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Why haven't they buffed Sadako yet?

Please explain this. Skull merchant getting changes ASAP but Onryo get nothing?

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  • Member Posts: 3,746

    Strong the Ring girl is...

  • Member Posts: 3,746

    As a lot of killers she is very strong to new to medium players because of her kinda stealthy TR and that you can´t see her clearly sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Condemned slugging sadako is why

  • Member Posts: 3,554
    edited March 2023

    Yeah condemn sadako in some maps is very oppressive like midwich and saloon map. My P100 swf squad got destroyed by that kind of sadako's in those maps. Meanwhile we usually complete gens in 5 minutes and whipe the floor with dredge's who was supposed to be better than sadako.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Because Sadako didn't cause 60 minute matches that cause players to just quit playing the game. She just sucked.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Sadako is mostly fine how she is.

  • Member Posts: 5,249

    Probably a mixture of pretty decent high killrates, a very dedicated fanbase who like her as she is for the most part (Like Legion) and overall they are probably pleased with how she turned out

    The only complaints people really have about Sadako is the condemn slugging playstyle which if basekit UB is to be a thing - will cease to exist for the most part. This is probably the most plausible reason as to why.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I'm all up for any sadako buff that doesn't help with condemned playstyle

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    The buffs I want don't affect her condemn hit & run playstyle, but I have to wait because 1 person knows how to bypass half the game's mechanics to nope people out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Because she slays too hard

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    -"*Sadako shouldn’t have to wait 30 seconds for her power to turn on at the start of the match when other killers have their abilities up in 10 seconds. "

    Powers that let you go completely across the map in an instant should have a cooldown. It makes no sense that Nurse is not a buildup killer but Nemesis and MM are. That's because Nurse clearly is "inferior", right?

    -"Survivors shouldn’t be able to insert their tape directly in sadakos face"

    Disagree. As it is you can chain teleport across the map and prevent people from ever getting tapes. In my opinion a survivor should always be able to go to a TV and get a tape unless someone is already holding a tape from that TV.

    Why? It's a fair play aspect.

    Let's look at Nemesis and his infections. (Nemesis also needs buffs btw even something simple like t3 whip = infect+injury).

    He has addons that are time duration events so they are useless and nobody ever uses them.

    Make both of these read : permanent if infected. The hindered status in this case should be something like 3% so it's at a point where a super crazy strong player would notice and in most cast it won't matter.

    Even still the Oblivious status is pretty worthless given the HuD info. Maybe we should have Blindness "black out" the hud info.

    Nemesis always has 4 vaccines and adding these would make you want to cleanse but not OMG I have to cleanse or my head blows up. Sadako is basically in the "head blow up" category with condemn. Being infected vs Nemesis is 100% just a "detection" boost for him being able to hear you if you try to hide. I would say overall at least 75% of people don't hide so it does very little (probably closer to say 85-90 but I tend to make conservative estimates).

    If you make the Sadako mini game stronger then nobody will play her normally. I am guessing you would be opposed to survivors getting a buff if they use a tape right? And I feel certain you would never get condemn buildup if survivors could always get a tape even from an "off" tv.

    She is in a spot where you can't make it stronger without buffing the interaction for survivors. In short this is the Michael Myers zone. More than any other killer he needs a 2023 update even if it is just small QoL tweaks. A prime example would be to make his power activation like Oni where you fill the meter and then press again when filled to turn on T3.

    Most people don't like to admit it but Hag was kinda overbuffed in her last rework. She can use flashlights to remove them from a survivor's hand so the average player has no real counter to her power.

    "Just duck".

    Right. See here's the problem - Hag can teleport to a hook if you trigger the trap and she can just walk over and hit you if you duck because she spammed the area with traps. This is what we call a catch 22. The same problem exists with her traps in general in that you can only counter them with a flashlight so she should always bring Franklin's Demise. Hag used to have a much shorter teleport range and that actually was fair for the mechanic but encouraged tunneling. I think it would be interesting if they changed her teleport to take more time if you are farther away unless you bring the addon to prevent that (replaces range addon for teleport).

    Hag is overall "something" of a weak killer if everyone knows what to do. The last round of survivor buffs destroyed hag's tunnel/camp method with 10 seconds of base kit BT. This was a good nerf to her that unfortunately is a punishment to every other killer.

    In one sense it's "fine" for her traps to be able to make catch 22 scenarios because most people playing her suck. There is a logic error here but we can ignore it for the most part. Almost nobody likes Hag. Very few people are good with Hag so maybe it's not worth the effort to rework her? When they are good it is because they abuse the nature of flashlights with Franklins. One simple change would make Hag fair : let crouching still survivors scratch out her traps.

    All 6 of the hag Mains will immediately jump to the forum and scream bloody murder as to why they cant do that. Yes it is true - the top 1% of players can abuse hag. But what about everyone else? Almost everyone else is forced to suffer in a game where the hag knows you have no counter to her power. The only thing you can do is have people "yolo run" around and break her trap net when she is busy. Once again - the only reason Boons are even remotely fair is because people playing Hag highlight how cheap they can make the gameplay of DBD.

