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General Discussions

CoH is still going to be pretty solid after the update

It still turns 24 second heals into 16 seconds and it allows solo q players to coordinate heals better with the aura read

Its still one perk that gives botany and part empathy to the entire team. It's obviously not going to be as good as it is now but i don't think it's anywhere close to dead.

Healing perks in general will be a lot better. They were always pushed to the side cause basekit healing was strong enough

Autodictact for example at 5 stacks will save 12 seconds by base for each skillcheck and it will be easier to get stacks with long heal times.

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  • Member Posts: 425

    I agree, CoH will still be a solid perk because you can create a safe area without being completely broken like before because it will also depend on teamwork. a competent team of survivors will get a lot of value out of it because in a situation where the killer is putting pressure and all the survivors are injured, with CoH in the game they will know what to do.

    " hey there mate, let's go to that area to rest our bones"

    CoH is not dead.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Yeah, it’s okay. I do like the Empathy effect they threw on.

  • Member Posts: 894

    It shouldn't be in the game

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I’m fine with the new one. Though I will be running it with overzealous to make up for the time loss setting it up

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Why not? In its new form it’s botany knowledge that takes time to set up that is only in a specific area and that the killer can remove

  • Member Posts: 425

    Actually the self care action and the infinite heals was the problem with this perk and from what I understood from your own argument, it confirms this when you say that you bring CoH because your teammates do not heal you. Everyone brought CoH precisely for the faster self care action and a perk that gives infinit heals will never be balanced.

    I could start talking about the old self care (perk) was strong but I'm sleepy...

  • Member Posts: 882

    IMO, it should have been this way from the get go.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It might be in a good spot in the DbD of today where killers can tunnel a survivor and get 3 procs of pain res and have regression perks that allow them to hold 3 gens for ages

    But the community made it clear that they didn't like that dbd

    In the dbd of the future were the slowdown for killers will come from their ability to score hits on the survivors instead of strong regression perks the Coh we have today has no place

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Man. Solo survivor must have been an auto loss before CoH. At least that's how some of the comments about it make me feel.

    It's almost like boons have no real counterplay for killers. CoH, had no counter play and a smart team in the right scenario can make exponential carry them all out the exit gates late game. Just because shadowstep is situational and dark theory doesn't exist doesn't mean boons are fair in any regard.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I mean the only boon worth its salt was CoH, and that did have counterplay. The remaining boons are too situational, weak, and just outclassed by more versatile alternatives (Lucky Break vs Shadow Step, Unbreakable vs Exponential, Resilience vs Dark Theory). To your sarcasm, yes survivor was still weak before boons—especially solo queue. Kill rate was like 53% which meant more killers ‘won’ than lost.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I like the new version. It isn't as strong, but the aura read for friendly survs within the aoe is pretty good. It'll encourage people to go do heals. Makes it quite solo q friendly.

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited March 2023

    MAYBE if they buff CoH to 100% increased Heal Speed. But surely not in its current nerfed state. If you want heal speed you can rather bring Botany Knowledge (which is also 50%) or We Will Make It (which is 100% for a limited, but still generous, time).

    Sure, those only apply to you and not to the whole team, but you dont need to set up a Boon for several seconds. And while We Will Make It requires an Unhook, the majority of the time you are healing another Survivor is after Unhooking them, not many Killers drop chases nowadays because they often have the time to just bloodlust a loop.

    Yet, I still fear that too many people will be using CoH. It is already annoying as Survivor to play with other Survivors who bring CoH, because those are really helping the Killer win when they waste time blessing Totems instead of doing Gens. Will be even worse when CoH is worse.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Umm, you are downplaying the situations teams can make late game with exponential. Calling the perk weak is laughable. Hurry, go snuff the boon at the top of iron works while everyone gets up and walks out the gates.

    What's the counterplay to CoH? It's not even CoH, boons placed in even moderately correct places will always be more efficient for survivor regardless of what the killer does. You will never walk into a zone with no gens to snuff a boon ever. If you lose someone in chase to shadowstep, even if you go snuff the boon you lost out more as killer. If you go snuff expo, everyone who was on the ground is up. Assuming the boon was played around decently. I would never take into account players who don't think too much while playing or simply are not good/don't have game sense when talking about anything in any video game.

