A concede button please for the love of god!

Put in a way to give up without being hit with a ######### disconnect timer.
I shouldn't have to wait to be able to play the game because people are dicks.
There's no way I should be punished if I disconnect while everyone is in the exit gate because I don't want to watch the Teabag quartet for the hundredth time.
There's no way I should be punished if there's two people left and I just got slugged so the hatch doesn't spawn.
I literally cannot play for 6 hours right now because of how often both of these things happen.
######### please!
For the tbag.. you can just force them out? You don't have to even look at them most go even if you're moonwalking
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I'm not going to step in the middle of a circle jerk.
It's not hard to be a humble winner. You just hold W in the right direction.
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Personally, I feel like there should be a "press active ability button to die" option when you're on death hook and then put into the dying state / slugged for more than X seconds. Just let that survivor go next without losing their BP and hitting them with a DC penalty.
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a cool fix would be some sort of timer for survivor sitting behing the gates for too long, it should just block the gate and notify the killer. some sick comeback could happen instead of having the usual "ah yes we heal here because you cannot possibly do anything now and we effectively won but we want you to "see" us before we leave lol" moments
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I think one solution would be for DCs penalties to not apply when someone disconnects during the Endgame Collapse. If the killer disconnect, all survivors still alive are considered to have escaped through the exit gate in all terms, and if a survivor disconnect it should be considered like it was fully hooked at all terms whatever his state was, including BP, emblems and pip.
It doesn't address the "slugging for the 4k" problem, but I think that should be solved with a hatch rework more than allowing people to just disconnect, as it would benefit that last survivor even more as now you don't even have to wait to be hooked to just suicide yourself as fast as you can to give him the hatch, to put an example of the many problems that allowing it can generate.
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So when you're at the end of a game and two people are still alive, if one of them goes down the likelihood of both of them escaping basically drop down to 0. If the killer slugs one of them, they should be given the option to die on the spot not only to benefit themselves but to benefit the teammate. They get picked up and hooked, they can just let themselves die for the same reasons as is.
Survivors should be given the option if all of them are down too, maybe checking if anyone has unbreakable or not but probably not be a prerequisite because chances are it's a lost cause anyways. Anything that isn't just a "get out of jail and screw my teammates" card.
And there's literally no reason killer can't quit when everyone's in the exit gate so it's frustrating to be punished for it. If killer wants to use a power to pull people back in or prevent people leaving then they have the option to do that. Same for going around breaking stuff. But it's ridiculous that it's not an option.
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There is a concede option,
Please consult our "Get out of Game" Specialist. Jump in and our of a Locker 10 times and the Specialist should be with you shortly.
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Disconnecting during the EGC is so goofy. 😂 JUST. PUSH. THEM. OUT.
It is seriously as easy as that. If you’re so easily triggered by them indulging in their victory over you, then don’t play PVP games.
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No, you're right, I should just walk into the circle jerk so I have an excuse to take a shower and wash my clothes of disgusting unspeakables.
I'm sorry, why the ######### is it my job to make you win?
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It’s your job to stop them from winning, which obviously you failed to do if they are teabagging in the gate.
Magically… if you walk into the gate, survivors will walk out and end the game… crazy concept innit?
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Butt dancing in the exit is so goofy. 😂JUST. WALK. OUT.
It is seriously as easy as that. If you're so stubborn about gloating only when you're in a position where you cannot possibly lose, then take a screen shot and spend those 2 minutes posting it on Twitter instead.
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The problem is not the indulging, the problem is they will extend it to the extreme by getting hits if they aren't injured or staying in the gates for almost the whole two minutes if they see you won't go to "push them out" and grant them their "indulgement". Doesn't matter if they are the whole squad, or is just that one lucky survivor that waited in front of the door for you to close the hatch that appeared at the other side of the map. If the match is over and I consider there is no probability for a comeback, why I have to keep wasting my time?
Also, the most funny thing about this topic for me is this:
Waiting 2 minutes on the exit gates tbaggin to "indulge" in their victory: Totally fine. Killers need to just suck it up for losing.
Slugging them for less than 2 minutes trying for the 4k: Unacceptable! BHVR should stop killers from doing this right now! It's so toxic!!!
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It's faster to DC than it is to walk to each gate and check the butt dancers.
I don't care about the fact that I lost. It's when the other side wants to jerk over it and rub your face in their work that it becomes ridiculous and stupid. And the fact that it is every ######### day is unbearable.
Be a humble winner. Just ######### leave.
Also now have a 24 hour ban because I don't want to tolerate people wanking over their wins.
Why are you people like this and defending this ######### behavior.
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Not sure why you're quoting me. Did you even read my comment (in relation to the comment I quoted)?
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I only teabag exit gate if killer was toxic.. but I’m a killer main so I don’t play survivor much. Teabgging the exit gate does not bother me at all. I walk in, they leave, I go next. It’s that simple.
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Yes. I did.
Again, it is faster to not tolerate the circle jerk than it is to go to each exit and walk in the center of it.
I'm happy for you over literal hours of your life not being wasted by survivor mains.
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Fyi, you DC’ing drives them even more to do it. They thrive off making killers dc.
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Yes, but I can get on with my life.
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This content has been removed.
You obviously did not read my comment.
Someone was criticizing your DC and your stubbornness and said "Disconnecting during the EGC is so goofy. 😂 JUST. PUSH. THEM. OUT."
I was saying that the survivors are also being stubborn, "Butt dancing in the exit is so goofy. 😂JUST. WALK. OUT."
I want a concede option too, but I'm not sticking around for this friendly fire nonsense.
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I'm sorry, the 24 hour ban for not wanting to deal with this horse ######### is greatly upsetting. Just ignore what I said before I guess.
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And this is the killers fault?
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It would be nice if there was an acceleration timer if the survivors were all at the gate. But I'm interested in another question: Why do the survivors tbag and are unhappy in the chat when you didn't camp or tunnel and they all ran away? It's not clear to me either.