Is There Any One Killer That Camps and/or Tunnels the Most?
Do you even experience camping & tunneling all that often?
I feel as though I don't see camping/tunneling discussed all that often, since rejoining the forums this past month.
I'm curious what everyone's experiences are.
I'm specifically interested in camping/tunneling right out the gate, not at ≤1 gens left, when the killer is just trying to secure a 1k.
Nemesis players when they see an untunneled Survivor:
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I honestly don't know why, but 90% of wraiths hard tunnel and camp me...
I don't even do anything to them and they ring their bell for 2 minutes straight like its a sport or something. 😑
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trickster and wraith players love to tunnel and bm the most. not sure why
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Bubba is in a league of his own when it comes to camping.
As for tunneling, in my experience at least Nemesis, Wraith, Pig, and Pyramid Head are the biggest tunnelers.
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Pinheads for the hard tunnel with 4 slowdowns. Bubba for the face camps with Deadlock/NOED.
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Huntress, Wraith, and Wesker are the ones I tend to expect it from. I don't see it all that often in my games but when I do I feel like it's always those 3.
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I main Nemesis.
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Every single Wesker tunnels off the hook. I've literally never faced one that didn't.
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Knights camp the most for me
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Nemesis gets more of a benefit than most killers by tunneling.
Most killer's cant even the odds.
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Nemesis seem to tunnel a lot, Freddie, Pig and obviously Leatherface being the campers mostly.
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I have been getting tunneled and camped by Knights a lot lately. It's gotten to the point where the moment I know they're playing Knight, I know it's gonna be a bad match.
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I even made post about is back in a days with number, but it was before "Killer patch".
Bubba is off the charts (99% of camping)
Usual campers: Wraith, Nemesis, Huntress, Trickster
Usual tunnelers: Nemesis and Pyramidhead (by a landslide), Legion, Pinhead, Wraith
Most toxic ones (that will highly likely hookslap, bleedout while nodding, BM in EGC, etc): Bubba (by far), Wraith, Clown
But all in all, all other killers camp/tunnel 20-30% of time (which means at least every 4th game will be guaranteed waste of time)
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Bizarrely, I see a lot of tunnelling Pigs
As for campers, it tends to be Wraiths and Huntresses these days. The occassional Bubba as well but I don't see him a lot anymore.
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That would depend entirely on what you mean by camp and tunnel, many Survivors think still being on the map after hooking is camping and hitting someone twice in 10 minutes is tunneling.
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For us the camper award goes to bubba with honorable mention to merchant for quickly rising in the ranks.
The tunneling award goes to...well it's sorta a tie between everyone except trickster. We have yet to see a trickster tunnel for no reason (by our definition of tunnel).
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For me, it used to be Freddy before they nerfed his ads-ons. Now it’s a toss up between Wraith and Ghostie. Surprisingly, most Bubbi Bois I face don’t camp.
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Nemesis tunnels more than any other killer in my experience.
Camping, I'd say Bubba for obvious reasons, as well as Wraith.
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I swear, Weskers think there is only one survivor in the entire game
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I think they took that 7 minute thing literally.
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Average Wesker Be Like...
I think I worked on the same generator for 7 minutes, because of Jolt, CoB, & Pain Res.
Almost no one in my lobbies run OTR or Reassurance, so games like these are always a lost cause.
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Bubba the camp king, nigh guaranteed 2+ kills and somehow missed the BHVR's eye.
I mean he literally says "I'll see YOU dead!!!" so
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I’d say Bubba followed by Wraith, then maybe Wesker.
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I'd say Bubba's kit is the strongest for camping; if someone enters the game with the intent of camping bubba's their strongest option, so Bubba's the most likely candidate for being a camper
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bubbas and knight , bubbas main at bare minimun play the game normally for three gens but knight mains are d i c k s five gens remaining and they are facecamping
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He was probably tunnelling the Dwight in your lobby lol
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Wraith. I rarely meet one that doesn't camp.
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In my experience, Blights are super campy and tunnelly. Mostly when you last in chase against them.
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Blights? Really? They have to be new. Blight’s kit is highly encouraging to NOT camp.
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Tbf his kit highly encourages to tunnel tho
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The tunneling Blights I've come across seem to do it for the power trip--same with a tunneling Nurse. They both go the extra mile to rub your face in the dirt.
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1.Bubba( King of tunnel and camp)
2. Wraith ( probably cause of their speed)
3. Knight
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That's usually why they aren't great in chase but yeah. A looooot of Blights.
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He was probably tunnelling the Dwight in your lobby lol