How much longer do we need to endure this meta?

Playing survivor is miserable because every killer is more interested in immediately tunneling and camping (which they can now do freely with the DS nerf) someone out at the start of every match, and then dragging a match out forever with free and infinite regression. Never committing to any chase that they can't end in 10 seconds, because they can't stray too far from their gen kicking simulator. Then, there's the rapidly growing list of killers that have powers that deny looping outright.
Playing killer is miserable because, assuming the game doesn't match me with potatoes that aren't fun to interact with regardless, every survivor has been conditioned to crank gens as quickly as possible and then leave, since this is their primary defense against every killer tunneling, camping, and protecting a 3 gen every match. The current regression meta doesn't reward you for actually committing to chases and downing survivors, so playing for chases often leaves you feeling like you've been punished.
No one plays to have fun anymore. Every match is just so intense and exhausting; and if it's not intense and exhausting, it's just boring (and still exhausting).
On top of this, it feels like every year they remove more and more techs and diminish match variety further and further.
It just really blows.
Until the devs give killers an actual reason to spread hooks over forcing an early kill.
22 -
Is playing to have fun, instead of optimizing the easiest win and making the most boring matches possible, off the table?
12 -
Yes because one person's fun is different than another person's.....I had a Bully Squad that they had fun at the expense of tormenting me.... namely Head On into Purple flashlight was a 4man all with the identical build....
Also when Killer goes fun meme build with no Gen Regression perks Gens fly and the Survivors leave asap....meaning no fun for Killer when match is over in 5+mins ...
18 -
Ehm that's the norm in any pvp game?
League of Legends/DotA established the 1/1/1/2 lane system, rocket league gets dominated by people able to do aireals, rainbow six siege went from a defensive turtle tactic for defenders to aggressive breaking down walls for additional LoS and lurking, and so on...
It's the natural progression for any pvp game and people can call DBD a "party game" until they turn blue, it will always remain a two sided pvp game.
Not a free for all, not a real coop ..... nothing but two sides combating each other.
8 -
Fun is subjective.
Your fun may differ from the other 4 players in the match.
If what you say is true and the matches are exhausting, then why continue to play dbd and not just another game to take a little break?
Trust me as i speak from experience, it really helps
7 -
A game by definition is a contest, you're supposed to try to win.
While gaming, fun is the byproduct of a well-designed game.
Frankly, DbD is more of a charade than a game rn.
2 -
So what was the point of this thread...
Started as a complaint ridden mess... then it went to "having fun"
Yes... Both sides are at fault for what's going on but not taking the blame for it
Maps and Gens are just a couple of issues
2 -
I'm sorry you got a group of survivors that were memeing around and interacting with you. My condolences. Be thankful they weren't humping gens the entire match, desperate to escape as fast as possible. Whenever I get a killer that seems like they're chill and trying to have fun, I will just stop doing generators to go interact with them.
DBD is a fake game. They designed it wrong. Either side trying to play as optimally as possible, makes the game utterly miserable to play.
None of the games you listed are asymmetrical party games that were outright designed wrong, where one side or the other can make matches an unbearably boring slog to get through.
I don't think we would be seeing so many players and content creators talking about how the game's in the worst state it's ever been in and how they want to quit the game, if 3 gen camping, camping, tunneling, loop denial, hiding and gen rushing, etc., were things most people enjoyed playing against.
The point of the thread was to complain about the current state of the game, and how the current meta and design of the game has enabled/encouraged people to optimize all of the fun out of the game and make it completely and utterly miserable to play. It was kind of a straightforward point.
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Wow it’s almost like when we play killers that are not meta and we try a non meta build we get tbagged and Gen rushed. Sorry but no, SWF run this game, and the only way to beat it is to get someone out the game as soon as possible
6 -
The thing is if you play for fun and not try then 9/10 you get 5 minute games with a couple of chases that involves breaking pallets and following the survivor to the next loop. Killers are doing whatever it takes at this point to extend matches so they can get more then 2 chases in before all 5 gens are done. Now some are taking that to the extreme and that's also not ok.
The other day I was thinking and it's been 5 chapters since the last time there was some kind of gen defence perk add but the last 4 chapters have had some kind of gen speed perks added. There is also the fact that the current gen kick meta isn't that string on non mobile killer unless you hold a 3 gen because it takes to much time to walk around and kick gens all over the map.
0 -
Yup, old dbd used to be fun, u could build a lot of diferent builds and still do well but now, u have to play with the same bs build to even stand a chance and as i retired main huntress(they destroyed my girl) when i do play any killer i can only pick regression perks and try to finish chases quickly and play try hard cus everybody istrying to gen rush since killers just camp and tunnel since survivors are to weak to do anything else beside gens.
but as usual devs don't care about players feedback
0 -
I like how you read maybe the first sentence of the OP and then shut off your brain to trot out the same insane "THE SWFS ARE OUT TO GET ME" rant people have been making since SWF became a feature.
