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Who do you blame when you fail?

When you lose whether be killer or survivor who do you blame most for the loss? I'm not saying the game doesn't have problems but I feel a lot of the time problems posed as game flaws are put on the game unnecessarily.

The recent 3 gen debate has been a great example of this.

It has caused a huge debate on the game forcing 3 gens cause how weak sm is but 3 gens have always been a problem it's just been exacerbated more

But you know what also gets pointed as immensely overpowered and nearly unbeatable? Swf

Both sides can get screwed in scenarios but sometimes it's just a simple case of someone messed up someone capitalized and then someone complained on the forum.

My main point of writing this is really look at losers in this game realize there is sometimes bad luck bad plays and bad games but at the end of the you can come back. You can get smoked as wraith one game and 4k next.this is bullshit but it's also pretty damn fun.

And I don't wanna sound holier then thou because I deal with the same inner struggle,just wanted to pose a question and maybe get some minds jogging

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  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited March 2023

    I mean as killer I usually blame myself if I can see I simply played badly, but there are times where you simply got a bad map and some crappy tile placement and that's not something many killers can do much about. Also MMR can always sometimes put you against people who are simply much better than you, and again all you can try to do is your best, and learn from misplays.

    As survivor it's similar but you do sometimes get potato teammates.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Usually myself but i am trying to be a little more realistic too.

    There is a big rng element in this game and that can sometimes screw you over.

    That's not a bad thing cause it keeps things fresh but there is no need to beat yourself up for something out of your control

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Either myself or the Map played...

    Myself- I play a lot more Killer then Survivor at this point (well going to be... I haven't played in a year so really hoping I can play the game again)

    Map- some maps (maybe more now... cause again I haven't played) I just can't get around with the Killers I play

    So yea... If Survivors win it's mostly my fault for not doing something more so then the Map

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    It all depends who is actually to blame.

    Do i lose because i made mistakes, then i blame myself.

    Did another survivor everything to get me killed than i blame them.

    Do i blame the killer for my lose?

    Nope, the killer plays the game how they see fit, if they want to tun el me out than that's fine.

    They want to camp me out, that's fine as well.

    I just had to play a little bit better or the opposite side was just better than i am.

    In the end it's just a game and i just move to the next match

  • Member Posts: 2,926

    Usually myself, but also my teammates

    I'm more then happy to accept my own failings, I will not be doing so if my teammates end up doing exactly nothing after a 5 minute long chase

  • Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2023

    Depends on the game. When I make a mistake as either side I openly say to my survivor team or if a friend is watching me as killer that I made a mistake. And yes it happens a lot

    but when I see a survivor (especially since the hud was added) not touch a gen all game, or in the end game with a key and the find hatch perk, or someone who clearly wants to rush the last gen and let me die first hook after I looped three gens, I blame them.

    a few weeks back i intentionally ran into a basement against insidious bubba, saved a person, we both got out of shack, and I healed twice during the ensuing tunnel bubba attempted. I escaped but the person I saved got caught again and died. Meanwhile that same week I was left to die first hook multiple times. Hell we had a match where a player brought bond/left behin/key and intentionally kept bringing Freddy to us to kill us and give her hatch. So yeah blamed her that round.

    Really sucks to play altruistically when others don’t. But that’s really how killers win often is survivors being selfish and letting someone die early on, then suddenly they have 3 people do do all the gens and they can’t wrap their head around it’s their own fault for not saving their teammate.

    as killer I never blame survivors. If I make a mistake that’s my fault. if I miss a hit then I need to improve. If I patrol the wrong gen then I need better awareness.

    But I’d I get a seal team six Squad-which has become so frequent I just quit killer until I figure out a way to derank or something- I blame match making. The devs clearly don’t care for killer experience in the game so I blame myself or the devs as killer but never the survivors who are just doing their objective.

    If I get a team where all four players each have 6k hours and I have 3k split between both sides that’s the devs fault. It’s not going to be possible for me to win that even if I make zero mistakes, it’s just horrible game design.


    as survivor I blame myself or the team but not the killer. Killer is doing their Job. I 100% believe a good team doing what they are supposed to will get a 2-3 escape almost Everytime if they just play like they are supposed to.

    as killer I blame myself or the devs. Survivors are doing their jobs. Fix the damn matchmaking and the gap in power between killers.

