nice how you want to reduce the gap between solo q and swf

advantages of CoH and Med kits (I can heal myself up, I don't need anyone) after the nerf of the med kits and kill of CoH they will almost only become half life, in the solo q you almost never get healed up and when it comes to that then they only notice it very slowly, meanwhile in a swf "come on shack let's heal up" more efficient heal in the swf, solo q even more miserable :D nice bhvr, i'm no fortune teller but small spoiler, prepare yourself for many complaints about the solo q before, q solo is still much weaker than swf and misarable but make it worse ? noice xD
well as i can see med kit nerf is good but nerfing CoH even though you have no other way to heal yourself up in the solo q will end up with people starting to play more swf instead of solo q, understandable! why play a stupid role that is miserable and now being made worse when you can abuse swf ? solo q action buffs would be something so that solo q can play selfcare, etc
Take Self Care and Botany Knowledge. The game was never meant to have solo self healing be as efficient as it became in terms of frequency, speed, and item/perk slot usage.
If you want to be able to heal yourself super efficiently, you'll need to dedicate a significant portion of your build to doing so which is how it used to be back in the day and it should have stayed. So it is good that it is getting back there which will hopefully force people to actually play more like a functional well rounded team that heals each other.
7 -
If you bring self-care after this patch, I am reporting you.
22 -
These posts are hilarious. You guys want it EZ MODE and BHVR laughs at you now.
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Jokes on you, I'm a Mikaela player, I'm still bringing CoH and Shadowstep. I also I run bond so I'll just make you heal me.
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I'll bring it without Botany Knowledge and wait until I get a killer with Sloppy Butcher. Then, and only then will I use Selfcare... In the corner of the map of course.
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Yeah, duh, no one is going to bring Self-care, it was already considered bad at 50% speed.
But that makes this 'take self care' comment kind of asinine, don't you think?
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Unless I'm the killer. In that case, the self-carer gets a thumb up in the tally screen.
Actually, who am I kidding. I will be the killer. I'm not masochistic enough to play soloq when this patch goes live.
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Run Self Care and Botany. Those have been permanent parts of my loadout for a long time. It's the only way to actually ensure I get healed in solo q, and Botany helps not just self-healing but with the large number of killers who run Sloppy.
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This is what I'm most concerned about as someone who mostly plays solo, a nerf to self healing will only make solo more unbearable. To swf it won't make a difference at all.
There's literally no reason to play survivor in solo queue anymore, the devs are just using us as fodder to boost kill rates.
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Yeah all survivor mains start to cry cause their precious CoH and DH are getting nerfed so yeah... devs are babysitting killers now ?
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I can't say I find it that hard to have other survivors heal me in solo queue. Usually I find a survivor quickly, or get healed after being unhooked.
I could see this becoming a bit of a problem, but I am not convinced yet. I do kind of wish they would have just reduced the bonus healing speed of CoH to 40 or 33 %, and kept the self healing. The self healing is very important to CoH. Maybe they will change it before the update goes live, though I am not very optimistic.
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It doesn't make it asinine.
If you want to heal yourself consistently without bringing in your now nerfed medkits, you'll be bringing Self Care. Diminished healing is still healing which is preferable to no healing whatsoever when push comes to shove. Besides you'll need to take Self Care now anyway because CoH gives a speed boost to healing others rather than letting you heal yourself and it don't stack with medkits no more.
Literally, either the team cooperates in healing each other or you run self care.
I just want to keep rubbing bones cause blue fire go brr.
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Bond is super underrated.
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Circle may not have been tuned right, but like it or not, it played a big role in closing the solo q/SWF gap.
This patch is gonna suck for solo q, especially with Forever Freddy healing speeds now being base kit for everyone.
Really hoping they reconsider slapping a 50% nerf on all healing across the board.
5 -
we'll see :)) according to me bhvr can only give swf the opportunity to heal itself up and in the solo q you won't be allowed to do that, if bhvr would do that i don't care, i don't give myself solo q anymore either, I used to be a solo q main player for years, after 9k hours, it's enough :D Counter Strike 2 is coming out, I play it and have my popcorn ready to read in the forum "bhvr solo q is miserable", " bhvr please do something for the solo q", "bhvr nerf swf" let's see how long bhvr can withstand it, whether bhvr wants it to be true or not one of the most important things why solo q didn't go under completely after the killer buff patch is self-healing med kits and CoH whose concept is perfect for the solo q, the whole team has an advantage and everyone can see it, no "you have to be on the call to coordinate with your mates to become full life" etc...
i think after the selfheal nerf (dead) there will be more swf troops, as long as you don't play solo q! or people will imitate me and play other games, so no longer play dbd as the main game, so what is certain is that the gap between solo people and the swf will be much larger
2 -
What solo queue after this patch? Just play SWF.
I‘ve been a 100% solo player, quit end of last year because I couldn’t bear it anymore and I intended to come back at some point when the game is in a better shape for solo, but they make half a step forward (action symbols) and then two steps back (healing).
There were reasons for me not to play SWF, like the difficulty of finding people „compatible“ with me or the organisation of having everyone online at the same time. I don’t think I don’t have another choice now if I want to play again.
