Ignore the haters, devs, this new patch is mighty fine

Don't listen to them, don't change it, let it go live. This is by far the best patch we'll ever get. I play survivor mostly and I'm GLAD that they nerf these perks. I'll gladly exchange these busted survivor perks and items for the regression perks. I'll even say, nerf BNP while you're at it for the perfect balance. Please, and, thanks.
I'm cool with everything besides the hillbilly changes. Why nerf an underperforming killers only good add-ons? I don't get it, it seems like they just want to kill hillbilly. I've said this a lot before but I'll say it again, if overheating is such a "non-factor" then why not remove it? If it doesn't change anything then why is it there?
I can live with the pain res nerfs, it sucks that they over nerfed it but I don't use the perk anyway so I could care less.
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The reasoning behind the overheat mechanic is so hillbilly can't forever camp the hook or constantly traverse the map. It's flawed since Bubba can hook camp whenever he wants and Blight can traverse the map forever.
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They nerf them because they are popular instead making them partly basekit like with all other killers. I think overall this update has went overboard. I think if it goes live blight, nurse and spirit need to be nerfed considerably.
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Hard disagree. I can't say I'm a fan of any of the changes, except perhaps the CoH change with some tweaks. Most of these changes are total overkill imo.
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Spirit has
One problematic addon. That's kind of it; they've already gutted her ability to do much of anything else and made her audio super duper obvious.
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Disagreed. Most of these changes are very overdone and some unnecessary.
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Healing times being increased by 50% across the board is a bit extreme.
Pain Res got double-whammied, which feels entirely unnecessary when CoB and Overcharge are already being hit pretty damn hard.
The effective removal lightburn also feels unnecessary for Nurse in particular. It’s great for Hag, but… eh.
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I play 50/50 and I'm fine with most of the stuff myself. People freak out over any change but I think it's nice to see some big changes and stuff will still change from the PTB to live. It doesn't matter what they do though, there will always be doomsayers.
Personally, the biggest issue to me is base healing being made 24 seconds. I think healing with someone should stay at 16 but everything else is fine.
We don't know how much the Billy add-ons got nerfed, they very well might be minimal and not even noticeable; if they are massive then yeah, I can see complaints. The overheat change is fine.
Some of the perks were nerfed to oblivion and honestly, I'm good with it if they stay that way. That said, maybe tone some back after the PTB but for the most part I think the general idea for all of them is fine. Pain Res should prolly be buffed to 20 or 25 percent since it's only 4x use for example.
People complaining about Hag are nuts. It's going to be great that traps can be removed and she doesn't need any buff's to compensate. She's already plenty strong as is, especially if the healing nerfs go through.
Nurse should keep lightburn. She doesn't need any kind of buff, no matter how minimal.
Some of the add-on changes were pretty underwhelming. Oni's and Pyramid head's both should be reworked or buffed a lot more. They're already useless and still will be IMO.
Most of the other stuff is all pretty good. I can't remember all of it though and I plan to wait and watch PTB stuff before forming any strong opinions.
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yeah bhvr lissen to him "haters" are everywhere :)) i'm sure people won't leave dbd if the normal healing lasts 24sec and with sloppy butcher much longer and no more healing possibilities remain, haters would say the solo q will die from it
do it bhvr do it :D
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Guess you'll be the only player left :)
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My dude, you know your past discussions and comments can be viewed right? 🤣 “I play survivor mostly”… yeah, okay. lol
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He also has like half a dozen past discussions/posts where he's threatened to leave, and one where he claimed he's uninstalling the game in protest (funny, he's still here). But oh no, *now* they need to ignore feedback?