Is Legion weak, strong or balanced?

I have a hard time playing Legion in huge maps but in small maps, it's easier to use Legion's power. What's your take?
They are about to become a lot stronger.
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The better Survivors you go againts, the worse they are.
They have really good power to put some pressure and lose healthy state. But they are just normal M1 when you want to down someone.
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I guess somewhat balanced. Legion struggles against survivors that really adapt a counter playtsyle to them like spreading out, not healing to full, people in frenzy bodyblocking for their teammates etc.
If the survivors just play casually and stand close Legion can actually Dominate.
I think they will be one of the great losers of the Patch tbh. Legions great advantage was that u could keep people from doing gens by constantly forcing them to ment oder heal. With the new Update survivors won't bother healing and just go for gens.
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I'd say Legion are pretty balanced at the moment. Their addon pass semi-recently helped a surprising amount- they've got decent variety in builds that can help them in a variety of ways, and keeping survivors injured with their power makes the regular M1 plays a bit easier since you only have to smack someone once. To say nothing of deleting Dead Hard if you just chase the person you hit in Frenzy, lol.
Not sure why so many people think they're about to get stronger when you already don't wanna heal against them, though. I don't see them changing much with the upcoming midchapter.
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How come? People are now less likely to heal than before, and they rush the gens after they're done mending.
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I have a hard time with his power unless I use speed and prolonged power addons because most of the time, if I want to put pressure, Legion's power run out so fast.
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I sort of play Legion like I play Knight.
His power is really about putting pressure on people, not necessarily downing them.
It's definitely worse than Knight but I use it in the same way. If I don't think I'll be able to down someone who is injured, I'll tag them with Frenzy and leave.
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Pretty balanced i would say. As far as m1 killers go they are up there
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Weak but also balanced in a way that they can't be buffed due to the nature of their power.
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Legion is fine with :
If we are honest- this should be base kit. Imagine Blight not breaking pallets base kit!
Play this addon with it and most survivors have no idea what to do (even the good ones).
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Legion’s character theme is supposed to involve running at high speeds and chaining frenzy hits, but in reality their frenzy speed is so slow that if you find two survivors together, and they immediately run in opposite directions, that you might not even be able to hit them both with the same frenzy.
Trying to chain 5 frenzy hits is so wildly unrealistic against good survivors, and Legion pretty much fails at their character theme.
Most of the time, I hit someone with frenzy, notice that no one else is close enough to guarantee a frenzy hit, so I cancel frenzy and chase after the survivor that I just hit with frenzy. Yes, that can win games, but it’s really not really the high speed attack chaining excitement that is was advertised to be.
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What perks do you use with those addons?
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It's hard to put pressure on them when they spread out.
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After playing a bunch of Legion matches, this is true. This might have to do with my high MMR so survivors will spread out and the large maps makes it even worse than it already is. Getting a 5th hit with Frenzy is a miracle if it happens.
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Well right now Bamboozle and then 2 gen regression perks. Can use sloppy or another slowdown perk for last slot.
Make the gens looooooooooooooooong.
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Balanced. Killer is perfectly fine the way it currently is.
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Balanced. Legion is designed from the ground up to keep survivor injured. IF you decided to stay injured, he's a basic m1 killer.
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Not really when you compare to a killer that works - like Blight who has pallet breaking in his kit.
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Against good Survivors, they will drag out your entire frenzy timer and then all you get is one it. This effectively makes Legion a killer without a power against players that can do this. Good teams will never let you get the 5 hit off.
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legion is annoying. that's about it.
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Legion is fun to play, and if you're not aiming to climb to high invisible numbers they're pretty balanced !
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New players are rarely aware of the killer instinct during feral frenzy and the ability to keep survs pretty much perma injured is survivor anathema in low mmr.
A decent team cam really mess with a legion though.
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Which gen regression perks?
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Not really, it’s always a waste of time to heal vs legion, now it’s just MORE of a waste of time. Plague will always be stronger
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Weak, but better than people think he is. This is also all pre PTB. Depending what goes through this could be a large buff to him.
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-"Plague will always be stronger"
Play as Plague on The Game vs people who never drink until the end. You're a M1 killer with basically nothing. Play the same map as Legion with Iri button+ Julie's mixtape and you ignore the pallets. In fact people will likely stop using them.
Right now I am using Overcharge+ Scourge Hook Pain Res but you could use CoB+Overcharge also.
Just for fun I actually used : Bamboozle, Dying Light, Overcharge, Scourge Hook Pain Res. I would not suggest using Dying Light because it is a "win more" perk but in this case it can actually work with Legion.
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it's boring
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Legion is fun to play as, but weak and annoying af to face.
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I'd say Legion are lower midtier. Their major problems are that their power can be played around relativly easily if the Survivors know what they are doing and general M1ness.
I also doubt that the healing changes will help them much because the best way to play against them won't change.
On the other hand, Legion would probably become A-tier instantly, if they were to get a more reasonable way to down Survovirs with their power.
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You’re comparing addonless plague with Iri addon legion on a survivor sided map. Get a grip
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Besides Nurse and Blight, every killer is strong vs. potatoes, mostly balanced vs. average and weak vs. good survivors.
It's more about builds and playstyles on both sides. Genrush vs. Killrush, that's how i see it. But don't blame the players, blame MMR.
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Same as most of the roster, weak against survivors that hard split and can loop.
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In general, weak but I think strong for how simple he is. I kinda wish he had a bit more interesting stuff going for than just stabby stab over and over and over...
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“Boring AF to going against” is the correct answer. Terrible killer design unless you enjoy 45-minute mend simulator matches.
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Legion is on the weak side, but it's hard to really make his power stronger without making it overbearing.
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That's not the case at all. I was pointing out that Plague has nothing that will make her compete on a map with lots of safe pallets. Legion with Iri button is out of her league by comparison even though most people consider Legion a "B" tier killer or lower.
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what if the legion doesn’t have iri button?
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Huge maps can be an issue unless members of the team work together on gens. Emphasis is on getting as many hits as possible while in Frenzy. If only 3 hits were enough for a down in Frenzy...
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I always see legion as a baby killer. They were the first killer I learned because it's like a tutorial to play them. You hit someone in power and killer instinct tells you where to go next. I'd say they're weak and super boring to play against.
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None of the above. Boring and mundane come to mind.
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Legion is at their weakest when the map gets beyond a certain size.
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in terms of strength id say hes balanced, maybe slightly leaning towards weak.
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Map and build dependant.
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Way too RNG dependent, imo.
And hindered by the the fact their kit's value relies more on Survivors' skill than the Killers.
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Pretty balanced. He can dish out a lot of damage but doesn't have great ways to capitalize on it which is probably a good thing.
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balanced around casual players , average survivors
weaker against decent players - good - gods - swf
only strong against new players and people that refuses to stay spread out or lean how to use tiles properly
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Then he is pretty powerless against god loops. He has to break a pallet when thrown and loses all momentum mid chase.
Play a game without Iri button on the game vs your friends and then do the same with Iri button.
You might not remember but on release Blight did not break pallets with his power. He was incredibly weak and in my opinion was worse than clown (due to clown having pinky finger un nerfed at the time).
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I think Legion is fine... the problem is survivors don't know how to play around it. I just had a legion where my team kept grouping up on gens and healing each other. I'm over here screaming at my monitor to spread out and stop healing. When I see teams do that I just go sac myself because why waste my time.