbangs, Pinheads cube, Nemi/Wesker's serums and other events.
2) If you need to be sneaky and have stealthy clothes to blend in, items like medkits can give you away.
3) All you really need is already in the trials (mates to heal you, chests to find medkits and totems for boons or inner healing)
4) When you join a lobby with 3 medkits and the killer ready upped already, chances are high it's a plague. Also no fear of franklins.
5) It feels also more natural for me. I def loop better with free hands (thats just a mindset).
6) I also play killer and know how it feels when you see a lobby with 4 items. If there's at least 1 surv ready upped with no item some killers might dogde less and games can start quicker. But most of the time survs don't ready up anyway for quickswitching reasons (don't even know why this is still posssible, all loadouts should be locked when the countdown hits 15secs.)
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lol 90% kill rate, okay.
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Because just like in every video game ever, I’m a total item hoarder, so I don’t like using them lol
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Just telling what I saw everyday. You can "lol" all you want, but fact is a fact.
If you are telling about some mythical "high MMR" and tournament-level, I dont give a slightest f, i'm on low MMR, obviously (with 10% success rate), so as hundreds of people I'm matched with.
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Well we literally have kill rate stats from the devs to show that 90% is very much not fact, but you do you.
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The item usually gets wasted cause of ######### teammates or sweaty killers.
Killers also cry every time you bring an item cause they are “unfair”.
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Kill rates including all people including high MMR. And that's you right, I will do me, because it is I who play the game, not someone for me.
But refering to kill rates, it seems very unlikely that killers are "blindfolded" and handicapped. Let alone all twitch and youtube.
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RPG hoarder mentality, mostly. Back when I was playing more often with friends than I do now, it was a joke that anything that I got in game was being sent to "the vault" and would never be seen again. One of them would funnel their items to me as they were prepping to prestige as that way the items would be saved. I just don't like using limited use things. Add ons are the same thing for me, not to be used.
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Speaking from personal experience, I have two reasons to not bring items:
- I like to gamble with chests because it is fun, I like RNG because it makes each match feel unique.
- I am trying to prestige multiple characters, for Killer and Survivor, so often I do not have the best or most items to use, I do not have the luxury. Once I get all perks unlocked (again), this will not be an issue anymore. This can apply to others.
Some people do not want to feel forced to pressured to bring in items as well. Similar to "Killer should not revolved around addons", some people feel that "Survivors should not revolve around items", which in of itself could be its own discussion.
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As you’ve said yourself you play at low mmr so you are talking about your experience as I am talking about the average and my experience at high mmr. The OPs question was why do “you” not bring items of which I gave my reason why I don’t at my mmr. So for using your own personal experience you view as okay but using my personal experience is not okay? You deemed mine as wrong based on “your” personal experience.
If we’re going to go anecdotal we need to at least be consistent and value mine just as much as you are valuing yours otherwise that’s a double standard.
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Typical putting completely different words in my mouth. I never said that your experience cannot be taken. Everyone can say about their experience and find majority vs minority. It's you just started "lol", but you'r lol no better than mine, right? I was expecting answers like "then you don't allowed to play if you play casually" or anything. But completely twisting what I said is really "lol".
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You implied it. It wasn’t putting words.
Also the only “lol” I put was because you quoted a “90% kill rate” and even called it as “fact”. That deserved a “lol” because it was factually untrue.
I didn’t twist your words but you did twist mine which is why there’s irony here.
If everyone can have their anecdotal experience then why did you even reply to my originally post about “my experience” as you mocked my experience.
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Your personal experience of killers having a 90% kill rate against you is not indicative of the entire game. All you are doing is telling on yourself about your own skill level.
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Because they are either pretty bad or medkits which I find unfair. Plus I like hoarding them because my brain likes big numbers
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And then all you do is mocking my experience because of your anectodical experience. And having literally 1 escape in 20 games (among hundreds of other players matched with me) is "was factually untrue", well, what can I say. "Don't feed the troll."