    Post edited by Wewantjason on
  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Not entirely sure if you want an answer but depends on whats the mistake. Sometimes its us and we can recognize that, sometimes its the teammates, sometimes its the map. We like to think we give credit where it's due.

  • Member Posts: 7,067


    Even what is essentially unwinnable situations, putting the blame on yourself will make you recognize mistakes you did. These mistakes can then be corrected in future games.

    This is something I do for every game, not just DbD.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    On killer I usually blame myself not playing optimally but also RNG is factor which can't be ignored some games you just can't win with below S tier killers.

    On survivor however usually my teammates are to blame very rarely I make mistakes which loses game. In fact I usually win games for my team by looping killer long time. But also some games you just can't win either if killer tunnels weak link out early.

  • Member Posts: 2,228

    If I win, it's because of skill

    If I lose, it's BHVR's fault for poor game design

    /sarcasm (though on this forum it does look like this is how some people view the game).

    As killer, it's on me, though I adjust expectations based on what I hit. People in SWF with BNPs who chose the map? I'll be happy with something much less than a 4k. Four random survivors with weak perks and no gear? I better 4k (or have shown mercy).

    Survivor its us as a team, barring disconnects/suicides/just not doing anything.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I blame seagulls.

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    I'm going to be honest here I never even think about it I just go to the next game. I always do my best but I really don't care if I escape or die, kill or don't kill. I just try to have fun and stuff happens and on to the next one gg wp!

  • Member Posts: 366

    On Killer, I blame my brain, I’m fairly certain I’m missing the part that lets me have directional value. I’m like those Anime characters that disappear whenever they walk 10 steps in any direction and wind up in woods to appear randomly. I don’t care how many times you pallet stun me next to that same rock, always surprises me. Looping isn’t my style, rather work with traps and drones baby.

    For survivor. I’m a damn good Gen jockey. If we lose it’s cause you guys were too altruistic and didn’t give me enough time to pop gens. I don’t get involved with chases or saves until someone is on death hook. Then I’ll try and do my part to get aggro and with that WoO perk, I don’t have to learn the map, just gotta keep my eyes peeled for the glowing windows and pallets~

  • Member Posts: 5,249


    You're meant to lose sometimes, it's the video game.

    Sometimes losses are a matter of bad luck, bad coordination, bad RNG or just simply making mistakes but


  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Everyone and Everything but Myself, seems to be the prevailing trend on the forums.

    I'd like to give a shout out to random chance, the great equalizer that people often overlook.

    You can attenuate chance with various things, strategy, planning, skill etc etc. But in the end the random nature of it makes fools of us all eventually.

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    In descending order:

    1. Myself (either just poor play, or being too merciful as a killer)*
    2. RNG/Map
    3. SBMM (teammates for surv)

    *many times I'm not really chasing wins as killer, and play laid back. I play harder as a surv out of respect for my teammates

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I roll a 1d20 to decide the main category of things to blame, then another to determine the subcategory, then another to determine the uh, sub-subcategory and then finally another one to determine exactly what to blame of course!

    But honestly speaking, myself. Not in a self destructive way but no matter what happens I at least try to pick out something I could have done better. And if it's genuinely and undeniably a teammate's fault (when playing survivor) it is what it is, I won't deny it to instead blame myself but not like I'll go out of my way to actually yell at them either.

  • Member Posts: 6,142

    I don't blame anyone. I lose more than I win, but that's by design. I don't have any expectations going into a match so I avoid disappointment and just move on after. Some people are better at this game than I am, simple.

  • Member Posts: 156

    I typically get pissed at myself not Survivors. If I play bad it's all on me

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Short answer for both sides in my case is it depends.

    As a killer failure can only really stem from issues with my decision making, skill, or problems with game design. Honestly, it is what makes playing killer a lot psychologically stressful at times is that when I do fail and I can't immediately understand what is the root the cause I don't have the option to pass the buck. Even when you can rightful call out an issue that was out of your control entirely it doesn't feel any better as there is nothing else to focus on when things got poorly.

