Do you think that the Finisher Mori will come out this Mid chapter?

This mid chapter update might be the biggest one yet if they throw in the Finisher Mori mechanic, tons of perk updates, maybe some map reworks or changes to the Twins too. Thoughts?
God I hope not. The finisher mori idea was one of the worst ones BHVR had and I really do hope they completely scratch that entire concept completely and forever.
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Hopefully not. I expect a Perk-Overhaul, but I do not have hopes the meta will change in something better than we have right now.
Twins-Changes? Well, they talked about it 1 year ago in january 2022-Q&A (btw. THE LAST Q&A they did), since then nothing. I assume they dont change Twins and move on.
For me, Midchapters are BY FAR more interesting than chapters (exception: We get Jason and Vecna). I would love to see much more Killer-Adjustments, not just 1 killer gets 2 changes in a patch like SM gets now. A lot of killers have issues, bad or overpowered Addons, so obviously I dont know why they took so long to adjust addons...
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Dont think so, unless they want to sell moris then they will.
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Hope not. I really wish they'd just drop the idea.
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It doesn't look like it, although I hope so as well. They briefly mentioned it lin one of their posts not long ago as if it's still in the works.
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I dare say they'll let it cook for a while. The reaction to the release was abysmal. It basically had the opposite effect it was kinda funny.
bHVR: Anti-Slugging update!
Every single killer: and I took that personally.
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I know, and I'm sad =(
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A rework of the whole Mori System would be cool. Instead of having the finisher, which lead to slugging and was overall unfun or the current mori system we currently have (lets face it, when was the last time you saw someone use a mori?). They could simply add the Mori as a natural death hook. With each killer having a couple different moris.
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Feedback was overwhelmingly negative. I hope they've shelved it.
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i expect some nerf for gen rushing .. 2 hooks per game isnt fun
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Hopefully never. Only way I could see it being fine and not being awfull is if everyone gets Yellow mori offering base kit. Then you can have a finishing move... or not.
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I think they will rather put a updated version in a ptb again and see how it goes from there.
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Lord almighty I hope not
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It would need to be significantly changed, and run through another PTB test before it was determined to come out in the live game. Far too many issues with it in the way it was implemented the first time.
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I would like that if they fixed the issues with it.
Which they probably have with the TEST.
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I ######### hope not. Finishing mori is one of the worst ideas bhvr have considered.
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I hope not. It was terrible.
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I pray that they forget this idea along with the basekit UB
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Hopefully it's buried out back next to Eruption, old Mettle of Man, and Ghostface's first chase music
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I hope not. Bury that feature in the ground and make sure to never come back.
Also, that sounds way too much for one update. I would expect the perk changes and maybe something else small. I wouldn't count on map or killer reworks.
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Yep - i also hope this never comes in this way.
This is really a bad idea.
Basekit UB is also a bad idea.
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Hopefully not, it was a terrible idea.
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I’m not expecting “tons of perk updates” personally. I doubt this’ll be another 6.1 deal.
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Hopefully not. Just scrap the whole idea and make yellow moris basekit so the animations are more common.
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I hope not.
I hope they scrap the idea.
Moris were great because they let the game play out like a horror movie, sometimes you'd get slaughtered. That variability was interesting.
Removing them will further cut back on game variation.
Lets make this already kinda repetitive game experience even more predictable and repetitive by taking away alternative ways to die.
They are improving the game experience by making sure there is less in it, which is just nuts.
The mori has gone from a threatening game mechanic that cap stoned a chase with a rewarding pay off to an endgame cut scene that will eventually just get skipped over to hurry up to the next game.
Why not just set it to the wah wah wah waaaah sound effect to highlight what a joke its become.
I miss the days when DBD was an actual horror game.