    I would say buff hexes. Make hexes be something a killer can rekindle if there are bones remaining on the map. And then also allow killers to base kit break bones when a boon is active. Then allow survivors to scratch out traps if ducking.

    Hag would be stronger with stronger totems that take more effort to destroy. She would be less cheap vs flashlights which are supposed to be her hard counter. And she would have an answer to boons besides hoping someone decides to stop placing them.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Sadako seems plenty powerful enough to me. Every time I face her in solid queue we usually get steamrolled

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Condemn strat is why.

    Hopefully she does get a similar rework to Skull Merchant that discourages her condemn playstyle and buffs her other abilities.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    They need to make her passive slowdown work better and her active condemn hard nerfed. Probably the most boring playsyle with knight 3-gens.

  • Member Posts: 427

    simply killrates

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    She has a meme play style that's basically moonwalking legion 2.0 that is strong against unprepared players and has a high kill rate as a result.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    There is 1 Buff Id like to see. Tbh its more a QoL:

    Reduce the time from demanifest to manifest or manifest to demanifest by 0,5sec.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats why balancing the game around kills vs escapes doesn´t work.

    On paper she has a okayish kill rate, because of the condemn mechanic. But in reality she is just extremely addon dependant and doesn´t get many hooks.

    I´ll never understand why the tvs have a 100 second cd and the dredge can forever teleport from one locker to another.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Because she's not as weak as people think she is.

    Sorry but people who think her high killrate are purelly because of one strategy that requires a green addon to make work effectivily are coping

    Even the person who made that strat popular has shown that he doesn't need it to win.

    I wouldn't be oppose to Sadeko getting buffs, especially some QoL changes. But to say she's terrible and desperatly needs changes is a bit of a stretch to me.

    As for why the skull merchant got changes so fast i'm starting to believe these changes were prepared in advance.

    Release the killerin ptb, hear what the community says and prepare some ideas for changes, release the killer for real with minor changes and then based on the feedback apply whatever changes they had prepared that based on the feedback works best.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Last stats we saw showed sadako had the highest killrate at high and low mmr. She doesn't need a buff

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    She is the opposite Nurse.

    Nurse: Very strong, but low kill rate

    Sadako: Weak, but high kill rate

    They won't buff a killer with good kill rate no matter how weak she is

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Why are this posts so common?

    SM design is problematic and the reaction by community was overwhelming negative, she needs changes ASAP, this are only bandaids.

    Sadako doesn't get buffs because of her high Kill rate, so my guess is that bhvr doesn't want to make changes without understanding why.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I tend to agree the the key to buffing Sadako is forcing more Condemned interaction.

    One idea I had recently is something akin to original Doctor: Survivors in range of her terror radius when she's Demanifested gradually build up Condemned (much like old Doctor had a stance that made Survivors in his TR build up Madness). Demanifest hits can also grant some. The key point is tying buildup of Condemed to use of the Onryô's power.

    You'd probably have to tone down the effects of full Condemnation for this, since it could result in high Condemned more often. There you could maybe mix Skull Merchant and Pyramid Head. Something like fully Condemned survivors become exposed, or some other negative effect, and can only be insta-killed on death hook.

  • Member Posts: 531

    She’s only playable cause of Iri Tape since you can actually traverse around gens as much as you like. You don’t even have to condemn kill people to do well as the map pressure’s good enough with Iri Tape. Without it though she is hot garbage.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    The other problem is that survivors have no reason to mess with tapes.

    Her TP cooldowns is bigger than the survivors removing tapes. She also has all the info if a survivor takes a tape.

    So basically, right now survivors removing tapes is only to stop her from TP in the end game, because otherwise is a death sentence.

    My guess is that the condemned mechanic was supposed to be a slowdown similar to pig traps. But right now the balance of condemned is all out of wack. Its hard to create pressure with condmned without using the slugging condmned build and survivors are heavily punished for interacting with that mechanic. So what would be a nice slowdown is just an afterthought.

    It would be nice seeing a slight rework to make the mechanic more interesting, but she is functional and not problematic. Which really shouldn't be something to praise, but someone at bhvr thought people would react positively to Skull Merchant

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Hence forcing more Condemned interaction. That in turn will force interaction with the tapes.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Yes, but they will have to change some things to make survivors removing the tapes to be less risky for them.

    Right now, if a survivor removes the tape, he is asking for Sadako to come for you. Smart Sadakos will see what tape you removed and can predict what Tv you have to deliver.

    I am all for condemned to be a bigger deal and an active slowdown for survivors, but survivors interacting with tapes shouldn't also help Sadako by being a death sentence

  • Member Posts: 100

    Because of a certain boring condemned strat, nobody wants to see Sadako buffed. Amazing.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Eh? She doesn't have all the info, unless staring in the right direction when that happens. 'Someone has a tape' when you just straight-up can't see deactivated TVs isn't a ton of info. Are they a little condemned? A lot condemned?

    The most inconvenient part, of course, being that a TV you've teleported to and is on its exorbitantly long CD and a TV a Survivor has turned off are exactly the same from your perspective.

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