    As a survivor when I fail it stems from issues with my decision making, skill, teammates, killer imbalance, game design problems, my music too loud, music not loud enough, etc. Survivor is for me, very easy and I don't care much when I lose as survivor either. I don't have to do anywhere near the same amount of emotional labor because I have 3 other people I can silently curse or I can blame the killer or anything else. Even if the problem is purely me, it doesn't feel like it is, especially if everyone dies. Eventually I accept whatever screw ups I made and try to learn, but it isn't anywhere near as taxing like with killer.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Everyone but myself. I’m perfect, and therefore never make any mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    Mostly myself with the exception of games that were over before they started. I've had my share of those thinking: "If I let anyone else play in my stead that wouldn't have made any difference." As a survivor, you can't realistically win a match where someone dced at 5 gens. As a killer, you can't really do much when playing a weak killer on Garden of Misery against people that know exactly what they're doing.

  • Member Posts: 39

    To be honest, i take this game by game. There are games where deadhard was blatantly the deciding factor (i'm talking both sides here), sometimes i blame myself for a stupid play, sometimes it was my teammate who looped the killer for 10% of a gen around main when i later did it for a minute. Sometimes it's perks, too. But another thing can be map. Usually, i don't care about a map unless it's the knight map, the game, or a farm map. The amount of god pallets/god loops/ super safe pallets on those maps is stupid.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    It depends but I try to be willing to cop to my own mistakes. Most recently I think a screw up on my part, leaving before a heal was 100% complete and failing to notice, tanked a game as I got re-downed soon after all went downhill from there

  • Member Posts: 410

    It depends on the situation in solo Q mostly my mates or myself. I only blame the Killer when he tunnels or camps right at the start of the match and when the survivors dont force the tunnel by hiding or run back into the killer to get the OTR hit. In SWF I know who would be to blame of my frinds, but I never blame them :).

    As Killer you only can blame yourelf or the unbalanced perks and Items. DH, Medikits, BNP etc

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    As a killer, didn't remember one time where I could blame anyone but myself. I just recollect lost match and see what wrong decision I made and where.

    As a survivor, it's complicated. If killer is a camper/tunneler, it's easy, blame for player for using cheap cheesy way to effortlessly win and devs that allow that exploit up to this day.

    But other matches... Sometime myself (did strategically bad move, didnt pay attention of killer distance, didn't hide well, etc), sometimes teammates (if they DC or make obviously and intentionally very stupid move to throw the game). Otherwise definetely cannot blame teammates even if they go down in seconds, playing survivor is super hard (at least for me, and it seems to all people I am matched with)

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    That depends entirely on the circumstances. One time I spawned trapped in the undercroft of the big building in the swamp, and just as I made my way to the exit, the killer found me. I had one unsafe loop, so I went down. It was a bubba and he facecamped. At that point, I blame the game.

    But I've also had a case where I was put on hook, watched a trapper put down a trap, then there was a scuffle, I got pulled off the hook, and my dumb ass just ran straight into the trap I watched him put down. Absolutely my fault, because I had other ways I could've gone that weren't trapped.

    Another 'my fault' that happened was when I was playing Nurse on Hawkins, I intercepted an unhook and downed the unhooker. Picked him up, slapped him on the hook, then turned around to find the person he'd rescued hiding right under my nose. Downed her, picked her up, got smacked with DS. Absolutely my fault, should've seen it coming and left her slugged.

    Teammates can definitely be a problem from time to time, but I can often spot mistakes in my own play. Or at least weak points, like me not knowing how to run shack well.

  • Member Posts: 496

    I'll almost always blame myself, nobody is responsible for the mistakes I make except for me. I do not play survivor, so it's not like I can just pin the blame on someone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    as killer u can only blame yourself for bad reads or maybe MMR if u can see survivors being way better than you by a wide margin, sometiems certain weaker killers dont help, however as survivor its different since its a team thing, if u see your teammats trowhing u wont blame yourself u blame your ass teammates, if u went down in 5 seconds against a m1 killer u have to blame yourself for being that bad at the game unless impressive lag. and sometiems ofc to the killer when they tunnel vision so hard they dont even allow to play the game, ofr doesnt work since u are hit immediately out of hook and some other perks like Dh wont work either, u may have ds at best wich is a trash perk atm. then ofc u blame the killer for face camping and heavy tunneling because it wasnt the survivor fault for farming when the killer had 0 intention of leaving that was the only choice. so it depends.

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