Everything wrong with the latest Dev Update | March 2023

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

There's a lot to cover. So I'll be adding in visual references to each section of the update as I break them down. To start off:

This is a big win! BP spending getting faster has been asked about for years now. No complaints here. A shame that such a good change precipitates what's to come...

This is also a win. More accessibility options means more players. More players means everyone gets faster matches and the game keeps getting updates. Moving on...

I won't hold my breath for this one. Map changes are usually for the worse. But we'll have to wait to playtest the map before making any judgements.

2nd verse, same as the 1st. We'll have to see the changes first-hand to make judgement. The same can not be said for...

There's no other way to put it; this is completely tone-deaf. The healing meta needed some attention but this is the worst possible way to address it. Killers that excel at getting hits quickly like Nurse and Blight, otherwise known as some of the strongest killers in the game, have just gotten stronger. Sloppy Butcher just became meta. And Self-Care just became even more useless.

This is a horrible change.

This is even worse. The problem with med-kits wasn't their ability to heal other survivors faster. But allowing survivors to heal themselves faster. All they had to do was nerf that and leave everything else alone. But they didn't. And now survivors have even less reason to use med-kits on anyone other than themselves.

I really shudder to think what they'll do to the add-ons considering how poor a lot of recent add-on passes have been.

A refreshingly good change. A bit weird how it only works on good skillchecks now instead of both good/great skill checks. But this is still a buff to non-meta perk so no complaints here.

Same as before, a buff to a perk that isn't used very often. This is good.

Oh dear. I know that Pain Res needed some tweaks, but this is the nuclear option. The amount of times you can use this perk just got decreased by 66%. This is waaaay too big of a nerf.

Exactly the same problem as the Pain Res nerf. Yes, Dead Hard needed to be looked at. No, making it usable once per unhook was waaaay too big of a nerf. Rather than changing how the perk works, like making it exclusively for body guarding team mates, everyone is just going to switch back to using Sprint Burst.

This pattern of over-nerfing meta perks into uselessness is not healthy for the game. CoB didn't need this big of a nerf. Now no one is going to use it because 125% extra gen regression is absolutely pitiful. They've effectively killed this perk.

This nerf is especially baffling. Overcharge was mostly used on combination with CoB to maximise gen regression. But since CoB is being gutted there's no reason to touch Overcharge because it doesn't add much regression on its own unless survivors can't hit skillchecks. This is yet another unnecessary nerf.

Finally a decent nerf! CoH's problem was allowing survivors to heal themselves so their team didn't have to spend time healing and could focus on gens. This nerf fixes that issue and forces survivors to work together to get value out of the perk. Boons in general still need to be looked at but this is a good first step.

I cannot believe this. They're nerfing some of the only useful add-ons that Billy has. When he is, by far, the killer that has been unfairly nerfed the most.

Why? Has Billy not suffered enough?

The thing I hate most about this change isn't even the change itself. Although Pig definitely needs more than this. It's the little joke about nerfing the Pig. It's as if to say: "We made a funny joke tee hee. We're totally in touch with the community".

Look at the community reaction to your dev update BHVR. Do you seriously think you know what people want?

A small buff to add-ons that no one ever uses. Next...

A tiny buff to some Freddy add-ons that applies blindness... Really got your finger on the pulse of the community, devs.

Do I even need to say how pointless this buff is?

Another pattern emerging here. This time it's buffing terrible add-ons that no one uses in the most pathetic way possible. Buffing one of Pyramid Head's worst add-ons by a completely insignificant amount is beyond pointless.

He needs a full add-on pass.

They really gave the Pinky Finger the Iridescent Head treatment, huh? This is such a lazy way to fix a problematic add-on. It's main use will still be for camping the hook. Reducing the amount of bottles even more will not fix this.

Something to be positive about! Lightburn was an out-dated mechanic that was a cheap, annoying way to counter very specific killers. I'll shed no tears for its removal.

This was also a decent an upcoming change. Assuming they replaced whoever was writing the lore pages. But the significance of this pales in comparison to everything else that was just announced.

To summarise;

Good Changes:

  • Faster BP spending.
  • Removal of Lightburn.
  • Visual terror radius for deaf players.
  • Nerf to CoH.
  • Buffs to Overzealous and Gearhead.

Bad Changes :

  • Massive over-nerfs to DH, CoB, Pain Res, and Overcharge.
  • Billy add-ons nerfed.
  • Insignificant buffs to garbage add-ons for various killers.
  • Healing time nerfed to 24 seconds by default.
  • Med-kits ability to heal other survivors nerfed.
  • Impending add-on pass for med-kits.

BHVR, please, take a minute to actually look at what your community wants.

No one was asking for Billy to get some of his only good add-ons nerfed.

No one was asking for Freddy to inflict blindness for 30s longer.

No one was asking for healing to take 24 seconds.

