An apology

To the team I played against tonight on the RE map. I would have messaged you but you are on PC and was unable to, hope you read these forums.

You were playing against Trimixed as the killer, I camped a couple of you towards the end, that was wrong of me to do so but I did. Reason why I had never seen or heard of boil over before, I tried four times to hook one player and was unable to, every time I got near the hook it was like a magnet pushing me away. Yes I did think something was off not good to think that but that is what I did.

If you do read this I apologise for camping a downed player at the end just to get a kill.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    No need to apologize. Was I in that game? No. But as some one who tries to play as fair as possible I do some times end up doing things that might be unfun for the other side. I remember I'd go out of my way to do that which led me to lose a bunch of games. So now I target some one to teach them that just because they were picked up/unhooked, they're not invulnerable. Trickster is damn handy at teaching them that too.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335
    edited February 2023

    I rarely see threads, so good on you. I assume you're a fellow console killer, and if so I also know the joys of playing on controller.

    Boil Over has always been a pain to deal with on console. They claim they fooled around with its interaction with our controls during it's last update.

    Did those survs bring you to RPD? That map is notorious for Boil Over builds making things worse there.

    Some would argue tunneling and camping etc. are optimal play, others necessary, and others cruelty. But the bottom line is play how you want, within the actual rules of course. There are no other rulebooks that apply.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    Hey you used it as a last hope for some points for yourself. Don’t feel bad, options ran low and you were dealing with an uncertainty. I’m sure they would understand if they were in your position.

    Goodluck out there Killer.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Sometimes the survivor setup doesn't leave you much choice, no matter how much you want to play chill.

    Boil Over + they keep running to an area without hooks? Bleed them out.

    Gen rush? Camp and farm unhook attempts.

    Multiple oak offerings? Slugfest.

    No Mither or No Mither/Boil Over build? Survivor whack-a-mole.

    Greed every pallet like they're Gollum and it's their precious? Tunnel them out (or use them to remove all the main/strong pallets).

    You adapt to what's being thrown at you and run with it. It can be more strategic (and way more fun) to guarantee a particular person loses/depips than you sweating to win. Especially against an overly altruistic team.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    This has the same vibe as writing a apology to a burglar cause you kicked him out of your house they were robbing.

    It's honestly kinda creepy

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    if i see a boil over build you betcha im slugging and camping. if i can slug the 4 man saboteur, boil over, RPD/hook offering, flip flop, unbreakable, exponential and bleed them all out for 5 minutes im doing it.

  • Anglosaxon
    Anglosaxon Member Posts: 35

    Thats a fair reply, except any burglar I caught would not be alive to read an apology, simply because they are scum c*nts. However one decent person apologising to another is not "Creepy" Its respectful. You may learn that in time.

  • Anglosaxon
    Anglosaxon Member Posts: 35

    Thanks for all those that replied I do appreciate it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    My apologies, i did not mean to say you were creepy.

    It just seemed like you were being gaslit into apologising for something that wasn't in any way your fault which is something that creeps me out

    I just finished reading a horror story with heavy gaslight themes so that was kinda fresh in my mind when i wrote that.

    I didn't mean offence

  • Anglosaxon
    Anglosaxon Member Posts: 35

    It's all good :) I can understand why my original post may have come across as a bit cringe ha. Thanks for your last post, take care.

  • Anglosaxon
    Anglosaxon Member Posts: 35

    Bit of a late response. Ha ha I am just going after getting boil over as I understand it is very popular, that said I may change my mind having read your post 😄