Where are the weak perks buffs?

Survivors: Ace in a Hole, Autodidact, Buckle Up, Calm Spirit, Corrective Action, Mettle of Man, Potential Energy, Premonition, Self-Preservation, Technician, Up the Ante and visionary.
Killers: Beast of Prey, Blood Echo, Bloodhound, Claustrophobia, Dark Devotion, Deathbound, Deerstalker, Dissolution, Distressing, Dragon's Grip, Dying Light, Fire Up, Forced Penance, Furtive Chase, Game Afoot, Gearhead, Grim Embrace, Hangman's Trick, Hex: Crowd Control, Hex: Face the Darkness, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Ruin, Insidious, Leverage, Overwhelming Presence, Predator, Septic Touch, Shadowborn, Shattered Hope, Stridor, Surveillance, Terminus, Territorial Imperative, Thanatophobia, Trail of Torment, Unnerving Presence and Unrelenting.
Is it planned on a different schedule? Why haven't you buffed the weak perks yet for the next patch?
It's funny because useless survivor perks account for more or less 80% of the total, maybe even 85% after the disappearance of DH and CoH
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There's a bigger reason as to why those perks are considered weak.... Technician for example only works if the Killer isn't observant and if the Survivor misses a skillcheck... Beast Of Pray only works if the Killer is in chase for an extended amount of time... Both of those perks only work if one fails...
Other perks are decent but we can only take 4 perks with us... Surveillance and Unrelenting are examples of this
Other perks are more about getting stacks... Autodidact, Potential Energy, Corrective Action and Dying Light
Gearhead should've been left alone... IMO
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And some of those are just bad ideas that should never, ever be buffed.
Looking at you, Mettle of Man.