This new meta isn't gonna work out

With a ton of good survivor perks and killer perks being gutted, people will start using other perks that will completely ruin the fun of the game. Every survivor will run adrenaline, and any genrush build, because that's really all you can run now as they have gutted basically everything else that was useful on the survivor side. If this patch goes through, they could genuinely lose a part of their player base. And while this happens a lot (people say that will quit and whatnot) I think it could actually happen this time considering the fact that the last two chapters were pretty mediocre, and this could be a snapping point. I personally spent way too much money on this game to quit, so I won't, but the new meta will genuinely make the game so much less fun.


  • MerleDixon
    MerleDixon Member Posts: 159

    Yeah it seems like BHVR wants everyone to genrush since it's the only thing anyone can do now.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    Mega gen rush vs mega camping and tunneling. Sounds like fun.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407
    edited March 2023

    I don't use meta builds, i like to switch my builds up every now and then. Yet I'm a solo survivor main with a 30% escape rate (even that might be generous) and I fully expect that to drop further if the healing changes go through. I honestly don't think I have any choice now but to run gen perks and adrenaline lest I be pushed out of the game completely.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    It will be fine. There was a similar meta. Well, it was better bc i could use iron will, but resilience is also good.

    Is the meta perfect? No, but should the gen kick meta stayed forever? Its better to try things out.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    Looping didnt get nerfed. Well, for dh player. But thats not the point. So you can still loop.

    The healing change is problematic, bc killer have more time going back to the hook, survivor need longer to reset to counter a camp and the strongest killer have it easier.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I hope "most efficient tactic available" becomes "many efficient tactics avilable" 🙏

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638
  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I don't know if it's gonna work out but i do hope it doesn't ,,these patch notes make no sense for the most part

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    I haven't run meta perks for months.

    I never run CoH, DH, Eruption, CoB, Overcharge or Pain Res.

    Somehow, I still manage to play the game. It doesn't blow up my ps5, it doesn't cause me to break out in hives, it doesn't kill my mother.

    Stop being meta slaves, and maybe balance changes won't cause you all to lose your minds.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    You're conveniently forgetting about the global healing nerf and the medkit nerf on top of CoH no longer giving access to self-healing, effectively deleting solo queue while barely affecting SWF.

    But yes, 'two'.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    its gonna be glue self to gen with resillience and never heal surv vs slug and tunnel snowball killer

    honestly? i think its better than injured state doesnt exist outside of chase and even if it does theres dead hard anyway get ######### killer lolol surv vs 3 gen forever while tunneling killer

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I'm not forgetting. I just know what a "perk" is and medkits are not a perk.

    My point stands. TWO perks were nerfed. Not "tons".

  • Kius
    Kius Member Posts: 140

    gen rush meta = more tunneling encouraged after gen regression perks were decimated it will be more about endgame if the patch goes like this.

  • ArionaAllant
    ArionaAllant Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2023

    Regardless of how many perks were nerfed, they have taken agency away from survivors by limiting interaction in the game. This is how you push a meta from "surviving" to "rushing", this will push survivors to end games quickly rather than having meaningful interactions with the environment or killers.

    Solo Queue will, again, be made harder because of a lack of communication. I suspect survivors will push back against the healing nerfs by bringing more medkits, killers are going to see full lobbies of medkits more consistently, and thus bring more slowdown perks oriented towards healing. I'm willing to bet builds like Eruption, Thanatophobia, Franklin's, Call of Brine are going to become more frequently seen. SWFs will see a boost due to the changes as well, because communicating for effective healing is going to be necessary.

    Good Nurses just found another reason to stay on Nurse (which tbh is miserable as a survivor, even if I appreciate their skill from an outside perspective), Wraith now as less counter-play. Are you starting to see the cascading effect, BHVR?

    Without an effective way to heal outside of a chase, this is just shortening game duration in favor of the killer getting closer to a 4K every game. It seems BHVR's MO the last year or more has been to decrease survivor chances of escape and increase kill counts. Previously it was considered that 2 kills per match was "okay" and "expected" now it's basically 3 and now with healing being nerfed we are heading for a solid 3 or even on the path to 4.

    Where are the downsides to playing killer with these changes in mind? A good killer can still effectively get a 4K with the changes to CoB and Pain Res. However, because healing just got nerfed, I suspect it's going to be a heyday for Legion, Plague, and any killer that focuses on hit and run tactics with thana. Thana just got buffed because of this, Coulrophobia might become relevant because of this, Sloppy will probably been seen more.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    Not really. They werent viable against good player before the update. So they didnt get worse.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,357

    potential energy slows down gen speeds lmao, you need to work 30 seconds to get 20 seconds of progress saved

    prove thyself also slows down gens, it takes 2 survivors 90 seconds to do 2 gens seperately but 94 seconds + travel time to do 2 gens with prove. it just makes slowdowns for grouping less unbearable

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,543

    Agreed. I doubt this will happen with the next mid chapter though.

    I do think these changes may be exactly what the game needs. Our perks, items and addons should not decide the outcome of a match as heavily as they do.

    With that being said though, I think BHVR went a bit heavy on some of these nerfs. For example I don't understand why the altruistic healing speed on medkits was nerfed as well. If anything I think a buff in that regard would be fair as a slight compensation. Also Overcharge and CoB got hit a bit too heavy. I hope they'll just rework these perks. Because with these changes I don't see any reason why anyone would run them. They just don't do enough to be worth a perk slot.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I agree with Otzdarva when he says that people will become even more reliant on bringing medkits every game. Flashlights will have even less of a use than they already do. Keys aren't very useful and maps aren't good unless the killer has a hex. Self-care is really bad, same with the upcoming CoH. Inner Healing requires you to waste time.

    One thing that might be interesting though, is if we see Resurgence and We'll Make It used more. Would only take 6 seconds to heal from hook with both these perks if I'm not mistaken.

    But I'm guessing we'd really see more builds like Prove Thyself, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Vigil/We'll Make It.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    Sloppy will become meta, so no point bringing Resurgence