I like how Spirit's pickrate dropped again

Since they fixed the audio bug few weeks ago, I noticed there is far less Spirits than before the bug was fixed.
Spirit was common Killer, I saw her many times, daily even. Now Its back again how it used to be before the bug appeared lol.
Same happend with the Oni bug I belive. Many people just seek to get any slight advantage they can get lol.
I see this post right as I just ended a match as Spirit lol. Although I will say I actually haven't been playing her that much lately. Not because of the bug removal, I am just enjoying Artist so much right now.
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Artist is cool :3
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I personally found her much more fun to play as long as she was bugged. Some players might accuse me of "only wanting easy matches and exploit bugs", but I think that her "normal" form was nerfed too much and that it's odd when survivors got way more (even perfect) information, then the killer using their power.
This is a general problem with basically all powers, but especially jarring with poor, old spirit.
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Same, while she was bugged I even got her 6 times in a single day. Now her pickrate dropped again. Reminds me of how often I used to see nurse before they nuked her blink attacks and addons, now I rarely see her.
It's kind of pathetic and ridiculous that so many players act like this
Because you were
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That, and everyone running Merciless Storm all of a sudden.
I actually faced a Spirit sometime ago with busted addons, slowdowns and the merciless storm bug in Solo Q and she still managed to not get a single kill. She was so salty after the match when I called her out on her bs and failed attempt at exploiting bugs.
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People have been abusing Merciless Storm lately. Went against a Plague yesterday abusing it, it just needs to be killswitched again.
I've went against a few Spirits lately after the bug fix but not as many I've noticed. I also haven't been playing Spirit as often lately but I still play her if I'm not playing Demo, Skully or Wraith. The ones still loyal to her are out there... we do still play her. I play her often because she's just one of my favorite killers I enjoy. Not because she was bugged. Though I do agree it says a lot about a person when they purposefully abuse an exploit for a dub.
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I'm not sure which Spirit bug you speak of, but it usually happens to any killer thats suddenly had their training wheels taken away. Even back when they added proximity sound to Spirit a lot of people left in droves, even if shes still a strong killer imo
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Idk, I had 7 spirits on Saturday, so I can't relate. But anecdotal evidence means nothing whether or not her pickrate dropped or not. We, as a singular person, only see what we play and forget there's hundreds of thousands of matches played in a day, month, quarter, etc. We need official stats of pickrates to even know.
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I haven’t seen Spirit in a good long while even during the bug.
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yeah, her bugged form was interesting to juke. It shows I can still mind-game spirits. shows that when they buff a killer little bit and the change is good, the killer gets played more.
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Wut they still haven't fixed or kill switched that??
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I've seen her more recently than when she was bugged. I've also played against the twins twice in one week, weird times.
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I don't know why a lot of people think Spirit was overnerfed. She's still strong and easily the top 3 killer, just not Nurse and Blight levels of strong(if we don't count MDR).
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MDR is the only thing that gets her to top 3.
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Which killer is better than her with basic addons apart from the top 2?
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Artist, that’s it.
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They are pretty close, true. I still think Spirit has an edge over her tho.
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I wouldnt say "Sad" , i definetely do not miss facing zoooming coin-flips the killers while the audio was broken with MDR still existing, unlike oni , there was no way to prevent a spirit for using that bug. (was even worse with 4 slowdown builds)
with oni was just pre-drop stuff when you have too and bring a good mekits , move on....that bug wasnt that bad..IMO
cute artwork