I am starting to being sick of this content creator's "apocalypse of DbD"

Recently I saw that some content creators uploaded videos with bait-like titles with theme of "possible end of DbD" just after PTB came out few days ago.

Seriously, I am disapointed of this bait / exaggerative narrative. First of all, it's PTB and I am pretty sure some changes will be reverted since so many people online including influencers are talking how bad it is. Giving objective feedback is of course in need but I really don't like this exaggerative apocalypse themed narrative.

Second, we had in the past some quite not great patches. The last meta-shake up was also big nerf to solo Survivors and people were calling it "the end of DbD" as well. So MANY times in the past was "end of DbD" but it never happend and same case will be with this patch even if all these changes will go live.



  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited February 20
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Deathgarden like many other unsuccesfull multiplayer games just didn't manage to catch a large enough audience to build up a healthy playerbase. Many balancing changes were done hoping to safe and adress issues with the game. But overall it didn't work out.

    DbD on the other hand has hidden the critical mass to sustain itself a long time ago. In most cases it would decline rather slowly over the years by more people burning out than new ones/returning coming into the game. A big change causing many to quit suddenly has to be something way more extrem than this balance change like a forced strange account system or something or the game breaking completely for a large playerbase through a patch. All scenarios that are quite unlikely to happen.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,330

    I mean that's how clickbait works, and how they get something out of their monetised content I guess. But I do agree that it gets very repetitive, negative, and spammy. I don't think some of the player base needs to add any more negativity to their POV 😅

    It would be nice to see more people make content with the bright side of things and constructive criticism!

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690
    edited March 2023

    Problem is when creators say this will kill the game but not actually explain why the changes are bad. I heard a creator say that they are winning all the games on ptb and this can't live. The problem with that is there is no MM on ptb, so saying that doesn't mean anything. I've heard a bunch say the healing increase shouldn't be done but ignore the fact that they are trying to encourage spread pressure more and made regression weak to shift the meta. I haven't seen videos on why that direction is bad for the game.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It takes a lot of veterans who are already burned out from the last 6 years off it as well, people acting like this game will never end are delusional, BHVR said 4 years ago they "hoped" to keep it going at least five more years and we're coming to that deadline where eventually the higher power in that company will decide to no longer update it and keep it where it stands , the game will more than likely still be playable but I predict the 8th anniversary is gonna be the last where they announce it's ending, and by then they will have some real competition or announce a DBD 2 (which I doubt will happen)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I actually liked a yt streamer until he started with clickbait videos about possible new killers (all wrong). So i unfollowed and stopped watching him.

    Thats the only way they will notice that people don´t like clickbait.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,958
    edited March 2023

    Problem is people think Streamers are experts of dbd, yet they are not. They don't have access to the numbers, They have no theories on what is balanced and how perks/items and players perform all over the game. They only are just an opinion haver with a fanbase. Most of the time, they are a bad opinion haver because they only play against the best of the best, which makes their ideas usually ruin the game for the rest of us. Their fanbase will just drink it up without thinking and repost it everywhere, instead of actually playing the PTB.

    bHVR should not design the game about the top 5%, They need to get more casual players into the fog whisper program.

    bHVR also need to make sure they look carefully on claims of balance vs. the reality in the PTB data.

    I think we just have to be blunt from now on, Argument from Streamer is a fallacy now.

    I'm a casual player and I love the PTB. The Survivors who I played against on there are doing fine.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    What's is your reasoning on the changes being great for casual players? These changes look to put more of an importance on skilled play which in turn will hurt casual players. Needing to think more along with mistakes being punished harder is what I would think is the opposite of good for casual players.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    You would think such an important and far-reaching update should be test driven by the entire playerbase, not just PC.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Huge balance changes are good, they keep the game fresh. And drama will always gain you clicks. I wouldn't bother.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    I agree 100% that the casual player will be gone if this goes live as it is in PTB. The point being, somebody with thousands of hours in the game isn’t going to be that worried about playing injured as they can reasonably loop a killer if they are chased.

    Newer players and the casual player? Yeah, not so much.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248
    edited March 2023

    I have the vast majority of big content creators muted on all platforms. The titles are meant to generate clicks. Just ignore them. The best way to experience DbD is to limit your engagement with the twitch, youtube, and twitter community.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    I know people will say it’s a meaningless title but I still think some of the people they have as fog whisperers are awful representations of the community. Some of the takes I’ve seen from them regarding this mid chapter are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen several claiming they haven’t had fun since 6.1, yet they continue to play and poison the community because they’re simultaneously ungrateful yet fully aware that without this game they’d be nowhere.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It’s pretty wild how nearly no one is considering those two changes in tandem and how they’re tied together and only talking about the healing changes in an isolated topic. That’s a very good point.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    It's just the cycle.