4 -
Pentiment... the horror for the solo q, swf communicates where all the totems are, solo q takes a long time to find the totems that another destroyed, like the old undying ruin, very bad for the solo q and a bit annoying for swf, innerhealing meta = penti meta = solo q sinking have fun destroying several totems every round so you don't work perma with 30% less repair speed, then people cry about penti, bhvr nerfed it etc like it has been for years xD
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Welp I don't have friends to SWF with, so I guess I'll just stop playing entirely.
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haha I hope you don't mean me :)) if so, then I have to disappoint you little one, I have more friends than you have met people, but I'm talking about certain problems in general and what's to come on bhvr (with a high probability crying about solo q and swf), btw just because i loved solo q doesn't mean i "don't have friends" xD i love to play alone but at the same time i also love the company of others around me but i do it's not like you, my fun depends on whether my friends are online right now :DD let's shorten it, i'm the opposite of a nerd, i have a decent physique (you can see) i've been training for years, i'm popular among women, a lot of people around me also like me very much, online I'm also very liked and people are happy to see me, I'm definitely not blustering, I want to show you that you don't think so much about others should judge and speak, if a person has really difficulties to find connection and to find friends, that you try to reduce the person to that, that's why I write you even in detail
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Not talking to you dude. Cringe post.
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hehe it was supposed to be xD that was my intention to come across as bragging about it... to show if he means me not to look down on other people just because they have "no friends", i hate people who put others down for something (weight, looks, no friends, no family, no more parents, etc.)
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This is basically Old Freddy healing but like applied to everyone. And that was devastatingly nerfed. I don’t see these changes sticking through PTB.
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I used to have full swf always in this game but all my friends have quitted or play very rarely now.
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Or you can learn to run Sloppy or change anything about your builds or playstyle instead of complaining on the forums, Killer biased person.
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Yes, that's how I know it from many people, which is really sad and a pity, I mean bhvr gets new players, they don't want that anymore... losing many experienced players is ok, isn't it? i mean i am also an example i have 9k hrs in dbd for over 4 years and haven't played dbd for weeks, wait until cs2 comes out so i can switch, because i got bored of the game as an experienced player, the matchmaking doesn't work at all, if you play with others who have acuh 5,6,7k+ hrs in a swf it's too boring and too easy, you play solo q you get people in who are so bad that a killer who has 500h finishes you and in the end bashes you, as a killer you only have 2 extremes either the swf that comes to the level of yours or solo q 500h Timmy and his friends who want to have some fun, dbd is just a ruin that is milked by bhvr, no love is put into it ( my feeling)
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I think you have the wrong person.
I'm pretty fair about my stance and I play both roles with about the same level of skill. I prefer killer as it is the more interesting role in terms of mechanics, but I want to see both sides do well. It didn't take a rocket surgeon to see that healing has been out of control for quite sometime. This isn't even the first time the devs have done drastic changes to healing in an attempt to reign it in. This is just the first one that's been this comprehensive.
I don't really have much issue with dealing with healing teams because first off I'm a Legion main, so you're not healing no matter what you bring. Second I've got Franklin's on speed dial and never got around to being all in of a full slowdown build so I usually can sub a perk out. The times when healing is a big issue for me is actually when I'm playing survivor because currently everyone wants to be a one man army self heal. Self healing was never meant to be more efficient than being healed by a team member and since it has gotten this potent it has started to actively mess up my blood point gain because I can't get enough altruism score.
Call me whatever you want, but healing needed to be paired all the way back so they can actually fine tune up it once they see how the data looks over time. If you want to couch this is Us vs Them junk, killers paid far too high of a price to get healing adjusted considering every single regression perk has been substantially weakened or gutted outright. We went from complaints of "killers should have to kick gen for best regression" to "OMG nerf gen kick meta already".
In short both sides got what they wanted and now no one is happy. Except me, cause I'm still gonna boon, tunnel, kick gens,bother folks to let me heal them and not take it that seriously.
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I completely feel your pain. soloq and healing is well... not very good. in SWF, grouping is really easy. for example healing takes 16 seconds, so if two people heal another survivor. it takes 8 second to heal. that is ridiculously fast. Its not even 1/10 of generator to heal. 3 health-states can be recovered in 24 seconds.
How much can single health-state give to the survivor in term of looping? 20 seconds holding forward+there is a lot of pallets, so it extends chases massively.
In soloq, finding people to group heal and committing to group heal is really hard. At base-kit, you have little no information where your team is and your only hope to find people is searching random generators using gen UI. It is not a time efficient experience. People can also heal you in risky spots and sometimes killer can interrupt you while swf can guaranteed that they are healing when the killer is on the other side of the map chasing another survivor. They're much less likely to get interrupted and there is just way better coordination going on for healing.
those healing change are SWF-targeted. With new healing times, it will take SWF to heal 12 seconds for each heal so across 3 heals, it would take them 36 seconds. that is very balanced in principal if only soloq was as efficient as SWF in doing actions in a timely manner.
I suspect that soloq will be forced to run med-kits upcoming chapter and healing perks to compete with killers. So you will expect to see Build to last and We'll make it on every soloq survivor to be able to heal under hook and Build to last to extend med-kits lifespan. Heck, people might even run Autodidact as a perk.
For killer, Since all their generator defence has been nuked to oblivion, Sloppy butcher will be only meaningful slowdown they can run which survivor will be countering with med-kits+build to last or we'll make it/autodidact. The only other regression perks you might see are Jolt+Eruption as these are only reliable regression perks left. their % are not very high but it is only thing left.