New bloodweb improvements only cater to prestige hunters

While us who mainly level up to get perks still have to do 50 manual bloodwebs due to this:
It’s really annoying that there’s no free choice - why not let it be up to the players whether they want to familiarize themselves with it first? Or maybe set a level limit: im lvl 90, i really dont need to learn items. All items can be googled as well.
There are worse things than manually prestiging a character once - though the way they phrase it makes it sound as though you forget how bloodwebs work with every new character. Which is a bit ridiculous.
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Dude, there aren't billion of different characters in the game. It's anything but a "prestige hunter"-only improvement.
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Is it that hard to add it now they’re adding it halfassed anyway?
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It’s still so unnecessarily time-consuming, you act like it’s a pleasant experience clicking on items for 20 mins
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But that only refers to the complete/automatic bloodweb mechanic, right?
you can still use the click instead of hold as well as choosing a node and then the path gets taken or did. I misunderstand?
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you see, playing any new character requires you to beat yourself in the head with a brick until you forget every other character.