scxrletghxst Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

Please for the Love of God.

Y'all literally kill your own game by listening to them who just whine about survivor perks. Dead hard will basically just be called "Dead" now and CoH will now basically be just a boon which will be useless. The game already feels unfair due to Killers literally having the advantage, Dead Hard not even activating even while spamming the button and teammates being useless and not even healing you because they are too busy crouching around in bushes.

If y'all release this god awful patch I will want my money back. In no way shape or form will I continue to play the game if y'all release this patch. Keep the bloodweb thing but everything else? Please no. A little tip: Instead of nerfing the ######### out of survivor touch killers hex totems instead. NOED, Devour Hope and so on. ######### give them such an advantage you can't counter because they partol their ######### totems. On God I hope this is a joke.
