6 Years and killers are still whinging

What more can the Devs do? They've nerfed every possible survivor perks that they had and made changes to all of their mechanics and still they're crying. Solo is just barely enjoyable
Dead hard is still being complained about and it already received a healthy nerf . Off the records is another perk being complained about
Killers already have enough in their kits to control the pace of the game and can stir it in any direction . They've variety of playstyles they can do with a vast amount powers to choose from yet they still complain. ( current Dead hard has a 1s activation period with a slight delay that gets you no real distance except against m1 killers) you still can be hit through it or bait it.... even better just let them use it make it to that pallet.. that loop and trick can only work once
Survivors still have niche builds but barely anything fun to use
The game is in a somewhat more balanced state leaning towards killers.... survivors have to play a perk game in order to win...
We need to focus on a more pressing issue and this is Gen spawn locations . Gens should not spawn close to each other to where you can see three gens in one direction.
It will stop gens from popping instantly and bring 3 gen
If dead hard isn't so good as many say, then why everyone uses it?
You said that survivors have to play a perk game in order to win. That's false. Both sides, if they don't bring the strongest perks, they'll have a harder time due to how many bad perks there are in the game. Why would you run any other boon instead of circle of healing? Why would you run ruin instead of call of brine/overcharge?
It's not "killers are still whinging", it's simply bad perks on both sides as far as I've noticed.
You also mentioned that 3 gens shouldn't spawn near each other. Try to use Deja Vu, a perk that tells you exactly where the closest 3 gens are. Even if you don't manage to break a 3 gen, it's also fine. You can't always win or always lose. That's how a balanced game should work. You just can't win every time. Get over it.
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Oh nice, more us vs them garbage.
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DH is used because it gives survivors something active to do. more specifically, there is something for survivors to do that takes practice and brings a sense of accomplishment when it works.
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Dead hard is used mostly because it is a chase extender if used right but that chase is only extended for a few seconds / most survivors feels cheated with killers getting a free hit in do to latency bad ping . Ultimately it is good for taking a extra hit if you manage but you can use far better perks that do not have such a big down side
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Nerf Dead Hard
Nerf Boon healing
Nerf gen rushing
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Ahh a sneaky "nerf 3 gens" threat.
Which seems to be the last line of defense killers currently have. I doubt the devs would go through with this, especially after releasing THE 3 gen killer.
But good luck.
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And survs still whine too. Personally i prefer playing both sides. The killer main/survivor main complaints get tiresome pretty quickly. Killer tends to be easier to play but I find the problem is usually players. Toxic surv swfs and toxic bully killers are the worst part of the game.
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acting as if killers & their perks weren't nerfed and rework as well.
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First of all 3 genning is most of te time the survivors fault, if t urvivors wouldnt rush all the gens in the cornes, they wouldnt 3 gen themselfs. Do the middle gen fist and than do the middle gens of the edges and the Killer cant do anyting about it. If the killer force the 3 gen focus all three gens at the sametime and the killer cant protect the gens.
Next thing the survivor prk meta. The survivor prk meta hasnt change since 2016. The only thing, that got change is switch DS withe OTR and I think OTR is fine as it is. Its stong, but not offnsive like ds. But if you look at the Killer meta you cant see any meta perk from before the rework, exept Pain Res.
So to the arguement, that ssurvivors dont have fun, because of the build. If you dont have fun with you build just play an other build. I play mostly one or none meta perks as survivors and win like 50% of my games mostly solo que. You dont get forced to play any perks as survivor. As killer if you play a weaker one you are forced to play meta, because you cant keepup, with the gentime (depents on the map/perks/Items/skill of the survivors) If you want some fun builds as survivor play with perks like flashbang, Headon/Quick and Quiet, maybe autodidact and focus on healing others. I switch my perks all the time as survivor. I agree, that the survivor meta perk are borring to play guess what, I dont play them. For Killers the meta perks are also dont fun to play I would like to chase all game, but I cant, because gens are flying, if I do.
