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General Discussions

Dev Update (April 2023)



  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Excellent changes. Big thumbs up 👍

  • Member Posts: 857

    That's...actually almost perfect! Dead Hard will still remain a top tier meta perk, but now if you go for all four survivors you can guarantee four chases without a third health state, good for chill killers, sucks for sweaty ones.

    I'm curious to see how the gen defense nerf will affect the general balancing though. Still, a wonderful job on listening to the feedback, it's much appreciated!

  • Member Posts: 614

    Just washed to put a n my +1 for this update. Huuuuge thank you for listening to the billy feedback because double engravings nerfs would have decimated his fun completely. I still think the DH rework was fine before this nerf, but I'm not going to complain about this change either. Good changes on COH and medkits too. This is gonna be an awesome patch!

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Any chance we can get a release date for this patch?

    I know it might be asking for a bit too much after giving us such a great dev update, but I just cant wait to get my hands on it :)

  • Member Posts: 208

    Any idea when this update will come out?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    By picking DH over any other other exhaustion perk you make the decision to have an exhaustion perk that won't exist for your first chase(s) and will be only available twice per match at most. It's Smash Hit tier now.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Wonderfull changes, this is pretty much exactly what the community wanted.

    No more Billy nerf, good compromise with the healing by still nerfing self healing but keeping altruistic healing the same, further tweaks to the perks.

    This has pretty much been the perfect ptb. Drastic changes to then fine tune them after feedback. I can't wait for the update!

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Actually, this change is perfect for a scourge perk. It allows you to choose when you use it, so that you don't waste it at a time when there's no gen with 25% or more progress.

    If you down a survivor for the first time and a gen is nearly complete, scourge. If you you know there's no gen with progress, stick them on a regular hook and save the regression for the second time you hook them.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    You can run multiple Exhaustion perks though, as long as you can "control" when the other perk activates (so basically as long as it's not Sprint Burst). Use something like Balanced Landing in your first chase and then Dead Hard after you get unhooked or something. Spending half your perk slots on Exhaustion perks is probably a very terrible idea however I admit.

    I also feel like this change probably kills the perk but it's an option you can run sometimes.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514
    edited April 2023

    If you still need another exhaustion perk along your first exhaustion perk then the said perk is just bad. I also just don't see people ever sacrificing 2 perk slots for two different exhaustion perks. The only exception being Adren, for obvious reasons.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Personally I think I would have preferred adding protection hits as an activation method in additionto unhooks. At least that way you're actively losing a health state to potentially gain one in chase.

    This way it turns it into an effective anti-tunnel perk though, which isn't awful.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Agree massive step in the right direction from the original.

    Dead Hard - I think this is overcomplicating things. Why not just have it - Dead Hard is not available until you have at least one hook state?

    I get the idea of what is happening with DH. Early game DHs can really set the killer back before he has pressure, that's a good change. The current wording creates a max of two uses. Even with the above suggested change that's still what would happen most of the time, but creates the possibility of a survivor getting away and recharging DH when exhaustion wears off. That's the kind of advantage survivors sometimes need later in the game once the killer has a ton of pressure.

    But a great idea to limit it's early game use and to not attach it to unhooks as that is way too hard for soloQ and easy for SWFs.

    Circle of Healing - The boost was the obvious thing needed to make the perk potentially viable.

    Pain Res - Creates an interesting scenario. There are lots of games where I'm on a generator where I know the killer is taking the survivor to a hook. Sometimes I finish the gen right before the hook (killer wasted a lot of time), sometimes the killer catches me right before the finish. This change amplifies that effect.

    I think that is a good game design, but others might disagree on that as the game can swing based off a couple of seconds.

    Healing Revert - Had to happen. If for no other reason you shouldn't be changing base kit and meta perks at the same time. You nerfed the major killer and survivor perks (plus a powerful survivor addon) - throwing in such a massive basekit change is not the right time for trying something like that out.

    Not to mention is that it was having lots of (potentially) unintended side effects on slugging and self care.

