Rip Dead hard. You guys are out of your minds

Dead Hard will activate after safely unhooking a Survivor. When activated, press the active ability button while injured and running to gain the Endurance Status Effect for 0.5 seconds, then become Exhausted. Dead Hard will deactivate when it successfully protects the user from damage.
Why are you nerfing a already bad perk? Now it can't be used for half the game... no more end game use no more early game use. Like this perk has such a huge limitation on its usage that you might aswell not even use it at all.
I play both rolls and never had a problem with DH if I saw one had it I would just switch up my hit timing ... I'm confused on why it was nerf to unusable
It's not bad but you could force it in certain situations. Regardless, the nerf was NOT needed in the slightest considering half the time DH wouldn't work.
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This is what happens when it can be exploited in certain situations. Goodbye DH. For real this time. Won't miss ya.
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where can i find the new patch notes? all i see is the one from March 6th
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I mean the perk's bad, so obviously you won't mind seeing it go, right?
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Why are you nerfing a already bad perk?
Why do so many survivors run a bad perk?
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Ding dong, the witch is dead....
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Look up dev update march 2023 dbd
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Like i care. One, there was a 40% chance of me pulling it off. And 2. If less ppl use it, then maybe my odds of getting a dh success will rise now
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Never used it, so not really sad, but it is incredible how relentless they are about one perk that's already ping gambling.
I guess that means I won't need to leave gen to go unhook, since DH users will probably rush those first unhooks to activate the perk.
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It's an extra health state with no real condition attached and it could be used in theory an infinite amount of times. Compared to perks like MoM or the med-kit addon that provide additional hits, Dead Hard was clearly a bit too strong.
The nerf is deserved and it's better that Dead Hard is a more conditional for that extra hit as I doubt any survivor would want the perk gutted to the point that it barely functions as an extra hit.
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Some situations is good and when it works it's best exhaustion perk. But actually currently for me it's hard to get value most killers have gotten used to it and bait it out.
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And everyone hated baiting it out constantly.
This is likely to make it more consistent to actually use, whilst removing the value of 'people following you unsure if they can swing or not until it's a lose lose situation'.
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You guys said that the last time it was nerfed, and yet here we are.
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You really think these changes are gonna make it to live servers we are gonna do what the killers have done for years
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I bet this time they will. Whine your hardest. xD
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Get teabagged?
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They finally killed this awful perk. It will sting for a while, but you'll learn to play without it. Especially since the number 1 argument against DH nerfs is that 'it doesn't even work'.
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So all this whining and crying about one "bad" perk, right? Don't fool yourself at least, 3 health states enjoyer
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I've never enjoyed using Dead Hard much. I always preferred Lithe or even Balanced Landing, they make chases more fun for me. I hope to get Jonah so I can access Overcome, too.
Plenty of other fish in the sea, plenty of other Exhaustion perks in the fog.
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Not worth running dead hard anymore, sprint burst is gonna be meta next 🤷♂️
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Lets wait how many days or hours it will take after the Patch went live until Killers complain about Sprint Burst. :)
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It won't stop the killer cries unfortunately, next will "I can't tell if they have dead hard or not because I can't track if they saved a survivor". Might as well make the survivor 30% slower when DH is activated so the killer knows, baits it out, gets the kill so they don't whine.
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I mean if the perks already bad and getting nerfed and CoH getting rebalanced for the gutting of CoB, Eruption and Pain res then I think its worth it.
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For fun! It gives Survivors an additional button to press. Technically "Pebble" is also a bad perk, but people run it for fun.
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This game gonna die now LMAO
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What else are survivors supposed to do now when a killer sees them? Let them get their free hit first then lay Down and die?
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Probably the same amount of days that it takes survivors to complain about the flavor of the week killer.
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This has been said so many times this statement has lost almost all of it's not gonna die, it'll be fine.
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Putting on my tinfoil hat.
Did the merchant cause this? And I mean like the whole change. strengths and weakness
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You and I both know that it doesn't go like that.
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Oh no, people will have to actually be good at running tiles to escape now instead of just smashing E after getting outplayed, how terrible and "unhealthy." 😆
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“cOmE oN gUyS! dOnT nErF dEaDhArD!!11 iTs A bAd PeRk AlReADy A-a-AnD I-i PlAy BoTh SiDeS aNd SeE nOtHiNg WrOnG wItH iT!!111” - obvious survivor main who abuses braindead meta perks to bully killers.
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Imagine playing killer and winning cause that's all you can do is imagine you'll never win with that attitude
Ooh I got out played and stalled let me cry about it
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Actually I don't use dead hard but when ever I faced against it it only worked once but always made me chuckle cause the chase didn't end so fast it was quite funny . After all it only extended the chase 5s longer
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It couldn't be exploited in certain situations; and this reads like you think perks should be deleted if they provide any value at all.
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Seems to make you pretty uncomfortable that survivors are going to have to actually be good at the core aspect of the game to get away, just like the killer has to be good at the core aspect of the game to catch somebody.
Imagine being agitated about a more even playing field 🙄
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Imagine posting this and not having enough self awareness to realize that the only reason you were hitting so many DH's was because you mindlessly swing into every single survivor that gets into range.
If 0.5 seconds of highly telegraphed, obvious endurance is such a consistent problem for you, I'm sorry, you're being outplayed.
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It's absolutely phenomenal to think that you've ignored the entire discourse as long as it went on about why you can't bait out DH all the time.
And for the record, the only skilled DH play is when you're in the open.
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'already bad perk'. Sure Jan.
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Why can't you bait it out? Breathe down their neck? Wait for them to make a bigger blunder than dancing on a jungle gym?
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why is this bad park still used 75% survivers?
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To quote an earlier post:
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Here you go, good luck without the constant crutch.
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"Really bad perks" are not brought into every single game.
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OTR is now the new DH I guess lol. Like I said in other threads, I could use it fine but preferred distortion, windows, PTS and bond.
I do not like what they did to healing though. For me that's a deal breaker, not because of a threat or something like that, but because I know I'll literally get tired of not being able to heal mysel, not getting heals from others, and going down over and over due to this. I'll just frustrated and in a bad mood, not worth it sadly as I really was having fun playing, even in soloq :)
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It's meta shift and we all want that yes? No matter if you think DH is the strongest perk in the game or not we can all se that it's used a LOT, which is not fun. But for killer players seeing more SB, toolboxes and "gen rush" builds instead I'm not sure killers should be super happy about this update coming.
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If they nerf dead hard again my team and I are through with dead by daylight for good these developers have lost their minds the tunneling problem is just going to get worse and the game will die out from lack of fun it’s already nearly impossible to pull off the perk half the time why would they do this without first listening to its community killer mains and survivor mains don’t want this it will ruin everyone’s strategies on both sides of the spectrum and on top of that survivors won’t be able to counter a killers tunnel immediately unless they have saved someone if this because reality count me and my team and clan out of playing dead by daylight ever again that’s a promise