Hot take: the game shouldn't have gen defense perks, or ways to increase gen speed (besides doubling up with other survivors).
1 -
I agree but that's now how the game works unfortunately. When I started ruin and pop were the only gen defence perks in game and controlling gen was next to impossible. There was other factors to be fair like real insta heals and bnps but camping and tunneling were way more common back then as well.
0 -
Did you ever think that tunneling and camping are a result to what you literally just said in your post. Solo survivors aren’t gonna gen rush as good as a SWF team. So yes, SWF would still be problematic.
and I’m telling you now, if they gave more incentives to spread hooks and not tunnel we wouldn’t do it. We are forced to sweat, that’s the cycle
0 -
The real problem is simply that the game is badly designed. Hurts to admit it, but that's the case.
A genuinely fun game is enjoyable at almost any level of play. DbD is unbearable at the lowest levels of play and at the highest levels of play. At middling levels of play where players understand the game but have not mastered it, that's where this game shines the brightest.
Once people understand that the most boring plays (Hold W, pre-drop pallets, camp, tunnel, stack slowdown, ect.) are also the most effective, the game ceases to be fun. Skilled designers would find ways to fix this, but, uh, we all know.
0 -
Oh scurry off with the party game fallacy, i heard enough of that. The same BS like always connecting "competitive" with eSports/pro league.
DBD isn't a party game, the killer is never part of the "party". They are always working against the rest with hard counteracting goals.
One side having fun almost always comes at the expense of the other sides fun. Being in control is fun and inherently excluding in DBD.
Edit: Also, none of what you said mattered to the point of your thread about optimizing the hell out of a game.
That has been the go to standard in ANY game since the birth of global information sharing in the internet.
Be it PvE like Wow or any of the pvp titles i named you.
And to name another example from the asymmetrical cathegory for you: VHS and Friday 13th, where the teenager/counselor at first were scared of the killer until they noticed how to optimally play against the killer, leaving the latter powerless.
Edit2: Nvm, i just reread what you answered first in the quoted post. We lost all common ground for discussions.
You call a bully squad trying to incapacitate the killer with Headon and flashlights for as much as possible, playing hard hook denial, "memeing around and (fun) interacting".
I guess I have nothing to say to you anymore.
4 -
This will never change, as the devs see the frustration as part of the experience.
9:38 timestamp
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Why does everyone bring up camping? Like, tunnelling, sure, but camping? Camping is the weakest it's ever been.
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Yea that's why I didn't respond back OP has shown where their "fun" is at....calling a Bully Squad "memeing around" is just funny and sad
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Why does the killer have to do that, when the survivors don't?
It's BhVR's job to incentivise healthy play styles. Right now, they do the exact opposite. Tunneling, camping, 3-genning, slugging, gen rushing, Shift + W, predropping every pallet, bodyblocking with Endurance. These are all things that work better than their alternatives (optimized play styles). Until that is changed, these play style will go nowhere.
3 -
It's still very strong against solo players since they have no way to communicate what is going on and no ability to coordinate a rescue. I also think you're underestimating how bad the average solo player is. Simple concepts are still difficult for most players and I don't expect that will ever change.
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isnt the anniversary patch in 3 months from now? unless they decide to shake the perks soon it will be for the next 3 months which so far it will be 6 months of this meta..
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Take a break for a couple of weeks.
Come back play for a few days take another break. Each time make your break longer and longer. Where you're playing less and less. It'll make those games more fun when you do come back to play. It works for me
Everyone has a different take on having fun.
I too find a killer standing at the hook doing nothing all match to be boring and un fun too, but to that killer its fun and their having a blast.
It is what it is.
1 -
Well that whats you get when the mmr happen?
Losing streak is not fun when killer have to face sweaty survivors all the time?
Survivors not having fun when facing killer sweaty all the time?
Yep I dont see any issue here beside devloper vision to prune winning rather than fun when they introduce MMR system.
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While the community is full of entiled and salty players, no. Even when just playing chill, nasty messages are received despite the outcome. I think most would rather get salt from the losers than toxic boasts from the winner.
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MMR barely even does anything. The soft cap is so low that your matchmaking pool is massive.
0 -
I don't know man, I took a break for a few days and when I came back I got:
-A huntress that was hard camping and tunneling at 5 gens.
-A match where a Claudette went down in the first ten seconds of the match, and then her and her friend instantly DCed.
-And then a match with a Twins that spent the entire match trying to camp/proxy hooks with her power.
I still managed to force fun chases out of the Huntress and Twins, but like, c'mon.
0 -
The current state of the game is AWFUL on both sides!
