One day this game will be balanced

- Devs will give love to m1 killers
- Devs will remove Dead Hard or nerf it to the ground
- Devs will nerf Medkits/Toolboxes and COH
- Killers will destroy blessed totems once they snuff them
- Gens will have constant repair speed ( no more gen rushing perks )
- Corrupt Intervantion pre nerf will become basekit
- Every Hex totem will have second life by default, undying will add 3rd
- Cleansing tottem will require 30 seconds, same as blessing
- Opening End game doors will immeditaly regress to 0% if they are not opened within 5 seconds of being touched
When Devs start maining killer and get good at it, they will realise all the problems the game have
I definitely agree with a lot of these points. Here’s my opinion
- Making the maps more balanced will make M1 killers stronger.
- DH definitely needs to be removed or nerfed into oblivion.
- Brand New Part should be nerfed but otherwise Medkits and TBs are ok. COH should not increase healing speeds of medkits.
- You’re 100% right on this one.
- I disagree, let survivors have their gen rush perks but have the maximum amount of time shaved off of a gen using perks or toolboxes be capped so a gen can’t be finished in a ridiculous amount of time like 30-45 seconds.
- I like this idea but I think it would be better to just revert the nerf to Corrupt Intervention rather than making it basekit.
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Surely 🤣
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So you want a cap on gen repair speed but not on gen regression? The killer main in you is showing
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Yes can make that too, gen regress is and was never an issue in this game, gen rushing is the issue
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Not as sure about 5, maybe just a tone down. Otherwise the rest are all great points.
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The game is already pretty balanced right now.
There's outliers and room for improvement, but it's decently balanced for most players.
Post edited by Pulsar on10 -
Good killer vs 4 good survivors the game is a complete sh1t show and falls apart. 1 chase ends with 3 gens done and another on the way to being done. Killer then has no choice but to camp and tunnel hard to have a chance at more then a 1k. The game is actually pretty balanced when 2 survivors are good and 2 survivors are new or on the bad side, unless the killer hard tunnels the weak survivor then it becomes killer sided. 2 good survivors and 2 bad survivors with the killer going for multiple chases against multiples survivors the game flourishes and is usually close down to the end. I'd like to see the game balanced around survivors who know what they are doing not trash survivors who don't look behind them or know how to use a loop. People need to get better at the game, the devs have to stop balancing for piss poor survivor gameplay.
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The only time killer wins is because survivors are bad, which is not satysfied at all, every time i win those matches im like a pro league of legends player placed in Bronze elo, it's not rewarding, and when i play vs sweaty swf i get bullied 8/10 matches because game favors survivors
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So how do you explain Survivors only escaping 39% of the time at "high mmr"
Are they also bad?
How do you explain the comptitive scene? Why do Killers like Ghostface and Plague able to get 4K's? Surely you aren't saying comp players suck
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Gens are still very fast even without gen efficiency perks.
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I want my chance is 50 escape /50 death. Not 40 escape / 60 death.
When is the next Survivor buff?
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Ah come on. I agree that all this changes without nerfs to killer would be really bad.
But Ghostface in the comp scene? The ban list for survivor against him is insane.
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I agree with some points, but not all of them.
- agree, this needs to be done
- If you just remove DH the survivors will go to sprint burst or somting. I would say nerfing all exhaustion perks. (Maybe make SB, Lithe and DH a one time use SB would need changes because activate it with sprinting and beeing a one time use is really bad)
- agree
- agree
- agree, but the killer shouldnt have slowndownperks, that requires no skill CoB, Overcharge
- agree
- this I would say is to mutch. maybe old Undying, but the second will allways be Undying. Means you have 100% protection on the first, but th first is a 50/50 of being Undying or the other hex. If not undying got destroyed at first a new totem lights up and the next totem is undying 100%, but if undying got clensed first no new totem lights up
- also to mutch
- agree, that exits should regress at some point, but not if less than 3 survivors are alive
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I hope not
While i do agree that they should iron out the extremes, they should not try to go for perfect balance.
Not only is that impossible with the amount of variety in the game i believe that the chaos a lot of these imbalances give is the reason why DbD is going so strong.
Balance is overrated. It is essentially bringing every game closer to being the same.
Again yes pls iron out the extremes
But a perfectly balanced DbD is a boring DbD that will die in a instant
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And you will still struggle because you are bad
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So make all boons useless?
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Wait so if I get scared off door I got to restart the whole thing. Brah?
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Toolboxes need nerfing? They already do very little.
Shattered Hope exists.
Absolutely not. Pre-nerf Corrupt Intervention base kit? No way. Maybe current form, MAYBE.
Hex Totems are in a bad spot, but I'm not sure if second life is the fix.
Let's compromise and call it 24.
Let's compromise and have doors regress to each checkpoint klaxon light.
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Killrate of 95%.
And you'll be here going 'It's unfair that No Mither just allows you to get up, it should add a 10% hindered for 60 seconds after getting up'.
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Comp scene has so many restrictions to balance the game out, when they play in a normal match, they get 250+ winstreaks easily, ghostface and plague can't do anythig when comp players are running all meta perks in a normal match without restrictions
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Ghostface gets 4ks in comp? Please I'd love to see the rules that are in place for that tournament for a Ghostface to 4k. Everytime I watch a comp team vs a killer the killers gets 1 or 2 hooks and 5 gens are done. Because its pre-drop city.
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He plays on Lery's, I believe.