    Also, survivor was still weak before CoH? Solo queue? Sure. Including all of survivor is quite something. What does 53% kill rate mean? What justification did it give your argument? If solo queue was weak before and survivors were still giving up on hook and doing challenges/messing around with their friends, are we sure it wouldn't have been 42% with everyone trying to win? Kill rates within a decent margin might give an indication at best of what's going on but they don't mean much besides that. Blight and Nurse not being the best killers by win rate shows how weak these stats are. Nurse takes 2 days to start stomping 90% of players if you have some talent. Blight might have the highest skill ceiling in the game but you can still get around the map better than anyone and at worst run c33 and be a wayyyy better nemesis/billy. Also let's not forget how low mmr gameplay will always heavily favor killers, it's way easier to m1 someone who doesn't know the first thing about looping than it is to run a killer early on as a survivor.

    Honestly the most intense game I have ever seen in dbd was lilith on blight with nothing besides shadowborne spending 20 min playing tug of war with a 4 man swf with expo. Expo in shack on Thompson house covering 25% of the map, the only thing he had was a 1k but the team wanted the 4 man out and eventually they got it. But that's what happens when a perk like expo is played around correctly at the right time, it turns a 3k into a 0k. The obvious advantage of expo over unbreakable is the fact that it's infinite, if the killer has no time to snuff then the perk is simply better.

    While Swfs can obviously play around perks better than anyone, 3-4 good players can easily look like a swf. The fact is good players are few and far between and amazing players are near non-existent.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Only for SWF.

    Solos will look at the aura of the injured survivor in the boon area, then at the HUD and they'll waste 30 sec trying to figure out if they should go across the map for the heal, if someone else actually did, only to realize no one actually did or more than one person actually shows up. Meanwhile the injured person needs to stand there wondering if the cavalry is coming.

    If you want to encourage resetting you're better off running Autodidact, Emphatic Connection, exhaustion and a utility perk.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Circle could have been left alone,,,all that was needed was a cap to self healing speed and medkit nerfs,,,but here they are overnerfing things,

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I disagree.

    CoH being 100% means all it takes is a single person to bring something like Botany and we are back to killers hits being negated in less then 10 seconds

    The whole point of the update is to shift the power of slowing the game down away from perks and into the time it takes to heal.

    This benefits everyone. Killers can run things other then gen perks and not feel handicapped and the heal times only matter if they actually spread injuries so tunneling will be weaker.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    But with the nerf to healing, it wouldn't have been fast self healings anymore. The healing nerf would have nerfed CoH indirectly enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    Boon totems were a mistake. I still hate Mikaela for introducing this nonsense to the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    COH healing is dead. COH healing is like the other boons now. it won't get used. The setup vs reward is not there. Botany is unlikely to get used because long time ago, healing used to be 12 seconds and in the same patch, botany used to be like 13-22% increase. botany got buffed to 33% and the perk still was not used. Now healing got nerfed again but this time botany is 50%. the story is same. Botany reverts healing nerfs but people will not use botany because it makes too little difference. New COH is botany knowledge but it requires setup to place totem and you need walk to the totem with another survivor to heal.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Agreed, people are overreacting because they’re too used to how op it is currently.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Trash perk once they nerf it into oblivion. Not even worth the slot.

    Don't listen to gaslighting killer mains telling you what to run in your builds, they want you to run nonsensical bad builds so they have more time to BM you on the hook while wildly shaking their heads and planning on the perk they do not like they're going to endlessly cry and whine about on the forums until they get their way.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Cycle of Healing has its merits but you should not run it on its own. I can see the good old "save-zone" boon (Healing+Shadow Step) in use, yes, but overall I would recommend different healing perks now. Perks that give you a flat percentage reward or who increase the speed without any further requirements.

    • If you face hit and run I would give "Reactive Healing" a shot, 50% healing will mean a lot more in the future.
    • If you want a sure bet, take "Botany Knowledge".
    • If you save from the hook, take "We'll make it" (already very good).
    • If you like to play risky, take "For the People" and "Second Wind" (Renewal).
    • If you want to play Medic, take "Renewal".

    Overall I do not see Cycle at the same highs anymore. However it is not totally useless. We have to do a lot try and error to figure out the best option in the future.

    There are however some good options on the table already even without "Inner Healing" and "Adrenaline".

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