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Maps need a balance pass
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Killers do not have a variety of playing styles. Not with all the nerfs that have hit, including the scream changes no one asked for.
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First off, us vs them, very cool.
Secondly, Killer in my opinion, only got into an acceptable state less than two years ago.
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Nobody likes Us vs Them posts. Get on somewhere with that.
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I can deal with 2 of those but how exactly would you nerf gen rushing while making it a fair change for both sides. Are suggesting a basekit Corrupt or something?
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Oh my I see we have EVEN MORE us v them bull crap. God it's like you guys actively try to play DBD politics over nothing. Who cares about complaints? Ignore them.
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You are just like me with perk builds. I've been running off meta and I love it. I have my staple Reactive Healing build that I made into a harder challenge to sort off pseudo buff Solidarity
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I personally would start by nerfing BNPs again and reverting Prove Thyself's buff it got a while back.
In return I'd be 100% on board with buffing DS. Either make it activate twice, or add a power lock out so certain killers cannot get all up on the Survivor who stabbed them instantly.
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Ngl, I'm on board with this. I wish they'd also revert the bp aspect of bbq and chili + wglf
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Scrap all Gen speed modifiers. Make it a constant value. Balance. Profit.
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That'd also be good. BBQ stacks did a ton to encourage killers to not tunnel or camp. When they said they were going to remove them, I thought they were going to make the stacks base kit for both sides.
Don't know why they didn't.
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Killers are still whining? Man you must have really missed all the survivors whining.
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Plenty of people do, that's one of the reasons people visit the forums/Reddit/Twitter about this game
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"Dead hard is used mostly because it is a chase extender if used right but that chase is only extended for a few seconds"
This is one of the biggest lies I've ever seen told on this forum.
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That doesn't make them okay in any way, shape or form. It just means the majority of the game's fanbase is more than ready to whine and cry about anything anywhere, which is a colossal waste of everyone's time.
Is it possible, just for a moment, to not do that? Maybe chill out and do something else?
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It's not a waste of time though. Eruption just got nerfed because of colossal amounts of crying, for example
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Yes Killer players have a lot to complain about
Gen speeds, Maps
Dead Hard- extends chase and gives Survivors a reactionary perk
Toolboxes- decrease the time needed to complete a Gen
COH and medkits- decrease the time needed to heal
EGC only starting once the Gate(s) are opened
Base progression VS. regression being what it is
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Hyperbolic posts like these do nothing to help the "solo queue is hard" and "I SWF to have fun" crowds.
The rest of us play the game too you know? We know what you say isn't occurring.
"The game is the most balanced it's ever been!" This old line. More balanced than completely imbalanced to the point where a developer played ONE match as the killer and then they nerfed flashlights a couple of months later, is still imbalanced.
Let's say you have a table with 4 legs and two of them are too long. If you were to cut one leg so that it's even with the other 2 it would be more balanced than before right? But it would still be off balance correct?
Just admit you like the easy wins that DBD provides while playing survivor.
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Killers basically want everything for survivors nerfed. DH, gen speeds, toolboxes, medkits, COH. anything that gives survivors a chance to escape needs to go. Once killers can 4K 100% of their matches then they’ll be happy.
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When I play dead by daylight I want to feel a chance that I can win not a "oh it's this killer and they're gonna run this let me DC real quick" type of feeling. I do not run meta perks as a survivor or killer not that you need perks as killer to win just go perkless.
Survivors on the other hand have to make little to no mistake and be perfectly coordinated to do anything with little to no perk variety. If you take a look at their perks you'll see they do the samething but worse than the next perk only giving you a few options.
Killers on the other hand have room for mistake and can completely fail in the start of the game doing nothing then instant win end game and even be rewarded for losing. They've builds to counter everything a survivor has and dictate how every match Speed is set. They're the power role
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Yes when you're playing with low skilled survivors this is true, high end survivors, nope, they will stomp 99% of the games
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I think bnp:s should get nerf too they should only do max 20% instead current 25%. But instead nerfing prove thyself I think gens should be increased to 100s and deadlock added as basekit. Im fine buffing ds back to 5s and even activate two times like otr.