You're completely out of touch with your community and your changes reflect this.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Actually Nurse and Blight don't care much for the healing changes because they lost Pain res. If you think the killers that had their game delay tied to how well they can down survivors and then getting regression off those downs is somehow better off with healing being a bit slower and the regression nerfed then idk what to tell ya. I would certainly rather PR over sloppy as Nurse as my fast down and high tempo is rewarded more with PR than it is with sloppy. If those killers do show problems they can, like idk, nerf them. Might be a crazy thought though. However didn't they just get done doing that like a couple patches ago? Doesn't seem like that is something they are scared to do.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Some clarification:

    This update absolutely has some good changes and I'm thankful for that. But they feel more included by dumb luck than because the bad changes are so insane that no one who has even a tertiary understanding of how DbD works would make them.

    I seriously hope the devs take a step back and revaluate how they balance the game.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    What are you talking about? Having survivors injured for longer, especially now that DH has been gutted, is amazing for Nurse and Blight. It lets them snowball games easier and makes it harder for survivors to recover. Losing Pain Res really won't hurt them much because they never needed gen regression perks to win games anyway.

    This next update is just a straight-up buff to the strongest killers in the game. And that isn't a good thing.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Well first off Sb+ self aware is way harder to deal with as Nurse than DH. Survivors that play stealthy are what counters Nurse not DH.

    Snowball games with what? Good survivors play those killers by spreading out on gens.... Like if you stack vs my Nurse I don't need slowdown because you are playing terrible in the first place. The places where worse healing does something massive is when you stack, and you don't stack vs Nurse.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Survivors can still stealth no matter what exhaustion perk they're using. The DH nerf doesn't change that.

    SB & Self Aware are not counters to Nurse. The combo is mostly used by survivors who don't know how to 99% their sprint burst and often waste time walking everywhere.

    I'm not convinced you understand Nurse because the most common way for good Nurses to win games is to down survivors faster than they can heal and repair. Pre-nerf DH let them save time on healing since they could use it as an extra health state. With DH in the ever-growing perk dumpster, survivors now have to spend time healing if they want their 2nd health state. But now it takes even longer.

    Again, this update just made Nurse and Blight objectively stronger.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Almost like the best way to stealth is with SB....

    Sb+ self is very strong vs Nurse. I'm more scared of a players using that combo than a DH user.

    The most common way for Nurse to win is by getting in fast chases and ending them quickly. Gen regression and info perks are her meta build for pubs.

    You know how to obtain that weapon?

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    This is true as well.

    I can already see the baby Claudettes self-caring for over a minute in the corner of the map.

    What were they thinking?

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You're projecting my dude.

    Just because you don't like going against SB + Fixated doesn't mean it's the best counter to Nurse. Because it really isn't. Nurse excels at covering ground and the most that SB can give you against a good Nurse is to maybe dodge her first two blinks.

    This is supported by the fact that way before gen regression perks and DH became meta Nurse was still the strongest killer in the game. She really doesn't care if you gain distance on her. The only killer that catches up faster than her is Blight. The 2nd strongest killer in the game.

    You should frame your arguments better instead of trying to flex with a legacy cosmetic that doesn't prove that you know what you're talking about. All it does is make you look like you have something to prove.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    What are you talking about?? Stealth is very strong vs Nurse and SB is the best exhaustion perk for someone that wants to stealth. And you realize that dodging her first 2 blinks is basically an extra health state?? And you can waste her time stealthing while also then still getting the extra health state making sb very strong.

    Are you talking about old Nurse like Omega blink where the addon gave blink speed, blink charge speed, and range all at 50%? Oh and she didn't have a cd on her blinks either.

    So the player that has been playing Nurse and playing vs Nurse before you knew what dbd was doesn't show that maybe I have a clue on what I'm talking about. Just an fyi I think the next patch makes Nurse go from a 9.5 to a 9.6. The changes are very minor for her. Not sure how it works in comp but she doesn't seem like much is changing with her for pubs which btw is what the game should be balanced for.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    And let me guess after 2 months.


    We noticed with the recent changes the kill rate is 80-20. So we decided...blah blah blah.

    Endless cycle of killer, survivor nerf.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 619

    In future,75%〜survivers use Prove Thyself.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Oh yeah. Gen repairs are going to be prioitised over healing since healing will take so long. Which will lead to gens being done faster.

    Another reason that the changes are bad for the game.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Thanks for sharing! I generally agree with your take on each update.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748
    edited March 2023

    I'm fine with the Dead Hard change. It's about time it gets dethroned. It will become niche, but still moderately effective. Not all Exhaustion perks have to give value every chase, you know. It'll be a pretty cool perk that feels earned when used against you. It won't be that powerful anymore, it'll be a niche perk. And that's fine in my book. Also, Lithe will take its place, not Sprint Burst. Except maybe in top MMR. That's what happened during 6.1.0 anyway. Either way, Sprint Burst is infinitely less frustrating to deal with for most of the cast.

    The killer regression perks were a little much, sure. But I like the direction they're going with Pain Res. Considering the requirements to activate it I think it could safely be buffed to 20 or 25% though.

