A glimpse into the gen rush future.

With matches like this, I just go and make myself a coffee since there isn't much I can do, realistically.
Luckily they're rare, but it's just not a good time for the killer.
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It is as BHVR ordained it.
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you can beat these teams with stronger killers. its just not very fair with items. shrug.
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Wow thats a lot of built to lasts lol.
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Poor Deathslinger not only is his leg shattered his ego is bruised as well 😅
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Is this live or PTB? I know with build like this Gens will be rushed in both, but I just want to know.
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It's live, you can see it from the symbols next to the names. They're on another platform
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I recommend gen blocking perks and franklin's demise. I guarantee that 1 at least will DC with this build because it happens to me all the time.
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wow Genrush, that has never happened before... wait.
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Wow, its almost like this is the only solution to actually balance the game (if all changes from PTB go live)
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Well killers want gens slowed (no ‘genrush’ perks) & healing slowed (like on PTB). That is considered balanced for them.
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Lol, this exists loooong before any changes.
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I didn't say it didn't
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I always feel like there should be a no-killer mode for the survivors who just want to play gen repair sim. I don't mind doing something else while they do gens, there's always other stuff to do around the house, but it's kinda silly to waste a killer on one of these matches in the first place.
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You've used the word "balance".
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It's a mid tier killer with no addons and a suboptimal build against a (probably) SWF with coordinated builds and strong items. This looks more like a MMR mismatch than something about the balance of the game.
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A glimpse into the gen rush past and present really. It's already happening.
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My crystal ball is sensing something
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Does anyone have the link to Supaalf's video about how much more busted slugging Nurse is going to be? Would make a nice companion piece to that pic.
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Just apply pressure in multiple places simultaneously against very powerful items while playing as a 110% speed killer, easy peasy lemon squeezy*
*difficult difficult lemon difficult
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Yeah, but only 1 dead hard and no healing perks. Main problem why killers were losing/having a tough time . 🤗