The new killer meta predictions

The new meta will be anti-healing and survivors will hate it more than 3 genning.
Now that many gen regression perks are dead (i'd argue pain res is still fine when paired with my current combo of Thrilling/DMS/pain res/fearmonger, because if you use it 4 times you probably already got a lot of value) But overcharge being deleted, and CoB being deleted, killers have little to no decent gen regression left.
The only ones really remaining are probably the gen BLOCKING ones
However, With the increase to healing speeds happening across the board, this is going to result in the meta becoming anti-healing and stealth. Because healing will slow the game down far more than any gen regression perk can by sheer numbers. Thus, i suspect the "new" meta perks will involve some anti-healing along with more passive gen defense and potentially stealth, all of these dependent on killer
Personally though, i think from a killer perspective, this will actually result in killers being able to make more skillful plays. Instead of just hard tunneling someone out and using a bunch of gen defense perks and relying on a 3-gen, you'll be able to actually spread pressure and target multiple survivors. It'll make the game more fun for killers Unfortunately for the survivors, they are gonna get pissed and ragequit when they see that red bar after being hit and realizing they might as well not even bother healing.
With this change as well, i suspect survivor perks like resilience, resurgence, second wind, autodidact, inner healing and other perks become more meta on the survivor side of things.
Here is my predictions on perks and killers:
- Sloppy butcher - for the m1 killers
- Hex: Pentimento/Hex: Plaything - for the stealth and "passive" gen defense
- Deadlock - passive gen defense
- Corrupt Intervention - If you are a setup killer or have a bad early game
- Thanataphobia - To force the survivors to heal while their healing is extremely long
- Coulorophobia/Distressing - For killers with big terror radius manipulation like wesker/doctor
- Deathbound - For stealth after they heal
- Leverage - Unironically for combining with sloppy to make people's day sadder
- Monitor and Abuse - To shrink your terror radius and make you stealthier
- Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - For the killers who aren't m1, like nurse, this would replace sloppy.
- Dark Devotion - Encourages Spreading pressure, more anti-healing and stealth.
- Game Afoot - For swapping obsession, could work well with dark devotion.
- Hex: Face the darkness - Interrupts long actions.
- Blood Echo - If you really don't want to deal with exhaustion, since everyone will be injured, this will get much higher value.
S-tier killers will be (in no particular order):
- Legion - With the increase in healing even more, Thana will be amazing on them to the point where (i'd have to math this out, but) it probably would be better to just take the 20% gen speed reduction than it would be to try healing someone, they might end up being a-tier instead but we'll have to see how it works in practice
- Wesker - With his massive terror radius can make use of a combo like - sloppy/thana/distressing/coulorophobia
- Wraith - Hit and run wraith is back
- Spirit - Now you are injured for so much longer so her power becomes much stronger. The main counter to spirit is to keep healed up so she can't hear you as easily, this will be miserable.
- Blight - Because blight
- Nurse - Because Nurse
A-tier killers will be (in no particular order)
- Pig - With a perk like Face the darkness, using the "forever traps" build and all of these healing stuff, you'll make the game miserable.
- Oni - Getting that first hit will be hard, but once you start the snowball you'll feel great
- Twins - Twins are coming back because the healing meta is what countered them.
B-Tier killers will be (in no particular order)
- Doctor - Can interrupt healing (and regress it when using sloppy) and force them to leave madness wasting healing time.
- Sadako - Her hit and run style with wraith can be strong, but probably weaker than wraith still
- Ghostface - Similar to sadako and wraith, but still probably weaker than wraith.
Killers you think would be good but will actually be bad:
- Plague - You already don't want to heal against plague because you don't want to cleanse, but with less gen regression than before, she won't be able to hang as well as she used to.
- Skull Merchant - Even though she has good stealth, the fact that 3 genning, her strongest thing has been so heavily nerfed it won't matter. Additionally the penalty of being exposed matters less because everyone will just be injured all the time.
- Deathslinger - Even though being injured is good for deathslinger and his long range shots, he still has no map pressure, leading him to being forced to 3-4 gen, which with a lot of those perks gone now he won't be able to to do as effectively.
