General Discussions

General Discussions

So, can we cap Haste?

Member Posts: 1,719
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Now, I know what you're thinking once you spot Leon's build.

But Grimmy, it requires you to stay near your teammates!

Right you are, however, the above game took place in Haddonfield. A map with very strong windows inside buildings that make it easy for survivors to stay close together. You physically cannot catch up until T2 or T3 Bloodlust kicks in, and by then, you've more or less thrown.

But it's map dependent!

.... okay? What's your point? We have map offerings. They're not going anywhere.

Chase someone else!

Oh really? Well, Power of Two and Blood Pact apply to two survivors. So half the team is effectively unchase-able.

Reb had distortion so my two info perks did zilch to her. This meant I would only be able to focus on Cheryl if I really wanted to. If she had Distortion or even SB (which, btw, she did have) to get to a good area (since Leon and Zarina (the Obsession) wouldn't even need to drop that many pallets since I can't really force it), I would effectively be helpless.

You're still faster than them!

By 3%. Go play Jumpscare Myers and actually chase people. Tell me how that works out without getting the jump on people.

Clearly, you still downed Zarina!

Endgame screw-up, dumb luck, and Bloodlust.

PoT has a long cooldown!

Hardly matters if it takes an entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy to get a hit. And then power through Blood Pact that doesn't disable on hit.

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  • Member Posts: 3,108

    If you factor in hope, you're unfortunately slower

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    I mean, 2/4 of the survivors are faster than me, 1 of the remaining 2 has Distortion so i can't find her, and the final one has SB so she'll always have safety.

    So, how exactly do you avoid chasing?

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    Boon: Dark Theory is missing

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    I am not denying that, but... man, this sucks when you get a map that can properly abuse these perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I doubt that they would cap Haste because the design ethos seems to be that they want players to be able to stack perks without them being nerfed/capped/diminished for their specific selections.

    Basically, they want all perks to work the same, all the time, with few (if any) caps or exceptions. It's understandable too, as making perks not have diminishing returns or caps on specific mechanics makes everything easy to read and consistent. The most you could realistically hope for is some of the strongest Haste perks to either get a reduction in how much speed they afford, or how long they last. Essentially, each perk that is a problem would need the face values lowered, rather than caps or diminishing returns applied.

    Similarly, when I see people say "This perk shouldn't work with this perk" as an arbitrary restriction, it simply not something they commonly do. If ever.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    12 meters is about the size of shack. Where was the other survivor standing?

  • Member Posts: 285

    all I see is survivors just using their perks well against a weaker killer, it happens, but I can bet that if we take a look at the match replay we would probably find other reasons that it was 3e other than just screaming nerf haste111!!, there's a chance you just made some mistakes as well

    like looking at the points it seemed like a good match, would you rather face brand new parts/gen rush builds or 4 medkits

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    I mean, i would say a lot of things should have caps in this game, probably every buff and de-buff to be honest.

    But, that isn't a thing yet.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    .... windows of opportunity? I get your point but... windows? Really? Do people actually complain about it?

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    You looked to did great 33K bp and already red rank. I would not complain you must had 6+ hooks at least.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Yeah idk why this is a thing. Like, the only way to really use Power of Two is to be in a SWF and combo it with Blood Pact. It’s a lot of work, but you can be almost faster than, or sometimes faster than the killer, especially if you bring certain other perks too, for an indefinite amount of time which shouldn’t be possible.

    Imo Haste shouldn’t have a hard cap, it should just not stack with other instances of itself. Change the effect when getting unhooked to its own status effect that does the same thing so perks like Guardian and NOLB aren’t impacted by the change.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    The problem was that you were playing ghostface. I also like to play ghostface, i even got a 23 winstreak with him without addons (before mmr, never tried after that), but honestly he has too many flaws.

    So you cant really balance around him and even when you would, haste is the smallest problem.

    What would you do against someone with powerstruggle and flipflop and a hiding teammate with sprintboost? Thats an even simpler trick. It doesnt get fixed bc similar to haste stacking almost nobody does it.

  • Member Posts: 911

    y'all are really out here justifying survivors running faster than the killer.

    This should not be in the game.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Yeah, this was a problem I saw coming from a mile away. Just make Power of Two not stack and give it a complimentary buff. As a side note, I believe Hope doesn’t stack with other Haste.

