How Is Pain Res Overpowered?

I mean I can understand why they thought it was strong at first when it came out. But then got nerfed a little bit to were I think it’s more balanced. I mean all you do for it work is to hook people on a specific hook and sometimes those hook’s depending on the map and rng those hooks can be far away from where you are. So anyway all I’m saying is I don’t understand why they think that. I always thought it was more similar to pop but required more work. So yeah why do some people think it needed to be toned down?
Edit: Thanks everyone for answering my question,I appreciate it.
Best Answer
Healing changes would make a perk like PR too strong next patch is my guess.
I think it's a little overtuned, not overpowered.
I think it's overnerfed on the PTB.
(read this as "Was PR overnerfed")
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I think the perk becomes oppressive as the game goes on, and hooks happen more often and you are desperately trying to finish the gens, but each hook is setting you back to the point of unsustainability, and then your team just runs out hooks and dies.
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Basicallly the perk snowballed too quickly when triggered consistantly. An early down into even average chases with pain res was enough to ensure a match by itself escentially unless you got unlucky with hook spawns. As killer this may seem balanced but as survivor it can feel infuriating to lose off the killer getting lucky of hook spawns when you could of won otherwise. Unlike similar perks like Pop goes the weasal this 1) Does flat regression allowing it to quickly bring a gen to low progress of chain hits and 2) Didn't require any additional commitment beyond the hook, allowing you to not waste time getting the regression as well as making it cross map and faster, while with pop the gen might finish while walking over.
As for the nerf, it certianly deals with the snowball the perk which is nice and keeps it as an opton for agressive killers, like it was before, but it is defiently a harsh nerf. With healing changes and it's competition being nerfed it'll stil be viable and it keeps it core function however so I imagine it'll be fine.
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The idea is to change how the meta works. For the healing nerf to work, gen regression must be nerfed. The idea is that time spent from regression will now likely go into healing. Survivors can just choose to not heal and just gen rush, but are taking a big risk on that. I don't get why people can't understand the patch is intended to change how the game is played. Switching from the current meta to a meta where healing is more the focus.
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Pain Resonance was never a overpowered perk maybe back when DMS used to last 45 seconds it was like the META build back then and a really common one on most killers.
Pain Res just got nerfed because of its pickrate again ! Who would've thought BHVR nerfs healthy regression perks that requires you to down a survivor in chase hook the survivor and then find another one ASAP to get that decent 15 % regression.
Pain Res literally promoted healthy gameplay and rewarded the killer for playing well and leaving the hook to get in another chase as fast as possible.
Once again just like with PGTW,BHVR loves nerfing perks that requires some braincells to use unlike that boring 3 gen defending simulator with Eruption + Call of Brine.
This upcoming patch is just a disaster tbh for both survivors and killers but we'll see I guess...
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It is a bit overtuned. Never played much with it myself but been picking it a couple of times and it snowballs so hard.
Also really enables tunneling as a strategy even more. Being able to harrass the rest of the team with 45% gen damage while focussing only on a single survivor is kinda nuts if you think about it.
It is a little overnerfed now though. What i would like to see is when you spend your last token and all survivors are still alive they are refreshed. So you could have 12 uses again but it takes spreading your hooks thin.
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As @Riski said, it becomes a problem with how quickly it allows the game to snowball.
Ideally, even if a killer has a really strong start, the game shouldn't feel over in the first 5 minutes. When a killer with Pain Res pops off early, Survivors feel like it is futile to even continue playing. This really should not be the case, as the goal is to maximize the number of enjoyable matches everyone has.
If a killer is able to get 2-3 downs so fast, that the single survivor working a generator is unable to complete it without even being interupted, they didn't really need Pain Res in the first place--it's just overkill at that point.
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I think they were worried that with the healing nerf it would be too strong. From a survivor standpoint I can say there were definitely games where it got to be pretty annoying.
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I do believe it's overnerfed too but your change would still maintain the problem of camping and forcing hook trades while getting free regression (ideally within a 3gen). I just think that being locked behind token should turn it into a generic hook perk and not a scourge hook
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Even Coup de Grâce can be nerfed,so whatever.
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I much preferred the old Pain Res where it told you which gen it hit. This essentially made it an anti-camping perk as it got you away from the hook to pressure any survivors on or around that gen. And I would have much rather they nerfed the amount of regression it inflicted over losing the notification.
Instead, it's become a sort of passive slowdown perk, you don't know which gen it hit, but you know it's delayed the next gen popping for about 15s. This is what makes it useful for camping and tunnelling, it's doing the job of pressuring survivors on gens for you, while you focus on your hooked survivor. It even still combo's with DMS, despite them citing that as the reason for removing the notification.