    People have gotten used to the current meta and now the devs are changing that. People don't want to adapt to a new meta, they just wanted the game to be easier for them. It's the same thing that happened with 6.1 and the mass raging quitting protest survivors did the first week. Eventually people figured out what was good and what was bad and then people started to complain about the stuff that was still good which the devs are now addressing.

    People will adapt to the changes and find new things to complain about and then when the devs tackle the new complaints, the cycle begins anew.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,958

    Not at all.

    1. medkits are much more important than before, this is okay cause everyone has access to a medkit
    2. healing takes longer, giving killers more time. Moving away from all gen regress perks meta.
    3. This also addressed the number one killer complaint, not enough time to make a play.
    4. Survivors whom I faced on PTB are doing fine, it barely changes it from the normal games.
    5. healing survivor perks are being used more, its good. it makes also less gen perks and you have more considerations.
    6. Taking a hit now means more for the survivor and less for the Killer, which help against the tunnel only playstyle. Hit and run.

    All in all, its a big shift in meta, considerations, knowledge and strategy. So no wonder it upsets people, but its better for people who are open to change and can embrace new strategies. People who dont want to change their meta build is gonna get shafted. Its fine.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Some content creators would sell their grandma just to get attention. I find it annoying too, but I can understand that they need the baits to attract people. It's a bit like the tabloids, which even spread false information to appear more interesting. What annoys me even more is the DBD community, which heralds the end of the world with every patch.

    I mean, I also expressed my concerns about the upcoming patch, but still we have to try it and wait and see.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    Wouldn't casual players not be running gen regression though? What would you personally consider a casual player? I would say those are players that just do whatever in-game and don't really bring meta perks. That would then follow into the healing changes which I think you will need to run a healing perk to deal with, and so that would probably hurt casual players. Then you go into mistakes being punished harder which casual players would be doing them the most.

    People who dont want to change their meta build is gonna get shafted. Its fine.

    I 100% agree with that, but wouldn't it be fair to say players that don't want to run meta get hurt? Those players that don't want to run are going to be the casual players.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,958

    Wouldn't casual players not be running gen regression though? 

    Not in my experience, there are many of them and I think most the Survivors have one or two and Killers as well.

     What would you personally consider a casual player? I would say those are players that just do whatever in-game and don't really bring meta perks. 

    I consider that a player that plays in a relaxed tempo, that is how I like to play and it makes me unhappy to have to sweat into it, Tho I am certainly able to sweat if I meet some players who push hard. A Casual player does not do obvious balls tactics. Like if I see a player that obviously had made it their mission to annoy me as Killer, then I cannot consider them casual. I dont consider it sweaty to use perks, but its more about how those perks are used. This is just my subjective opinion tho. My own interpretation.

     That would then follow into the healing changes which I think you will need to run a healing perk to deal with, and so that would probably hurt casual players. 

    It wont hurt them, its not required. but you just have to deal with a harder reality without it. which is fine, I didn't really consider healing perks important as Survivor, I might do that now. Which is what we want? Perk diversity? I think this is great. But if you are trying to say, casual players who dont change will get hurt, then yes and then they go down in MMR until they adjust and return to where they can go in mmr after that.

    But wouldn't it be fair to say players that don't want to run meta get hurt? Those players that don't want to run are going to be the casual players.

    Running a meta perk isn't sweaty, like I said its more about how you play with those perks.

    Besides in order to switch the metas we need to change the game, so yes survivors will get a lil sting from adjusting but if they are able to perform like on the PTB. I think they will be fine. Its not impossible to win, just a lil bit harder. Which is fine, I always considered Survivors to be the most relaxed role in dbd. Even tho I enjoy playing relaxed Killer.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    I think that's a good definition of casual. Mostly just a laid-back player and running meta doesn't mean you arn't a casual player.

    I would say you are more required to run healing perks. I don't actually see any issue with that though. If you play league you're building a certain way. A tank should be building tanky items or dps building items to increase your dps.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,958

    I would say you are more required to run healing perks. I don't actually see any issue with that though. If you play league you're building a certain way. A tank should be building tanky items or dps building items to increase your dps.

    exactly, more meaningful options.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    On the one hand, that's what you get when you watch people making a living out of sealclubbing people with 1/10th or 1/100th their experience instead of playing against similarly skilled folks.

    But on the other, if even normally calm and collected individuals that aren't prone to doomposting are being concerned, maybe we should listen?

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    They hoped to keep it going for 5 more years because a 5 year lifespan is an optimistic but realistic view on how long they can keep a game going.

    If, after those 5 years, the game is still successful, it is a rare example of a game with a longer-than-normal lifespan and they will re-evaluate how long they can keep the game going.

    DBD has achieved that status. They're not going to drop support for the game any time soon, DBD is BHVR's biggest game. They don't have any other games they can pivot to. They literally just signed a movie deal, lol.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    DBD also is in the situation where competition doesn't really exist. BHVR would be silly to stop supporting their own monopoly.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    That's how they get clicks.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,853
    edited March 2023

    Even with a ''proper'' competitor, i guarantee you that the game would still have more than enough people who'd either play both games or who would still just stick to dbd exclusively regardless of how the quality of said competitor is.

