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Why is Dredge so unpopular pick?

He is very rare Killer to see in my games. If you look at community stats webside, he is in top 10 least player Killers as well.

Me sad :(

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  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Lucky you. I hate that ######### blob.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I love Dredge and Frosty is one of my favorite costumes.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Yeah, basically this. There just is way too many killers playing (mostly) the same in chases nowadays. Out of the 5 killers released since last year Wesker is the one and only pure M2 killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    What's the date range for those stat though? He was killswitched for a good chunk of the month.

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    there aren't enough reasons for survivors to hide in lockers instead of locking them or just ignoring them. because that's 60% of his ability... all you have left is his baitport and his nightfall.

    nightfall was nerfed to being barely effective before ptb release then later nerfed again because people can't see through the spittle on their dirty monitors with dying backlights. so it's basically worthless.

    baitport is telegraphed. and anything telegraphed can be easily outplayed by anyone with a brain.

    the character's ability is also really annoying for the player controlling dredge just as much as it is for the survivors. who wants to listen to moaning and shrill crying constantly when they can get the same or better benefits from onryu and nightmare.

    if the devs had made the dredge encourage hiding in lockers - such as making lockers a way to reduce the effects of nightfall rather than it just vanishing then it might have been better, but as it is survivors aren't going to play near lockers so you're stuck chasing as a 7 foot tall 4.6 speed pile of dirty silly putty.

  • Member Posts: 995

    His nightfall was buffed to the point you cant see anything, unless you are using filters lol

  • Member Posts: 2,440


    I want the most skillful interactions possible. Blight is simply peak dbd and something that zones a survivor from a tile with little skill on either side is simply boring. DBD has so many killers where interactions don't have skillful game play for both sides at the same time. I limit myself from the busted add-ons that mitigate counter play from Blight and literally not a single survivor has complained about in post game besides salty comp players who aren't even in my top 10 juicers ever. The only reason people complain about blight is hug tech when survivors who have not looked into blight enough that they think it's uncounterable and his few busted add-ons that mitigate too much counterplay.

    I went through so many different mains before I ever touched blight but there's simply no going back in good conscious. For players who play for fun that don't like it that's their problem. For players who want to genuinely improve I am providing them all the means to do so.

    I come from lol and video games are only fun to me when I feel I am improving. I know a decent amount of the dbd players want to improve but so many variables in the game hamper their ability to do so effectively. It's why I don't tunnel. It's why I don't camp besides end game. I want to pit my skill vs the peak of the survivors skill I am chasing, if they happen to be good(beyond rare) than I can actually improve.

    In a game that's been filled with bot killers winning most of their games due to these gen kick perks, I know these survivors I go against relish the games I play vs them.

    The biggest reason I am against these base heal changes is because perma injured survivors who happened to get jumped by me on a gen as blight don't get to show me their chase potential. I am excited for these upcoming changes because the meta was beyond stale for both sides, but If I deem it too easy to win with decent add-ons and without tunneling or I feel like regardless of how superior in chase I am vs the entire survivor team and still lose because of super efficient survivor's who just want out then I will stop playing yet again.

    The macro in this game is relatively easy to understand and the only thing super skillful in this game is a blight who is good vs survivors who know what the killer does. When I say "super skillful" I mean it literally, the term skill in this game doesn't mean much generally considering the most efficient tactics on both sides and how low the skill ceiling is of most killers.

    People on the forum can hate on blight all they want but he outright eliminates the least skillful parts of this game for both sides.

    Not directed at @Steakdabait, just piggey backing.

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited March 2023

    Bottom 5, if you ask the unofficial Nightlight-Stats, but Artist is close... just 2 games left to catch up XD.

  • Member Posts: 2,013
    edited March 2023

    I'm glad tbh. I hate playing against blight. That nightfall mechanic is annoying as hell

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    His teleport is clunky and his anti-loop is just another zoning power similar to half of the killers at this point.