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Ok you're just milking it. This is nonsense
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It is not. Nor it is overtuned. It already got nerfed enough, it currently is perfectly balanced but BHVR balance team is completely clueless as always and nerfs things for the sake of nerfing things.
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Yeah I also thought it was a bit over nerfed too. But maybe they will be buffed a little bit when the new patch fully releases.
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I guess I can see why they do that. Cause I will agree that some of healing is okay but also needs some buffs cause I think having to deal with longer heals is a bit too much. But maybe they will a little buff healing a little bit.
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Honestly I would like the following change:
You start with 4 tokens. For each unique survivor hooked the gen with the most amount of progression will regress by 15%. After all tokens are burnt it resets back to 4. Once a survivor dies this perk deactivates. This would make this perk not work with tunneling.
If that's still too good maybe make it so that once this perk resets each Pain Res stack will only regress the gen by 10%
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I agree and I wish they really looked more into the pickrates more and look into why is it’s high before nerfing certain people perks for each side. I also agree that yes Call Of Brine and Eruption did needed to be nerf cause having to deal with 3 gens isn’t fun for anyone. So anyway I also think Circle Of Healing did needed a nerf. But I also think the longer heals does seem a bit too much. I mean all it’s going to do is probably cause more gen rushing, tunneling, and camping. All of those are not fun for both sides cause they’re all kind of pain to deal with.
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As someone who uses this perk regularly it's pretty nuts and could do with a nerf. Being able to trigger it 6-8 times a match is kind of insane. It has carried a lot pf my matches as killer and ruined a lot of them as survivor. Considering it's synergy with dms too? Something had to give.
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I dont understand this overnerf too. Go for an Cooldown would be much healthier than a Tokensystem with pure uselessness after they are gone...
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It's not overpowered. It hit the sweet spot of "good but not problematic". This nerf is a perfect example of BHVR not understanding their own game. They waste time and resources fixing a problem that doesn't exist when they could be focusing on things that are actually problems.
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It isn't. But we have to nerf that gen defence eh.
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I agree completely.
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I agree that a cooldown of sorts could work. But yeah I also wish the understood the game more too.
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I understand their plans to get rid of the gen regression meta and focus more on chases or risk/reward plays (heal for a long time or stay injured until Adrenaline kicks in), but the problem is the gen ression meta will just switch to other perks, for example the gen block perks (Dead Mans Switch, Deadlock, Corrupt Intervention). Those are strong perks that work especially well with some killers and playstyles. I don't think they will get rid of strong gen regression perks, because killer has always been about gen regression.
Same goes for Dead Hard, survivors will just switch to Sprintburst and Lithe und focus more on an "holding w"-meta instead of an "extra hit"-meta. This will hit some slower and more territorial killers very hard...
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Point is to just delete most of the meta for both sides. PR is the only gen regression I have used in a long time but I won't bat an eye if both meta's deleted. This game gets boring when I see the same perks every single game.
Props to the 6 year long vets who played against the same meta that entire time, I have no idea how you managed to not get bored.
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Pain Res works because killer makes progress while inhibiting survivor progress.
No other perk does that as clear as pain res
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it's not overpowered at all considering how many hoops you have to jump through to get it to work. you need to down a survivor and get them to 1 of 4 hooks on the map. sometimes there will just not be one you can get too. you can bring agitation but that's another whole perk slot just for one perk.
but it doesn't need to be overpowered to be nerfed. behaviour looks at the numbers and nerfs anything that gets used the most. it's not about it's power it's about getting us to not use the same thing all the time. there will always be a meta though. and whatever is next will get nerfed down not too far in the future. try not to get attached to anything if you play this game. it always gets nerfed.
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My problem isn't pain res, it's pain res stacked with other gen slow down perks. They could have kept all slow down perks as they were (except eruption), maybe even buffed some of them, but if they limited killers to one I think it would have been fine.
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The real answer is : survivors don't like it.
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Imagine someone getting tunneled straight of the hook and they don't have OTR or DS. Then the Killer can spam Pain Res on the gen so many times. It's out of the hand and if the Killer has high mobility, the game is a GG. So I'm happy it's getting nerfed.
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Its frustrating as you still had to chase, down and get to the hook for it to work. Granted hook swapping on a SH is pushing it a bit far, but in no way did it need gutting. I only unlocked it 3 weeks ago after prestiging Artist who I've never played .... waste of time that was / will be.