    CoB and Overcharge could both be 150% instead of their new regression speeds. That's a good middle ground. Keep in mind that both of these perks can provide decent info on top of regression.

    Healing speed change is awful. 24 seconds is insane and the game is in no way balanced around it.

    Medkits should have 66% self heal speed, and the biggest medkits should give no more than 2-2.5 heals total. No nerf to altruistic healing speeds. So you're on point about that.

    Plenty of changes here are great, and saying that they are "completely out of touch" feels a little bitter. I think that we'll be pleasantly surprised when we read the PTB patchnotes, and many of these points are addressed.

  • Cave17Plays
    Cave17Plays Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2023

    I agree with most of the things you have said, however, I also believe the COH nerf was overkill, especially if combined with the healing changes. Personally I would much rather CoH need charging or have a cooldown in between healing. If these changes go ahead for it, it will just become a glorified botany - which for Solo Queue survivors is rough. Another potential solution is in order to boon a totem you would need to break a totem. This would therefore limit the amount of times a CoH could be placed while not removing its ability completely.

    A lot of these changes do not seem to consider the struggles of Solo Queue Survivors - if the intention was to nerf SWFs the mark was missed.

    It does indeed feel like a lot of these changes are the nuclear option. We can hope that the Dev's take in to consideration the huge amount of backlash these notes have already produced (in particular regarding the Hillbilly Nerf).

    Regarding the Oni Buff - I agree these addons aren't really used and therefore the Buff will only really affect players who aren't new to killer, but are pretty new to Oni and don't have access to many addons. With this in mind, I wish they'd switch the buff to the two Passive Power Gain addons to aid players who are new to Oni, while balancing them, making more experienced Oni players not super reliant on them.

    Either way, I am hopeful that the Devs address a lot of the issues which have already been raised regarding this PTB update, before it hits the PTB.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I do not think DH is useless with this nerf. It got another condition to activate it, making it much less annoying to deal with and considering how long this perk has defined DBD's meta I think this is fair. Possibly not even enough. We'll see how it works out in a few months. I hope it's not gonna be a repeat of the 6.1.0 phenomenon where people switched back to DH after 2 weeks.

    The regression perks have probable gotten the hardest nerfs in this game's history. Pain Res, CoB and Overcharge are all pretty much useless with these nerfs. 60% regression at max is nothing and does not warrant a perk slot. CoB gives 25% extra regression setting it at 0.3125 c/s. Combined with Overcharge the maximum possible gen regression will be 0.40625 c/s. This is 162.5% of the normal 0.25 c/s regression speed. Old Ruin gave 200% and it was 1 perk slot (2 with Undying). So, yeah... Seems like after this patch Jolt will be the strongest regression perk. Never thought I'd see the day.

    I agree 100% on the healing part. Self-healing was an issue they needed to deal with. Altruistic healing however was not really a problem.

    CoH seems to work just as intended finally. Survivors will actively need to think about when and where to set up a boon to get value out of it, instead of just placing it wherever they find a totem. Overall a good nerf.

    It's funny how all the killers they looked at in this update got buffs. With the exception of the Hillbilly, one of DBD's poster children and Clown. Instead they nerf Billy! BHVR, if you're not going to buff him, then just leave him the hell alone! Billy has suffered more than any other killer and now you're back with yet another nerf?! Even Billy's parents didn't treat him this bad! This killer is literally the reason I stood engaged in this game for more than 1 year now and depending on how bad this will be I'm going to quit. Guess I should have invested all this time (600 hours) on Blight or Nurse instead. No matter how much feedback we give them on a Hillbilly nerf, they will still go through with it. All I'm hoping for now is that these nerfs will be insignificant.

    The Lightburn changes are a bit weird imo. I would understand, if they did it for Wraith since he isn't all that strong to begin with, but everything else was a pretty cool interaction in my opinion. Well, at least they didn't buff Nur - Wait a second! Why are we buffing Nurse?!

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    She's my only one. Basically woke up played Nurse and went to bed for 4 days straight on her release. Burnt myself out from the game by doing so.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    BHVR certainly doesn't seem out of touch with the community to me. It's just that they are trying to balance the game a bit differently then most people might have imagined.

    When it comes to the healing nerf, you have to take both that and the nerfs to the slowdown perks in consideration. The idea is to relocate some of the slowdown that these perks provide into the killers basekit, rewarding killers more for playing well and spreading damage properly, which also means they are more encouraged to go for chases and apply pressure, as opposed to tunneling and camping. Of course, camping is also indirectly buffed with the heal nerfs, but that problem is solved by also nerfing camping properly, which shouldn't be hard.

    Some of these changes might be overkill. Maybe heal times of 20 seconds would be better. And some more needed changes are surely missing, like nerfs to mangled, or camping. But the direction BHVR wants to take DBD in is a good one if you ask me. Killers will slow down the game more simply by playing well, or they will cut their chase times in half if survivors choose to not heal. Meanwhile, they can not regress gens as crazily anymore, which should also nerf the 3 gen meta noticeably.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    Well said - I couldn't agree more!