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They've nerfed every possible survivor perks that they had...
So I guess the Midchapter Summer Perk Rework Patch will be empty huh=?
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Prove Thyself should absolutely get its unnecessary buff reverted. The whole point of increasing the penalty for stacking on a gen was to make it less likely that the Survivors would finish a gen before one of them even got found by the killer. The issue is that PT was a large part of why Survivors were able to do it in the first place. Also, if a team was actively planning on trying to do that, they were 100% going to bring PT, so it's compensation buff basically destroyed the entire point of the change in the first place.
Honestly that's bugged me ever since they did it. It's finally less of an issue after gens got bumped up to 90s... but it was still a stupid change.
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I think 100s gens would be enough to prevent that situation or if not maybe gens should be 110s.
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As much as I think gens can be fixed too quickly, it's not because of the time, and extending that time would unnecessarily hurt the game experience for the survivor players who aren't using the meta to blaze through generators as fast as possible.
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The only way those sorts of gen times would be OK is if there were like... an optional objective Survivors could do where they'd find hand tools that would give them repair speed buffs. With just increasing gen times, you'd make 3 genning even worse.
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Well all survivors I face use meta so I think it just neccesary at this point to increase gen times. Survivors just rush them so fast. Well when I play survivor I get those teammates who can't do gens so at least one side is more playable for me then.
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Well maybe make first 3 gens 120s and last 2 gen can be 90s.
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Which then begs the question of what about the 4th gen that's already at 75% when Gen #3 pops. Does it also then pop because it has 90 charges and now only needs 90. Does some of the progress just disappear into the either. Neither option is good.
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imagine calling nerf about the unfair things that were in the game and that some of them still exist to this day like GOD setups
cough coughCowshed / Garden of pain / asylum /badham /the game / gas heavenalso the only reason why people arent insanely bombing the forums with DH post is because DH is literally broken and pretty much it works inconsistently unlike his old version that used to have a better validation system.
(exhausted on the ground is back but the game refunds your exhaustion instanly when the killer hit you during your failed DH)
old insta heals - older infinites - old dh - old ds (the one were if was god mode for survivor for 60 seconds regarding any actions)
those were unbalanced as hell , and people shouldnt call those a nerf to survivor (more like a game health- balance update)
killers were a joke back them , and the only broken stuff back there for killers were "moris"
Honestly is was praying for Corrupt to be basekit back them but YAYYY we got a 0.2 faster pallets / wall breaking speed........🙄 , and they toned down the sprint after getting hit but there is still a perk that removes that nerf completely.
to this day survivors got now free info - hud - free BT basekit that works even on the end-game when it shouldnt without the perk IMO and unlimited boons that only punishes bad players but rewards a lot to the good ones. but people keep saying survivor is weak just because they get bad teammates like dude , i can play solo Q one day and probably be the one doing 3 gens all alone meanwhile my teammates can be dying in some dumb ways or wasting time with boons and flashlights but that doesnt mean survivors are weaker , people are just bad.
yeah Dead zones exist but still a decent team can defeat any non-S tier killer without to much troubles even on those scenarios..
( i want dead zones to be adressed too with decent windows to use and mindgame for both sides , god windows are boring)
but lets be real that isnt gonna happen with how poorly balanced are the new maps latelya early game mechanic can help a lot with this but they said "It was not a good feeling for survivor" ....BHVR is not a good feeling for low tier killers having to rely on slowdown perks to have a chance against decent people or against poorly design maps.
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Who cares about us vs them posts. Ignore them. 😜
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Right but like some of them are funny tho. This wasn't but a lot of them embarrass themselves and it's pure entertainment
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Another thing to promote a play style away from camping is make Hooks count for something like a buff/debuff for every hook they get like that....
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you can easy go perkless as survivor not killer.
I like to see you play killer perkless...