Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance nerf is a little too harsh

Tsunami Member Posts: 17
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't disapprove of the nerf but I believe It should have recompensation in the % of gen losing progression.

It shouldn't be a huge amount just a few percent from the 3%-4% additional lost progress.

The token seems fair to prevent endless activation that would bury survivors chances but since this perk got limited usage as well as a specific hook requirement few percent would be beneficial to the overall balance.

To anybody mentioning the Call of Brine situation, I believe the nerf is more than a little too harsh I just wanted to talk about this specific perk.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tsunami
    Tsunami Member Posts: 17

    I love that it rewards non tunneling now in design but yea it seems like this perk gonna be replaced by such perks as Deadlock Corrupt Intervention Jolt or Merciless Storm. So additional % wouldn't seem too overpowered and it would give this perk some attractiveness.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    The pain res nerf is the only perk nerf Im honestly upset about. As always the devs go way too far with their nerfs even when the perk really doesn't need it. Pain res wasn't that unfair of a regression perk by itself. If they had to nerf it why give it such a hard nerf? If you want to keep the token system that is fair but buff its regression to 25% to 30% or give it 6 to 8 tokens. As it is stated now the new pain res wouldn't be worth a slot. 60% max is so bad plus you have to single hook every survivor and I can tell you if you play that fair 60% isn't going to save you from all the gen progression that's why to do it while you chase each survivor at least once.

  • Tsunami
    Tsunami Member Posts: 17

    I would rather start with a small amount the see the effect. I appreciate that behavior put their work into balancing but their changes are too drastic, more consistent perk updates with smaller adjustments would be more precise in balancing and less hard for players to adapt.

  • Tsunami
    Tsunami Member Posts: 17

    I remember a year or two years ago how pop goes the weasel worked, and how the killer could regress fully repaired gen ad the end game. The pain res was much less frustrating than this situation. Like a comment ago I wish behavior would update things more frequently but without so extreme changes. I hope they will just add that extra few % to make the nerf less painful.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2023

    I agree with the concept you're going for of start low and test it out. The problem is that after thousands of hours we can instantly tell if something is straight up bad or not. For the "test first" thing it needs to at least be at a passable level to see how it is. It's current PTB form is not even at the passable level and it's literally so bad it's not even worth testing yet. After enough hours in the game you can immediately tell if somethings good or not to a decent level.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2023

    I'd prefer more uses out of it or at least a way to get tokens back. Perhaps start with a token , then downing the obsession generates an additional token and another can't be gained until obsession is hooked, Upon hook rescue, unhooker becomes new obsession when killer is 32m from the hook, Like how MYC or Devour works. This way also promotes more synergy with other perks.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    CoB Overcharge and Pain Res are nerfed so hard their use rate will approach 0%.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,307
    edited March 2023

    I thought so too at first, but I've kinda come around to the idea of this "only on first hook" mechanism. Instead, I think it should keep this and get a buff to the amount of regression, maybe 20% or even 25%.

    By making it only on first scourge hook per survivor, you not only encourage spreading hooks among survivors and disuading tunneling, but you also introduce an element of choice.

    Maybe you've downed a survivor, but you know there's no gen with more than 20% progress, so you opt for a regular hook instead. The next time you down that survivor, you know you've got a gen somewhere that's probably nearly finished, so you choose the scourge hook and reap your 20% regression.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    I wish it was just 4 hooks.

    Pushing killers to not tunnel just for a chance of a small setback is very bad.

  • Strangeosyndro_27
    Strangeosyndro_27 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I think reduce gen regression but get rid of tokens personally. I'd be fine with pain res having less gen regression if tokens weren't a part of it tbh. Mine you I'm a rare Artist main so a little biased. I guess it's time to run jolt instead. RIP Pain Res. You served me well.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Pain: Resonance is now dead and six feet under.

    was fun to pair with Deadman switch and the only thing that could make the later somewhat viable.

    so effectively, they killed 2 perks with one nerf.

    really is a massive feel bad when they hit CoB/Overcharge as well.

    Like, how is killer supose to counter a Prove thyself/BNP composition?

    SYKES , they can't.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    That is just saying 'revert the change'. It still is a solid perk, and better performs in the early game (1-6 hooks), at the cost of late game (7-12 hooks). Even then, the game is practically a free win once you get it to a 3v1, and by 7 hooks it is likely you can have someone dead if you need them to be in order to win. It also doesn't force you to use it, so if you get an early down you don't feel like you have to cross map to that distant white hook.