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    I just picked the most common "sweaty" survivor build I could think of off the cuff. And from that stats site, Windows is right up there with Dead Hard for usage. And yes I actually hate that perk as killer.

    At least dead hard requires skill, planning, and timing to use vs following glowing auras from pallet to pallet ad nauseum.

  • Member Posts: 9,702
    edited March 2023

    It takes multiple perks for a survivor to move faster than a killer's base movement for a significant amount of time and these perks have very specific triggers that combining them is not an easy task. It's hardly a problem.

    No one complains about Guardian which makes an unhook survivor move at 117% speed for a few seconds off hook. Which you can stack with Hope and No One Left Behind in the end game for an insane 131% speed.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    The reason Guardian and NOLB are fine is because they don’t last very long.

    PoT + BP lets you do this indefinitely especially against 110 killers. Being faster than the killer for a brief period is fine, but being faster than them for a long or unlimited amount of time should not be possible by any means, even if it requires SWF and specific perk combos to be set up.

  • Member Posts: 911

    I disagree. It's seriously not hard at all to grab a friend, run Blood Pact + Power of Two, and burn a Giddeon's or Midwich offering.

    Guardian + Hope + No One Left Behind is WAY more conditional than "heal your friend exactly once", especially considering that after a little bit you go down to Hope speed.

    Survivors should not be able to indefinitely outrun the killer, full stop. If a killer could run two perks and run at 150% for the majority of the match after meeting some condition, those perks would get nerfed before you could blink. Regardless of how difficult the activation condition is.

    Broken is broken. Combos with this level of strength should not be in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    This game would be much more balanced if action speeds and slow downs had a cap to them, but it can be argued that getting all of those actions to apply at the same time takes a bit of effort and coordination. Unless we are talking about medkit speeds or gen slowdowns, which don't require much effort or coordination.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    You should look up bloodlust. It's base kit for every killer, and just got buffed in 6.1.0 last summer. Even without BL, the killer is faster than the survivors before gens finish. The survivors physically can't be faster than a bloodlusted killer at any point.

    I find it difficult to believe that any killer is incapable of chasing for 35 seconds at most (to get to BL3) to hit even one of these two survivors, when they are locked into looping together and tripping over each other. Any injury to either of them completely negates T:Po2, making the entire build moot. (If they're exposed by GF, a single hit negates both haste perks.) They can't body block for each other, and this counter is available to every killer in the roster. This is easily counterable by design, and not even remotely an issue.

    This whole post is because one person lost a single game and rage-posted immediately. Losses happen, you can't win every game. This isn't even at risk of becoming a meta build... you won't see another combo like this for another 500 games, if ever.

    These survivors didn't use a map offering, or toolboxes, or a single "gen rush" perk. There's one dead hard to speak of, and two of these survivors aren't even running exhaustion perks. Everyone got 25k+ bloodpoints, which says it was a really good game overall. The only "problem" is that the killer didn't win the game.

  • Member Posts: 437

    Wait... sir, you telling me someone with that build would potentially be faster than some killers, yikes

  • Member Posts: 911

    The places where you use this build are Midwich and Giddeon's... both of which have numerous safe pallets. Guess what action safe pallets you force to do and also causes you to lose Bloodlust?

    A two perk combo that forces the killer to get Bloodlust 3 in order to get a single hit. That's, like, pretty obviously a big ######### issue, right? I'm not crazy for saying that? Sometimes I feel like I'm literally the only DbD player that isn't completely delusional.

    I don't care about winning or losing. That's irrelevant in game with this much RNG and BS. I don't care if I literally never play against this combo in my life, it's just so obviously broken that it needs to be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Fun not allowed with survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Fun not allowed with survivor

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I can hardly see this being unless it’s on midwich or maybe gideon.

    Otherwise it’s a inefficient albeit annoying strategy that most killers can counter

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Something tells me you endlessly chased the survivors instead of taking advantage of your perks, which would completely stall the gens out until you catch someone else out.

    If you had focused on gens, that build wouldnt be an issue, and against a portion of the killer roster, this is a complete non-issue. You're playing an M1 killer with stealth that you arent using because theyre obviously running away from you.

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