I am (personally) more than turned off by this mid chapter

Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

As usual, when I see the Twitter announcement about a mid chapter coming I'm very excited. It all started well, with the BP changes. I'm sitting at like 1.5mil BP that I have no energy to spend.

But then... It all went down, when I saw the healing changes. 24 second for self healing is more than fine... But wait. It also applies to healing others. So overall, two people healing each other now takes 16 seconds more - one additional "old" healing.

But alright... Maybe not that bad? Except then I saw they decided to make medkits useless. No, I seriously mean it. Why would I want to bring a green one over a brown one anymore? No one, but NO ONE, uses medkits to heal others. The whole point of bringing a medkit is healing yourself. This means all self healing builds (you know, those fun ones where you stack healing speed) are now almost dead.

But hey, it goes further. They nerfed billy. Yey, exactly what everyone wanted. Definitely.

DH nerf? Nice, I wonder what it could b... Oh it now has a terrible activation condition. Who would've expected a BHVR nerf to render it useless? But maybe the CoH nerf will be a nice on... They decided to make it the most useless thing to ever exist. At least Bucke Up had an effect before its rework.

Why would I EVER want to bring a perk that wastes me time to set up, can be easily destroyed by the killer, and provides little to no use?

Then comes another turn off. No more light burn. I did always feel like it wasn't necessarily fair in the modern DBD, but I am severly disappointed by this change. It was a fun mechanic. They also nerfed hag in the process.

This is my personal issue with DBD updates. BHVR takes parts of the game that no one complains about / are slightly (maybe more) problematic and straight up blasts them out of existence with the Ultimate Feature-Disintegration Nerfing Ray.


  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I am super stoked for these changes.

    As a Survivor I don't have to deal with my team getting blown up by Pain Res.

    As a Killer Dead Hard is rightfully getting put in the dumpster.

    I see this as an absolute win.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    So you agree that only green medkit's self-healing speed needed to be looked at?

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I'm happy to see any shake up.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383
    edited March 2023

    Everyone knows the 24 second healing change is crazy and won't last. Sloppy Butcher will have like a 90% pick rate so every heal will effectively be 30 seconds. Good teams will just bring even more toolboxes and bnps to compensate. They'll sit on gens despite being injured and gen rush even faster now that regression has been heavily nerfed. Solos will panic and have no idea what to do when they are always injured. The version that hits live will not be 24 seconds and I expect it might even get completely removed when they realize how big of a change this is. The medkit nerfs and CoH nerf were enough to fix healing. All the 24 second heal does is make OP killers even more OP and makes solo queue even worse.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    You pointed out the exact issue. These changes only force a gen rush meta (combined with PR and CoB nerfs), while also making solo queue more unbearable (because Claudette_Morel_2015 won't stop self caring even with Coulrophobia, Leverage and SB applied on her at the same time).

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150
    edited March 2023

    Nah I wouldn't be surprised if they kept the heal change. The last major overhaul disproportionately affected solo (especially the SC nerf), so I dunno why I'm surprised they'd pull this off again. My escape rate dropped after the 6.1 update and it never recovered, not even with the HUD update they threw our way. I'm anticipating yet another drop with the healing update, probably to the point where it's not worth even loading up the game because the only question I'll have is how far into a game I'll get before I'm dead.

    I don't use meta builds and I don't gen rush.... maybe I've been playing this game wrong?

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    Botany (50%), Green Medkit (50%) + charge addons and now you can heal yourself fast and do it atleast twice.

    Maybe add in Circle of Healing for an extra 50% speed and there are still two slots for other perks.

    Not just the speed but how using a yellow medkit with a single charge addon allows two heals for yourself and perks like Franklin´s being useless against pre-dropped items.