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Should I buy trickster?

dumdude247 Member Posts: 5
edited April 2023 in Ask the Community

I mean I hate k-pop, but, like, knife go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I hear everone saying he's complete trash but huntress and deathslinger are 2 of my favorite killers. so this is more of a question if he's fun. give me a scale of 1/10 on how fun he is in the comment's.

so far : 1 yes 0 no


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    If you are playing on M&K, sure, if you like ranger killers he can be super fun! The KPop theme doesn’t really carry over into gameplay and you yourself won’t see him most of the time anyway. Also there are some cool cosmetics.

    on controller/console? NOPE don’t even consider it ever again.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    I think tricksters fun to play especially on m&k, there are loops in maps where you literally can’t do anything against good survivors that tight loop. The main building on shelter woods is pretty much an infinite against him if the survivor knows how to loop that structure correctly.. Against good teams you’re going to find yourself just camping hooks and forcing trades. I would just keep playing huntress personally but that’s up to you..

  • StiffShaefield
    StiffShaefield Member Posts: 2

    Yes the answer is always yes. and im not just saying this because I prestige 69 him.