    PR is still plenty good on it's own, and even better paired with Floods (and Gift of Pain on some killers like Oni). Also Eruption's regression hasn't been touched, and Pop was rebuffed to 30% current, so running Pop+Eruption(+Nowhere to Hide if desired) is the free win build in the current patch. CoB/Overcharge was so busted a monkey with a spacebar could beat people by making them think DCing was a better option than playing out the torture simulator. It also had no pre-reqs or CD, making it truly unearned.

    How does Killer win against PT+BNP? Pressure aka skill. A person on hook can't progress gens. A person going to rescue can't progress gens. A person in chase can't progress gens. If you hook Survivor A, while chasing the PT Survivors B+C, Survivor D has to go for the rescue. This cycle can then repeat with Survivor B or C on hook, the other going for the rescue after you chase them back into Survivors A+D PTing the gen they were hooked near. That basically makes PT a Killer perk instead of a Survivor perk. Pretty easy all in all, but it requires the forethought to recognize and intentionally provide pressure the Survivors have to respond to, instead of autopilot chase the first person seen into a pallet+window haven. PT helps the skilled Killer more than hinders them. Survivors soloing gens is what is more difficult to deal with due to not being able to take advantage of the double chases off of gens. Plus if PT is truly a problem perk for a player, they can bring the hard counter Discordance, and PT becomes an even greater Killer perk than before.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300
    edited June 2023

    Pop+ over charge/brine= seems effective to me and also I wanna know why merciless storm bug is still not fix where if someone fails a skill check gen goes to 50% or to even 0%

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Yeah... no.

    1 person on hook / in chase leave 3 others to rush 3 gens in no time and it means you go into a losing state within 3 min.

    Without gen regression as a pay off, none of what you mentioned makes sense.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    The only reason 3 people are on gens and 1 person is on hook is because the Killer is facecamping. Otherwise the Killer would be smart enough to chase someone off of gens.

    If it is still unclear then perhaps read it again, and I'll try to phrase it differently. Dwight is on hook and cannot progress gens. Killer brought Discordance because they are under the believe that PT is 'OP', so they bring its hard counter. Killer sees Meg attempting a rescue and a gen glow due to Jake and Claudette duoing it(2 gen Survs). Killer chases Meg in the direction of the gen, and forces them (Jake+Claud) off or get the down before then (0 gen Survs). Now Dwight is on hook, Meg is downed en route to hook, Claudette is running for Dwight's save, and Jake is still lingering near the gen trying to greed a couple extra seconds(0 or 1 gen Survs, depending on how greedy Jake is). Meg is now hooked, Dwight is unhooked and presumably being healed by Claudette, and Killer is in chase with Jake (0 gen Survs). Repeat until victory. There is only a small timeframe where people are able to be on gens unless the Killer has 60s chases per health state. If that is the case then I suggest they watch more youtube tutorials until it is 40s max. Even at 40s a health state Killer is winning that match with PR as the only gen regression in the majority of matches.

    Old and New PR breakeven point is 6/7 hooks. Better for new PR at 6 and under, better for old PR at 7 and above. If a Killer is struggling with 6 hooks, and they don't decide to go for a kill on 7th hook, that is their failure and not the perk's. Once the game is a 3v1 it is a free win for the killer as long as there isn't 1 gen left at 80% or above, largely due to the above gen surv equation always being 1 lower.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,126
    edited June 2023

    High Reward High Risk

    25% reduction is huge. However if you hook someone when there isn’t a gen with progress, you just wasted 1/4 of the perk.

  • SoteloSama
    SoteloSama Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    "No ones gonna run it anymore"

    "its a dead perk now" always the killers crying about the very few nerfs against them. People still run it regardless.

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 242

    1- Stop necro'ing posts.

    2- HE WROTE THAT WHILE IT WAS STILL 15% REGRESSION. Literally NO ONE would run it if it was still 15%.

    Eruption does 10% and that can trigger on MULTIPLE generators; It doesnt require a Scourge hook, and its not limited either.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,170
    edited January 9

    Thanks dude, I was trying to work out what crazy update I missed for a moment there xD