Top builds for the S-Tier killers:
- Legion - Filthy Blade (longer mending)/Defaced Smiley Pin(sloppy in the form of addons) - Thanataphobia/Distressing/Coulrophobia/Deadlock - Legion can increase their terror radius which benefits their tracking, and also makes coulrophobia even better, the longer mending and free sloppy in the form of addons means they can use other perks
- Wesker - Egg/LooseCrank (makes his power good at loops) - Coulrophobia/Distressing/Thanataphobia/Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - With his massive terror radius already, you can stand near the center of the map with this and hit nearly the entire map. You'll never want to heal, nor could you with this build, plus you have to deal with infection when it hits you.
- Wraith - ShadowDance (fast pallet breaking)/ Swift Hunt (fast uncloaking) - Sloppy Butcher/Thanataphobia/Leverage/Deadlock - Wraith is always great at getting the first hit, and sloppy makes healing take forever meaning you'll be able to keep the whole team injured extremely easily, the fast pallet breaking means that predropping pallets will remove their defenses super quick, and fast uncloaking means you can hug them, uncloak and guarantee a hit if they don't get to anything
- Spirit - MDR ( faster phase)/Amulet(longer phase) - Sloppy Butcher/Thanataphobia/Leverage/Deadlock - Same build as wraith for pretty much the same reasons, except your power is better for chasing.
- Blight - Alch Ring/Compound 21 (aura reveal) - Coulrophobia/Distressing/Thanataphobia/Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - Same build as wesker, even though blights terror radius isn't bigger, he can move so fast that he can be anywhere on the map instantly, so if you know someone is healing somewhere you can easily be there to interrupt them, also blight.
- Nurse - Catatonic (less fatigue for chain blinks/Fragile Wheeze (Sloppy in addon form) - Thantaphobia/Gearhead/BBQ/Lethal - As a nurse main with nearly 3k hours i know her quite well, aura reading is her game. With the buff to gearhead, which makes it dummy good on her, i'll swap out my pain res for thana, and my other addon for sloppy and she can also play the anti-healing game, but also be able to basically see every survivor pretty much all the time.
My favorite part, is that they made gearhead nurses best perk.
No matter the Killer meta, survivors are going to hate it.
No matter the Survivor meta, killers are going to hate it.
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I read only until "all of these dependent on killer" but I agree. There's a clear direction where this patch is headed to in the meta.
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Deadlock, PR, NOED+ No Way Out
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Killers won't need anti-healing because healing is already bad. literally 1 sloppy butcher will be the death of healing and the other 3 slots are free for whatever
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As an autodidact user I say bring on your 2 minute long heals!
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Ah good point, i suspect autodidact will become meta for survivors along with resilience.
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Nerfing all the gen regression in a year is a very bad idea. Between pop being gutted last year and now this there will be an exponential increase in tunneling. Doesn’t matter how bad healing is now.
faster gens always leads to more tunneling. We may see killers spreading pressure but nothing in the update makes tunneling a weaker option for the killers, but nerfing gens regression makes it a better option.
healing nerfs will only either help lower or average mmr killers who don’t want to tunnel out of principle-good for them- or help tunneling killers spread some damage but still go back to the same person, or make it harder to heal and then go make saves against someone being camped
I’m excited though. I hope to be wrong and see a fresh new meta. But I’m 99.9% sure nerfingall the gen regression perks rather than rework is not the right move
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PR is completely dead. Your absolute best case scenario is you get 4 PR procs...that's it. That is assuming you play extremely fair as well. That is garbage for gen regression. No one will be running PR anymore.
I think with the increase to healing times and nerfs to gen regression we're just going to see a non healing meta where everyone just stays injured and rushes gens.
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Precisely my point, anti-healing with thana will be the new meta to more passively slow the game down.
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I still think their rework to Thana was a terrible change and pretty universally hated as the old version was way better. That said, this meta will be good for Thana as you said.
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Well, provided people don't get even more medkits somehow.
- Sadako - Her hit and run style with wraith can be strong, but probably weaker than wraith still
I doubt it, with the accessibility changes, I'm pretty sure her ability to have even the slightest bit of stealth is going to be dead in the water. Unless you're really confident people will only use it as needed (rather than doubling up, or just using it so they can listen to other stuff than the game).
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I doubt that Legion will become S-tier, their biggest weakness has always been turning injuries into downs, many Survivors didn't even bother to heal against them to begin with, so they won't benefit that much from the changes to healing.
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When you run thana they will be forced to heal or gens take 20% longer. Normally survivors would at least heal a bit to make sure thana doesn't kick in hard, but now they will have a hard time even keeping 1 survivor healed.
This extra time, combined with not having to deal with dead hard means you can probably dead zone a map before they can end the game.
