Reassurance range buff please? for basement campers.

Simply so if there's a camping leatherface or any other killer with a 1 shot that is camping in the basement we can still apply it's effect from above without risking ourselves to get downed, it only punishes campers so I see no issues personally as a killer main to increase it's range to 8 meters or so to be able to use it when they camp basement.
It should have a range of 10-12 meters, the duration should be increased from 30 to 40 seconds, and it should work once per hook phase, not hook instance.
I still cant believe they nerfed the perk so hard from the ptb.
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Besides, the HUD features from this perk must be reworked / improved
- to be more visible
- to know how many seconds are left before moving back to regular sacrifice
- teammates should be aware that this perk was brought to trial (icon in bottom right corner of screen, like prove thyself)
It feels that this perk was rushed ...
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would be great quality of life yes
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would be nice buffs, again the value is gain only if the killer is camping, if they don't camp there's no real reason to leave that survivor on the hook. only punishes campers
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All because "waaaah they're holding me hostage >>>>>:((((("
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Exactly, the whole point of the perk. And right now the values just don't feel high enough. A perk as healthy as Reassurance should be strong. Right now I would argue it's decent, but not good enough.
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I agree the range and duration is too short. I don’t understand why they can’t make a range of at least 16 meters? 60 seconds long would be enough. You will ask why? Yes, because it does not work for normal killers, since they will not stand near the hook. I totally agree with removing toxic camping from the game altogether.
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The nerf from the PTB was awful. All they needed to do was give the survivor on the hook the option to reject being Reassuranced and it would've been fine. Instead, the devs practically killed the perk's value as a tool against campers.