Update on DDoS

Here is all you need to know in 2 min video.

I quess all these big and small streamers paid a LOT of actors to fake out being DDoS in lobbies with them and all streamers are liers hmmm... /s

It's just all made up by community, right? hehe...

Huge L take from Devs. It's like "hey we saw nothing wrong here, there is nothing wrong, don't worry guys".


  • Quietus
    Quietus Member Posts: 27

    Nah, the problem is that a DDOS attack isn't going to be touching BHVR, it's hitting the domestic addresses of their playerbase.

    BHVR can't do anything about that, apart from ensure that IP addresses were properly secured in the first place... so...

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    Seems weird that this happens "constantly" yet not a single person is able to provide any proof, when it should be extremely easy for any average PC users to provide it. At the very least these popular streamers should have no trouble at all doing that but yet...

    Fear mongering people into using a VPN to play an online multiplayer game that only serves to make things worse for everyone is such a terrible idea.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    "I'm getting DDOSed!"

    "No, your internet is just bad."

    "I'm now using a VPN that should make my unstable connection even worse, but I'm not having any issues."

    "See? I told you it was just a bad internet!"

    It doesn't matter how many sentences you insert into a text that doesn't contain those sentences, they won't magically come into existence. This isn't art or literature where we are interpreting and theorizing about what the authors intentions were. BHVR stated that they saw no evidence of a DDOS-ing issue. No yet, buts, ifs, anythings.

    Now if you advocate for more people to send in logs I fully support that.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,319

    I keep hearing various takes on this issue. One says it's an issue with BHVR and a security problem with them. Another says Steam it to blame, but Epic is ok. Yet another says both are vulnerable, and so are the consoles. A good many assert using a VPN is the only safeguard.

    And a few say nothing at all is wrong, it's just your wonky Internets to blame.

    More than one may be true, but not them all.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Unless we see logs showing that their routers are getting overflown with packets it could be a billion reasons for a crash. Hardware failures, software failures, bad configurations of things, networking problems in a particular geographic area, etc. People see a single crash happen and scream "omg DDOS!!"

    Am I saying it's not happening? No not at all, but at this point people can have a software crash and it's instantly "tch yup, knew I was gonna get ddosd when I tbagd the killer/mind gamed the survivor". It doesn't help when big time streamers(who truly are targets of this) are going out of their way to convince little Timmy that DDOSers are coming for him and every crash/error is a pointed attack.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    All i know is that once i changed that steam setting that uses your ip for a better connection i haven't had any crashes the moment i start winning.

    Could just be lucky i guess but take of it what you will.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited March 2023

    BHVR stated that they saw no evidence of a DDOS-ing issue. No yet, buts, ifs, anythings.

    Do you realize this is not how language works, right? This is pretty much wrong, bHVR could still find it and that does not make them a liar with this statement- Interpretation is possible but it takes some severe bad faith going on to read so much malice into bHVR's statements- there is no question about that.

    Yeah, ofc if people have relevant evidence send it to bHVR. Why would I not support that?

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 461

    I can confidently say I have yet to experience a DDOS attack via DBD. Now, this doesn't mean it isn't happening, but it certainly makes me wonder if what people share is something different, like bad internet or software.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    Sigh all I hear is streamers saying they are being ddosed attack but when i search for proof there is none ot be had.. SMH stop spreading fear because you are sick of dbd go play something else XD