Whats the point of deleting perks?

There’s a difference between nerfing a perk and deleting it.
People use Circle of Healing for self healing. It doesn’t do that anymore so everyone will immediately drop it.
People use Pain Resonance for consistent slowdown all match. Now that it can only be used four times people will immediately drop it.
People use Dead Hard to compliment a more aggressive chase-oriented playstyle. Now it forces an altruistic playstyle and won’t even get value if you’re consistently being chased people will immediately drop it.
People use Call of Brine because its the perk that has a fastest regression speed. Now that its regression speed is much less noticeable and its outclassed by another perk at max value people will take it out their builds ASAP.
This patch is pretty extreme and seems like they want to force a full meta shift instead of trying to open up different varieties of playstyle. Nerf the strong perks and buff the competition for variety don’t nuke the strong perks and force people to find another stale meta of the scraps leftover.
An effective way of killing a meta is scorched earth.
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All of this.
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CoH probably would've been fine if the 50% heal speed boost did not apply to the self-heal. Currently, it has no reason to exist anymore.
Pain Res was fine, scourge hooks just need to swap around after every hook so the killer can't just camp one lucky SH spawn and force hooktrades to keep triggering it. (Also prevents an unlucky SH spawn from ruining an entire subset of perks)
DH could've been put on just a token or two, but demanding a safe unhook means it won't work against hard tunnelling/camping, so that's another buff to tunnelling/camping.
Call of Brine seemed fine to me.
This sledgehammering is looking awful.
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Meta rotation.
The point of the changes is to delete those perks from the meta. Overkilling is the point. It's not good balancing, no, but can you really blame BHVR? They're giving the players what they want, and what players really want when they complain for months that something needs to be nerfed is for it to be nerfed into the ground. Look no further than Dead Hard. The last meta overhaul changed the perk in more or less the exact way that many killers had said for years needed to happen for them to be okay with the perk, and then it was adjusted again to be even less oppressive. And yet, here we are again.
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The game has a big power creep problem. Matches are often won and lost because one side brought a stronger build, not because one side outplayed the other side. I see this patch as the start of addressing that issue.
Many of the perks that are being nerfed were things that circumvented the basic skill expression of the game: winning and losing chases. You could delete a killer's pressure in seconds with rapid healing. You could DH to avoid a down. You could go on extended chases to Narnia and lose almost nothing with some regression stacks, or you could indefinitely hold a 3 gen and never commit to chases with other slowdowns.
It turned the game into Builds by Daylight. Whoever loaded their kit the most would win unless matchmaking went brrrrrr and it didn't matter.
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People wanted a meta shakeup. They tried with 6.1 but people complained it wasn't enough and the same perks just kept being used. This is literally what the playbase was asking for.
I'm very happy that Dead Hard and Circle of Healing are dead though, hahahah.
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They want to shift the meta, which is fine.
On the other hand, BHVR seems to have a phobia of perk buffs. We're getting... a gearhead buff. And an overzealous buff.
Because overzealous/stakeous/hyperfocus couldn't already be annoying in the wrong situation.
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The issue is that BHVR seems more intent on changing the meta than balancing perks. This is pointless, because meta is meta for a reason. If you kill the old one, a new one shows up. You will always have a dominant meta because some perks are just more reliable and help with more vital things than others. The best you can hope for is that the meta is healthy.
You saw this with Self-Care, Ruin, and Pop last time - now it's this lot. Nerfs can be very good, but deleting perks is just unhealthy.
I don't think PR is strictly dead, but CoH is six feet under and I doubt DH is crawling out of its grave this time.
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Maybe for dedicated unhook builds.
People actually running DH will probably get more direct value out of pressing it, and everyone else can happily swing away.
It is concerning that we're just building an ever-bigger pile of perks nobody wants to use, though. On top of releasing more dross.
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DH, CoH, and CoB were all overpowered though. While I’ll admit CoH is most definitely dead now, hopefully now the devs will realize boon totems are a failed mechanic because no one will actually use them anymore. I actually don’t have a problem with any of these perks being nerfed, what I do have a problem with is how hard healing was nerfed when the only problems were medkits and CoH.
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Call of Brine wasn't overpowered, though. It could get a bit stupid with Overcharge, but it was easy to counter - you just return to the gen quickly or you tap it. If the killer hugs the gen for a while, then you pile somewhere else. The issue was the emergence of killers who can 3gen like their lives depend on it, not gen regression perks themselves.
DH and CoH, yeah, even if I thought CoH was in a healthier state before than they're putting it now. And DH I'm just tired of hearing about.
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BHVR has a bad pattern of nerfing perks by crippling the numbers, and then trying to buff them after by changing how they work.
The obvious fix was to change how CoB worked so it wasn't just constant application, not make the thing useless. And on the flip side, we have Gearhead, where the problem was that it might activate whilst you're still doing something on top of its RNG reliance. Now we have Gearhead, which is almost certainly going to activate when you're doing something, and when you're not doing something, there are other perks that don't rely on Survivors being on gens and getting skillchecks (BBQ, obviously, for one). <_>
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Yep, I will be forever removing Dead hard and CoH from all my perk options. They took these nerfs way to far, they are both absolute shite now.
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You could gen tap, but it also gave the killer information that you were back as soon as you did a skill check so they could come kick it again. It was like two perks in one imo. Now it’s more of an info perk and doesn’t do much for slowdown. Any killer could hold a 3 gen with CoB + OC, the last couple killers released were just even better at doing it.
As for CoH, I think boons just need a more substantial rework because I highly doubt we’re going to see them much at all now. Make them more useful but give them better counterplay. Having to travel to the top of Ironworks to snuff a totem is dumb.
DH, idk. I don’t think there was a great way to fix it without reworking it entirely if I’m being honest. But it’s still a nerf so I’ll take it.
I’m not sure what you mean with not constant application for CoB, are you saying it should have a cooldown or something?
Not sure how I feel about the new Gearhead. It’ll definitely activate more often now, but the gen auras will still block survivor auras a lot of the time.
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Didnt work out with Dead Hard before....
Every survivor main using it right now, even though got nerfed...
The thing is, something either good, or not good enough to use.
Thats why you need to give very big nerf to perks to get meta changes
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A cooldown, one thing at a time, anything. Hell, change it from super-accelerated regression to a ruin-like 'this gen will begin regressing at X% speed when it's not being worked on'. I'm sure a couple of people here could have brainstormed ways to remove it from an overbearing 3gen meta without making it totally useless given half an hour.
Rebalancing the game so something's not part of the dominant meta doesn't always have to mean 'not viable to run at all', but here we are.
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I play both killer and survivor and have never once had a problem countering these perks I really don’t understand the reason for nerfing them. If someone is abusing the perks then take the loss and move on it doesn’t happen that often for me to complain.