  • Member Posts: 239
  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Because his sounds are annoying while playing him and Nightfall hurts my eyes while playing against him.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    He’s one of my main killers I play so I’ll list a few issues.

    1. Addon dependency: He actually has quite a few good and interesting addons so no issues there. However, the base time to escape a locker is way too long to where you speed a good chuck of the match just breaking out of locks which not only hurts his strength but also makes him not fun to a lot of people. This here makes Haddies Calendar required right off the bat. Even with this addon they have more than enough time to react and prevent surprises, without the addon it’s a joke. Second, the main fun for him comes from making mid chase locker teleport outplays. This is unviable without haddies calendar as it’s too slow and gives too much reaction time but the other issue is how slow the teleport is to make this viable without nightfall. This is where Boatkey feels required to me. Boatkey just barely makes this play style playable. So even though he has many interesting addons you could experiment with he’s stuck being forced to run those two to make the mid chase teleport viable which is the main thing making him fun in the first place and honestly even with those two addons it’s barely viable. Good survivors still generally have too much time to react to it so you’re still stuck hoping they’re not the best.
    2. Nightfall lackluster: I’m referencing the visuals/sound here more so. Essentially a lot of the stealthiness and surprise which is suppose to be the entire point of this is ruined because they make him light up like a Christmas tree and easy to see. Secondly he’s ridiculously loud. So even if you don’t see him you end up hearing him a mile away.
    3. His volume: this is similar to nightfall sound issue but in general it’s harder to mind game things with him because his sounds are so loud that they always know where you’re at in the loop even if they can’t see you.
    4. Lockers/locks/map dependency: Similar to the addon dependency section. Some maps lack lockers and some have extremely bad placement. On top of this the correlation between time it takes you to break out of a lock and the time it takes survivors to lock them is all out of wack. Breaking out of a locker needs to be faster at base and the animation to lock a locker for survivors shouldn’t be as easy as it is, it should take them at least twice the speed it currently does. It’s nearly all reward no cost.
    5. Bugs: Main thing here is how they STILL force you to always come out of the locked locker if there’s two lockers connected and only ones locked. This has been in the game since his PTB and still continues to now. The survivors know this and abuse it by always only locking one at a time if they’re connected. Please fix, it’s bad design.

    TLDR: Fix Bugs. Faster teleport outside of Nightfall. Faster locker exit outside of Nightfall. Longer time to lock lockers. More lockers/Better locker placement on some maps.

    That’s the main issues with him. I do wish they’d remove the “thud” sound of you teleporting to lockers though and in turn shorten the timer it takes for the visual to appear showing you’re in there. The main warning to survivors should be the sound of breaking out rather than the teleport. This would create so many more mind game opportunities which is what makes him fun.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    1:1 post from my thoughts on him. his locker tp is ineffective at cutting the survivor off. too long recovery and his zoning is countered by switching loops and joining loops.

    I cannot imagine someone main a stealth character that light up like a Christmas tree and is easily loudness killer in loops.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I love the idea, the killer seems fun, played him and against him a few times, nothing to complain other than while in survivor mode the nightfall is frustrating cause it's so dark. But I guess people rather play op killers or licensed killers. I'm sure, despite free initial one's, all the most picked killers are licensed.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2023

    Hes so utterly unpleasant to play against. If I never had a match against him again it would be too soon.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Thank god.

    Nightfall is such a pain in the butt, I hope I never see him again.

  • Member Posts: 1,145
    edited March 2023

    i wouldn't call what they did a buff. they made it so you can't see without filters, but the overall distance and mechanics in my opinion were a nerf. since before it was shorter range and you actually couldn't see (unless you had filters) now you can still see everything pretty much. it's just covered in grey.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I remember back when Dredge came out and there were a flood of “Dredge is OP” threads. Now look at where we’re at lol.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Playing against him I don't find it fun playing in the dark and the darkness ends up causing eye strain and headaches. Since I don't like playing against him I'm not going to play as him.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited April 2023

    Because people don't appreciate the esoteric complexities of this ambitious killer masterpiece.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on

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