Big brain plays with perks.

Want to see how many creative perk uses people have found.

I've got two killer ones I particularly enjoy. Lightborn, and mindgaming that I don't have it. When I see 2 or more beamers in the lobby switching to lightborn is always a no brainer. But It's despicably fun to mindgame that I don't have it, and look away whenever a surv attempts to blind me. Because unless they are running distortion and notice the token loss they have no idea. If you just ignore it they stop making blind plays but if they think you're afraid of it and go to blind you while injured from the other side of a pallet as you break it they are in for a nasty shock and a date with the nearest hook 😈

The other little catch 22 I enjoy is running iron maiden with red moss on my demo boi. A lot of survs will figure you're using the aura read every time you portal, and try hiding in a locker, only to scream and reveal themselves anyway 🤣

Wondering what other interesting plays and synergies people have found.