    I'll even go as far and say that in the unlikely scenario that dbd would actually die or bhvr would stop supporting the game, you'd still have people who would lament the game's demise and ask for bhvr to revive and continue support for the game. People did it with Evolve and Deathgarden, i'm 95% confident they'd do the same for dbd as well.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,793

    I completely understand the general problems this PTB gives, absolutely, but I agree with OP

    I was suggested so many videos on 'OH MY GOD IT TAKES 6 MINUTES TO HEAL NOW???' when that's a VERY specific combination of perks, addons, hooks for dying light, and totems broken for Pentimento AND have the last survivor using self care inside Coulrophobia.

    Like yeah, we should be showing this to the devs, clearly this isn't intended for live servers. Why is everyone acting like this is the norm? Cuz' all I can think of is rage clickbait.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because there was a bigger shitstorm when they first nerfed Billy and they double'd down and nerfed him anyways.

    There was a similar shitstorm when they changed the HUD to that god awful monstrosity and they double'd down and pushed it to Live anyway.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited March 2023

    Most of the content creators in this game are either survivor mains, or survivor main apologists who basically think its ok that top tier survviors can do what they do because: "its a party game" and the survivor main ones like it because its good content for them.

    There are a handful like tru3ta1ent who recognize that there is a serious balance problem in this game and that realize that even the next patch is just going to make gen rushing even worse.

    But to answer your question, they do it for clicks.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited March 2023

    BHVR is apart of plenty of games not just DBD they may not be the main developers of some of those games but they still are involved with a lot of other things and keeping these licensed characters cost money, DBD has been slowly dying since the first resident evil chapter hype wore off, but the time will come where it ends and you'll still be able to play it because of dedicated servers but what I mean is no more updates and bots that join on a disconnection, that is how you know this game is officially dead and I'd say another year and some change with new chapters being added they will probably stop there and leave cosmetics in the store for sale and still have the events but with no new content, people are delusional if they think we're gonna be seeing over 50 killers and survivors on each side in this game and the game continuing on, they would drop a DBD 2 before they let it get to that this janky game couldn't handle it all

  • foods
    foods Member Posts: 66

    oh my god the game is dead for sure this time

    dont forget to like and subscribe and use promo code clickbait at the doritos store

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I hate that I am not allowed to criticize content creators when people bring them up.

    That is all.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited April 2023

    Any major change will result in content creators doomsday posting. Who remembers all the "SBMM/MMR will totally kill DBD!!!" Vids that they made.

    The reality is games have almost the exact same skill range as the old "rainbow ranks" world

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    A balance update that is 90% made of nerfs isn't hyping many people at all. Who would've guessed.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    How can you say it's been dying when you look at the number of people playing the game? The numbers we have don't support your opinion.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Agreed. It has to come to an end some time. Will this patch as is, end the game? Probably not. Will a lot of players stop playing the game or play significantly less? I think so. I know I already have. Many dedicated streamers have moved on or interspersed playing DBD with other games. And even when they play DBD they frequently complain they aren't having fun and note they are only playing it because it keeps their numbers up.

    Devs are already trying to prepare for the future, and probably hope this new game will catch on before Dbd dies out. The event they keep tying into DBD is meant to drag its player base over to Meet Your Maker, as is the changes to the main page of the forums. Marketing wise, that makes sense.

    In my opinion the only glue holding the game together is events and new releases/updates. It keeps the drama up and the curious coming back but that will only work for so long.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Yeah, I won't watch videos if they are all doom and gloom and will typically click the "don't recommend channel" option.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476

    It's click bait. It's all online media revolves around these days because of the click$. They make dramatic sounding titles with misleading imagery so people click and they make money. Don't click it.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    To a point yes. Eventually though they will hit a point where they've pushed it too far. Not saying this update will be it but it's something that can't be taken for granted.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Well consider this.

    If a youtuber/creator did a video on tips/tricks/guides/techs, etc. How many views do you think it'd get?

    Now compare that to a clickbait drama/big topic you know a lot of people will click for, b/c it has to do with game balance & the future of the game the viewer is focused on (in this case, DBD).

    There's a very big reason why they do what they do, its because its what works. Majority of players would click on the 'game is dying' video over the other.

    Its the same thing that happens with other games, most recently its Diablo 4 since the release is coming up in less than 2 months.

    Put yourself in the perspective of a content creator and it makes 100% sense. I'd do it too.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    These people only care about themselves and they want clicks. Devs should just do their thing and change things they see don't work, not listening to these types going for clicks on their videos.

    Nerf content creators!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    They can always reverse a patch. Buff previously nerfed perks. It all depends how quick they do it. If its too quick (original Freddy nerf after 1 week) or to slow (Freddy rework after 2 years).