Should they make Trapper's Bloody Coil Add-on base kit
We all know Trapper needs some kind of buff, So how would you feel if bloody coil(injuring a survivor when they disarm a trap) was base kit. I don't think it would be too over powered and he very much needs the buff.
Should they make Trapper's Bloody Coil Add-on base kit 26 votes
Yes, make Bloody Coil base kit
i mean he is sort of a decent killer if you place your traps good like me (decent placement not the best though) ps dont break pallets place traps on them
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Yes, make Bloody Coil base kit
I literally can't play trapper without it. It feels terrible to play him without it
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Yes, make Bloody Coil base kit
To me he needs both ultra rares base kit. Even with them both he still isn’t even A tier, just playable.
Then make him start with all his traps already on him and increase their detection radius a bit as it’s too narrow.
As a counter measure to all this I think they should add a distance blocker between traps, ie a limit to how close they can be to each other. This will lower his ability to just hook someone and then dog pile all the traps around them, they will have to be spread out more.
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No, don't make Bloody Coil base kit
He needs a rework - not a flat buff.
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Yes, make Bloody Coil base kit
He needs a lot of work on him, but this would be a step in the right direction.
Make it base kit
Stop him from triggering own traps
Have him start with all of his traps
Also base kit that traps will reset themselves after 30 seconds
Also, fix his trap visibility. It's pretty pathetic.
Then he'd be a decent killer.