Got bored and decided to do a chase music tierlist.

Based Tier List.
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A tier list of WHAT
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Fixed the title.
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This list is so unbased its cringe.
Definitive L, very disappointed.
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if you think SM has better chase music than legion or wesker thats a big ........,BRUUHHHHHHH!!!
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You have the worst taste in music ever
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Wesker in F and someone likes Nurse's new music and the 1s loop Skull Merchant is stuck with?
Is your idea of musical perfection someone shaking a sack of gravel in a tin?
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This has to be satirical. Wesker, Slinger, and Legion are easily some of the best chase music. Doctor and Skully are some of the worst.
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finally, someone with good taste. excellent list my friend, have my updoot xD
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thx my dude, good to see someone else with a good music taste as well.
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Can you make a lobby music tier list?
Also not a bad list.
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How can you do Legion dirty like this ? D=
Agree on Hag though <3
And on Deathslinger too, urh. Gives me depression.
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Your tier-list is like reversed. Wesker, Oni, Nemesis themes - top-notch
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ghostface ptb must be S
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Wesker in the bottom tier???
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HOW IS SADAKO NOT AT THE TOP OF THESE LISTS??? It's seriously the only reason I play her
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Do you have a link so I can make my own tier list?
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Thank you!
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I can find in nearly every chase music the personality or theme from the killer.
Billy intense music like a chainsaw
Myers timeless classic sounds like from an old movie
Doctor Fizzeling, distracting sounds
Clown starting with circus music and you hear something big is coming, then the killer enters the arena
Spirit Mystic flute, bells then you hear the ghost
Legion Banger guitar is getting louder and finally arrives the scene
Ghostface has no calm entry and starting in the middle. Getting goosbumps. Something is watching. You hear it drom different directions. But he's is already behind you. Run!
Demogorgon Red Alert, Synthesizer
Oni Drums of War getting louder. Something is following with heavy walk. Your opponent is here.
Deathslinger abandoned western town, rattle snakes, distorted piano and harp. techno meets western
Pyramid Head Calm, crippling, bells, metallic sounds like the sword on the ground
Blight Something ancient lies here. it's coming near. Bam! The killer suddenly appears.
Twins Abandoned place, going deeper. giggling sounds paired with deeper guitar
Trickster Distorted futuristic, mechanic sounds. Urban disco.
Nemesis Empty streets, echoing screams from far away, something slowly approaching, It's your nemesis again, showdown music.
Hellraiser Calm music, Something is wrong here. Screams. Killer suddenly appears. metallic hammer sounds.
Artist Arrived in another world then Homage to classic horror music
Sadako A wide floor, dampening sounds, scratching nails, killer appears
Dredge Something lurks in there. Creepy
Hag is starting nice with the tribal drums but then it's going monotone.
Wesker great music but too loud, too intense, too much.
Skull Merchant First part nice calm, robotic sounds but then Drumnbase but in worse and everything at same time.
Every chase music except Skullmerchant:
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As someone who used to religiously main doctor, I have acquired a liking to the more repetitive chase music. Skull Merchants is ok, it just gets headache inducing after a few games. I like most if not all of the chase music from the release of Twins to now.
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My chase music tier list
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Bruh Ive lost chases to Wesker because I was getting too focused on the absolute banger that follows him
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updog tier list
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Personally disagree on Hag and SM, however each to their own as all music tastes are subjective.
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My tier list is far superior than yours.
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Agree to disagree
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Totally agree. Tastes are subjective. I can understand a lot of your choices.
Wesker: the music is too much in the foreground for my taste.
Deathslinger: The last part can be annoying.
Legion is earbleeding but fits to them.
And hearing the music ingame can be different, too
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Also tierlist placement aside, the thing about chase music to me is that it's supposed to increase the tension of the chase itself, you're not suppose to jam out to it nor is it supposed to sound like a song you'd listen to outside the game. That's why chase music that loops repeatedly like (SM, Dredge, Myers, Hag, Doctor, Sadako, Ghostface and Pinhead) or almost repeatedly (Nurse, Pyramid Head, Hillbilly, Spirit, Blight, Twins, Trickster, Nemesis, Knight, Artist and maybe also Clown) fits the chase aspect more in that regard.
Wesker and Legion's chase music imo fits the characters themselves, however the music fits more as songs rather than chase music and that's where the problem comes in.
Wesker's music is not chase music, it's boss music that sounds like you're suppose to fight someone rather than run from. Legion's chase music is as mentioned before, a song one would probably jam out to.
As far as Deathslinger goes, it does feel like chase music kinda but not entirely, i think the problem with it is that it's too long in length before it loops.
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Wesker is by far the best
Trickster’s make me want to shove his knives in my ear drums
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Slinger’s is too long? It’s like a 12 second loop I’m pretty sure
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The tier list isnt scary.
There are people that agree is scary.
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Maybe he enjoys having a tinnitus every match.
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Which i personally think is too long for a chase track in-game since it constantly fades in and out between different timestamps of the track because Survivors constantly breaks and re-enters chase with Deathslinger.
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I was about to write a tierlist but i ended up just to write what I hear. For me nemesis is the boss music but I like it. And Wesker could be from a movie. Wesker chase feels for me like an orchestra is chasing me. Similar with Legion at begin but meanwhile i like it.
I think the last peak of the chase music is the hardest to make, because that's what we hear the most.
For Nurse I don't know I was awaiting calm sounds which reminds me to: abandoned hospital, heartbeat, beeping, breathing, screams
Knight is ok, I like the bell for the medieval theme.