This is the first time I started playing less and less DbD since 2016!
Imho, devs need to rework most of gen-related perk/items/add-ons on both sides:
- on killer side: only pathetic/weak gen-kick regression perks; real regression effect can only be achieved after a hook; S:PR, PoP perks are well designed; passive slowdowns such as corrupt and deadlock are ok too for the most part; ... but OverChg and CoB needs to be nerfed to the ground (at the very least, detection ability from CoB needs to be removed and their synergy killed)
- on survivor side: complete rework of prove thyself, BNPs, ... every gen-related perk/item/add-on, that is active by default (esp at the start of the trial), must be activated with a specific action (delivrance/wglf-like behavior); only weak impact on gen speed anyway
Take home message: no free gens for survivors; no infinite Skull Merchant kick-gen strategy anymore for killers too! Just play the ######### game , and chase people FFS!
2 -
There needs to be a balance between having fun and winning. You should be able to have fun and win but on 3 quarters of the killer roster that isn't possible when you just get exhaustion or slowdown perks leading you to hold W longer or hold M1 longer.
2 -
Take longer breaks not a few days. The longer you stay away the easer it is to play something else.
Devs are not willing to change the game and make it enjoyable and fun for both sides. It took me over 4 years of playing to see this.
Different game modes, rank and unranked matches, more to do in the match (objectives) plenty of ideas put out there, but
Same gameplay over and over again slam out gens, tunnel camp.
I use to play daily now maybe once a month if that.
Post edited by I_am_Negan on1 -
This guy get it.
I usually say that as veiled sarcasm but in this rare case, I mean it.
1 -
What a miserable attitude to have.
0 -
-"Fun is subjective."
The reality is that a lot of people play DBD to have fun at the other side's expense. Some people enjoy doing this with very strong killers and others do it with a 4 man bully squad.
-"No one plays to have fun anymore. Every match is just so intense and exhausting"
The problem really is the MMR system. The worst players are having a great time because they are finally winning.
Take a peek at Steam Charts and look what MMR has done to DBD. In September of 2021 we had 50k average players. Now we have closer to 30k players.
MMR creates a "weaponized" environment where everyone tries to win harder only to stay in exactly the same place (Just like the Red Queen).
Old school monthly rank resets were better than what we have now. Every month you got a clean slate so you could start over. IF you win a lot now you're gonna get punished and have lots of Nurse/Blights to keep you from winning.
0 -
There's nobody to blame but the devs in this situation, this game is boring these days because the forced play styles , you're either genrushing and surviving easily or meming and dying after a long match, and as killer you're either sweating on people playing casual or youre meming with a low tier killer and it's not fun anymore the devs have ruined this game , ive only played 1 time in the last week due to other games better than this being out and I have no desire to play this game like I was , after nearly 7 years and 12,000 hours this game for me is in the dying stage and unless some major things are done to shake the game up I don't see it having a eighth anniversary I see the servers being left on and this game no longer updating with bot matches on both sides and bots joining after a disconnect
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Fun for me is getting downs. When you say "No one wants to commit to a chase", what you mean is I won't leave this gen at 70% completion so you can run me for over a full minute while three other gens pop.
Committing to chases is not fun as killer. It's, as someone on these forums recently put it excellently: "pallet tour extravaganza". It's me being led to chained tiles where I kick pallet after pallet after pallet after pallet. That's not fun for me.
I do find it disturbing you think a double head on bully build with flashlights is just "memeing" around with the killer. I'd honestly rather get gen rushed.
2 -
I find it disturbing that you think Head On and flashlights are "bullying". I find the whole victim complex most killer mains have, so tiresome.
1 -
It is bullying. Straight up, full stop. You are not trying to do your objective. You are not trying to end the game. You are actively going out of your way to make the killer as miserable as humanly possible.
It boggles me that camping and tunneling are considered "scummy", despite them being the killer's objective... but deliberately trying to Head On/Beamer them as many time as possible is just "memeing".
4 -
Read my second comment.
But yeah I agree
0 -
People stunning you with Head On and blinding you with a flashlight is not "bullying" dude, give me a break. To pretend that you're getting "bullied" here is an insult to anyone that ever had to endure real, actual bullying. It's people using some corny build to try to have fun interactions with you in a video game; and by your own admission, isn't even particularly effective.
Camping and tunneling are considered "scummy" because the person getting camped and tunneled, typically just don't get to play the game. You getting stunned and blinded isn't preventing you from playing the game; and I honestly doubt you encounter full groups of people doing this often enough to even justify complaining about it in the first place.
The victim complex is insufferable. Touch grass, for real.
2 -
By your logic punching kids on the playground instead of doing your homework is just "interacting with other students". Enough with the euphemisms.
Doing coordinated Head-On stuns is bullying because your goal is to screw with the Killer. Period.