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I was thinking exactly the same thing.
survivors are even more forced to become good loopers since stealth is dead too. getting started as a new survivor will be even more difficult and everything now depends on the map rng.
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Imagine thinking that survivors should have to be good to do well.
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the skill curve of killer and survivor is completely different. In my experience, a survivor needs at least 1000 hours of play before he is a reasonable looper. I don't know if such a requirement is healthy for the game which has no casual mode.
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Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that Legion won't profit from the changes, but they will still be leagues below the likes of Nurse or Blight. Simply accepting the slowdown from Thanaphobia against Legion already is a thing and as I said, their big weakness remains.
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The entire game is a casual mode.
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I play a lot of legion as a secondary, along with my nurse main. And i can tell you, that when i run thana, the survivors often make sure at least 1 of them is healed. The point is, they won't be able to do that anymore, and when survivors all stay injured, you can dead zone the map really really fast.
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You have it backwards, there is no competitive/serious mode. This game is a party game.
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you can look at it that way, but in reality both sides are fighting with the strongest means they have because there are still depips and people have something to lose.
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Playing Spirit hit&run isn't that good of an idea, even though i will defintely play Sloppy on her but no Thana or Leverage. Generally i think making all your build about anti-heal and hitting everyone at least once won't be that strong with killers like Blight, Nurse or Wesker, tunneling and proxy-camping will still be the way to go for top-killers in high MMR because good survs will keep you to long in chase ir will hide to well for you to gain momentum, and they will rush gens with Adrenaline ...
Also Wraith and Legion will never be S-Tier. They're still easily loopable M1 killers even though they will maybe move up a bit in tierlists.
I'm absolutely afraid of "forever"-builds as i already played during those times when Forever Freddy and Forever Legion was a thing. They're unfun as hell and many people will complain.
Personally i think the 3 gen meta could have been way weaker if survivors would bring perks like Deja Vu or actually develop some game sense and break possible 3 gens from the beginning. Not sue how this new meta will play out
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Ever since the meta shakeup killers have become bad and lazy. anyone can 4k as killer these days. These changes will KILL, the game.
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Survivors will focus more on bringing more gen rush perks and just sit on gens more. Why bother healing. Killer comes too close? SB away to a loop.
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Replace pain res with sloppy or remember me and you've got yourself a face camping build that annihilates solo q.
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You misunderstand my spirit point. Basically, you make it so if the survivors heal, they spend way too much time doing it, so its not worth actually healing. Thus as you start hooking people, you'll just have permanently injured survivors.
You underestimate wraith with Shadow Dance, you can't predrop pallets because he instantly breaks them, can't stay injured because the stealth, and you can't heal because the healing reduction. Yes, you'll still get "gen rushed" but you need to keep in mind that the first hit is basically guaranteed, and you make it nearly impossible to heal.
Same with legion. The reason legion is considered weak is because survivors can spread around and just not heal. But with thanataphobia survivors still need to heal at least 1 survivor. Additionally, legion the button for example means once you drop the pallet, its broken for free. With 20% less time on gens if survivors don't heal (and even more if they do try to heal) you are going to create dead zones extremely fast.
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i mained Wraith for almost 2 years, it's not that easy at high MMr, but yeah he is a noob slasher. Shadowdance can be easily countered by spamming vaults at pallets and you don't even have to drop them until he uncloakes, just be careful he doesn't bodyblock them / punish him for trying it. It's not a bad add-on and i play it too a lot, you can churn through pallets, but he is far from being a strong killer on most maps that have pallets.
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As a chad Terminus enjoyer, i'm looking forward to a possible uptick in Adrenaline users.
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SWFs will just designate a healer with healer perks like We'll Make It and Botany or COH or forego healing entirely as if against a Plague or Legion now, and just Gen-rush, with the Gen-rush perks you mentioned earlier.
I will say your Thana argument does have merit, though, absolutely. I hadn't thought about it. But as usual, most SWFs will adapt and just bring someone that's got a lot of healing perks or make a Gen-rush strategy viable.
As per OLD usual, solo queues will suffer the most. Thought they were gonna try to work on that; guess they abandoned that idea.
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Aside from putting Legion on S-Tier, I agree with you on most points. And the devs will thank you for the perk list so they know what needs to be "reworked" next 😂 Anti Heal, Hit&Run, Pentimento/Plaything and Gen Lock Perks will definitely be a common feature. I hope they leave my Wraith alone :(