Anonymous mode is annoying, why did this ever get implented?

Seriously, it’s like playing with AI’s. Is your name that special that you have to hide it? i just don’t like it at all. Anyone else also agrees on this?
It was for the streamers in the first place.
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Name =/= skill
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I don't think seeing a players name has any impact on the quality of a match
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Even if you ain't a streamer, some players just like the privacy. I dunno about PC, but on console other players can pretty easily find your profile (if they're on the same platform) and send you unwanted messages. Some people just get toxic for no reason, so it's either you turn on anonymous mode or change your (platform) profile settings to not get messages from non-friends.
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It was a requested feature that the community wanted, because a small minority of people who play this game will go out of their way to harass other players.
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This unfortunately
This was less about "being special" or whatever and more about people who were getting sick of getting yelled at and harassed outside of the game because we can't have nice things in this community
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i honestly wish console had it
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Various reasons
Targeted harassment over multiple games
Streamers being able to hide their name to avoid being recognized
People who don't want to possibly appear in some guys youtube video, and can atleast block their name.
I do think the feature could have worked better, though.
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what a weird thing to get mad at
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Anonymous mode isn't available for console, it's PC only.
I wish it was available for console.
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You can change your settings so only friends can send messages. Non-friends can send friend requests, but few salty people will go that far, and even if they do, they're easy to ignore.
On PS4/PS5 I haven't seen an actual message from another player since 2019.
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It is available on console, at least PS4.
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If I see a ttv Nea/Claud with a flashlight I immediately dodge
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Ever thought that I’d like to be left alone, free of trash talk, or without people grieving me cause they recognize me?
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it keeps streamers safe from harassment. This game is built with streaming in mind (either accidentally or on purpose. Not sure tbh)
so i would rather keep the feature.
the other benefit of it is that people can’t necessarily stalk you as easily if you’re one of those players that uses your gamertag for everything - including your email address and social media pages.
of course… sometimes it doesn’t completely prevent it, but at least when I’m gaming i experience less of it.
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Yep, can't imagine why anyone would enjoy anonymity in a game as wholesome and toxicity-free as DBD.
Can't think of a single reason.
Such a mystery!
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Sure you can do that, though having messages open to anyone sometimes is alright. Come across a few chill players in the game will message after the match with things like GG, fun game etc. Still, playing DbD occasionally makes you want to change this setting to friends only to avoid the toxic stuff! :D
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You can hide your name from showing on your own screen, but everyone else sees your name. Only PC players can hide their names from other players.
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I genuinely hide every name (including mine) to get a more immersive experience. You should try it sometime :D
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Helps prevent harassment and stream sniping. On the flip side I find a lot of hidden name players tend to be pretty toxic with their gameplay and hackers tend to use it too.
But it's not a big problem.
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Sadly this. And regardless of any settings on my Xbox or on a game, the gamertags always appear on the "Recently Played With" lists.
I too wish this mode was again available to the consoles.
Post edited by JPLongstreet on1 -
Sweet summer child, i hope you never experience the various reason people would want to hide their name
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I'm all for it, it prevents easy profile access which should just be how it is in general. Profile access leads to so many weirdo things, from angry comments to people snooping through the info there to lobby shop (or seeing a single private profile element and immediately assuming it's private for "malicious" reasons) and even more.
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I'm on PS4. We can only hide our names on our screens so if you're a streamer you can hide everyone's name from your viewers but the players in game still see your name. We cannot hide our names from the other players in game, that is PC only feature.
0 - there a specific reason why you hate anonymous mode? Doesn't really hurt anyone does it?
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Not OP but it just feels like you’re playing with bots in a custom match and not an online multiplayer game. I get why some people use it but names in an online match are a big part of why multiplayer is so fun as you get to see other people’s creative names and seeing something like “Ace Visconti” feels really generic and makes me care less about someone.
Your name is your online identity that other people will remember your actions and words by so to me, it’s a big deal
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Some people don't want to be recognized, wether it be for streaming or getting/being salty in endgame chat. Some people don't want others knowing their online names, others simply want privacy. Maybe they dont want people accessing their Steam account/gamertag.
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they did this because of streamsniping but its really hard to snipe now with mmr
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Fair enough, but people can create a new online identity really fast and easy if they wish