    Med-kits - When the PTB was first announced I wasn't sure about this. I almost never run top level items/addons. Since it was announced I've been burning through my purple and green medkits. Yeah, I see the complaint, they give such a massive advantage to have.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Thank you for listening, devs! Really glad you guys listened to the community. Love the 16s altruistic heals and I love the elegant change of DH to become a passive deterrent to tunneling much like how DS used to be.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    You complain because you can't freely tunnel now it work exactly how supposed to. You can even use all otr, ds and dh combo to make killer potentially lose game with tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 53
    edited April 2023

    Please don't go through with the CoH change. You may have killed the solo side of the perk, but it will be completely broken for SWFs. These changes were to reduce the amount of fast heals.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Because someone can't dislike a change unless they are a tunneling killer. Good to know you'll never be a reasonable person to interact with.

  • Member Posts: 416


    how biassed you are, even killer mains made videos showing it was unfair on PTB.

  • Member Posts: 416

    dude, it got stronger than the last change so yeah, it's a buff

    you can't change reality just because you wanted more

    buff = making something stronger

    nerf = making it weaker

    Nothing you say will change that, the INCREASE slow down was a BUFF.

    The end.

  • Member Posts: 53

    This isn't coming back, right?

  • Member Posts: 31

    What is the plan to prevent face-camping if you are still nerfing the self heal aspect of Circle of Healing? Literally today in solo-queue I’ve faced nothing but face-camping killers who has tunneled out everyone immediately. It’s been literally the worst time.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Great changes overall. Thanks for listening to player feedback. If I may, I'd like to suggest one additional change to pain res. With there only being 4 tokens, it feels bad if you waste a token when there isn't even a gen at 25% progress. For example, from my experience a lot of times you down the first survivor and just as you are about to hook the survivor a gen pops (likely the only gen being worked on). So you lose a token and don't get any significant gen regression. It would be nice if it only lost a token and activated if there is at least one gen with 25% or more progress.

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  • Member Posts: 2,070

    So you'd be in favor of CoB, OC, and even Eruption at their peak regression values, but you get, at most, 2 uses of each per game then the perks deactivate permanently?


  • Member Posts: 127

    "revert the healing nerf"

    They directly attacked the self healing so it will take 24 seconds with any medkit (33% speed and efficiency penalty for self heal with a medkit). the altruistic healing was reverted to 16 because it was not only an unnecessary change but also impacted more than just the healing, it was affecting recovery speed too and had it take 48 seconds (which is longer than would have been for the finishing mori/basekit unbreakable) to get up off the ground without perks, and even with the help of another survivor. Basekit altruistic healing at 16 seconds is fine, it takes up the time of two survivors. People can no longer self heal in 8 seconds which was a huge problem, maybe actually read further into an update at least once, this is hugely beneficial for killers.

  • Member Posts: 127

    What exactly do you mean by "self heal times should have been kept"? If you mean as they currently are on live servers, they are far too fast and efficient, with addons/green medkits. If you mean as they were on PTB, they actually are being kept at 24 seconds, and only the basekit altruistic healing is being reverted to 16 seconds. This is good, there is more incentive to heal other people with a medkit, if you heal yourself it is significantly slower and takes the entire medkit (if it has no addons) to do so

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited April 2023

    If anyone from BHVR could respond, I'd really appreciate it.

    Will DH still deactivate if you whiff it? It did on the PTB and I was wondering if you were planning on keeping that change moving forward.


  • Member Posts: 393

    Very well done changes. So happy to see the devs listened to the overwhelming feedback about healing.

    My only complaint (sorry) is that all my higher valued med kits are getting nerfed. That is so many bloodpoints I spent to get those higher priced items for them all to just get changed on me. 😭

    RIP Med Kit bloodpoints, maybe you can spend some time with the wasted bloodpoints from the lightening rods and Red Envelopes.

  • Member Posts: 265

    I was afraid I was only gonna play killer starting next patch but I'm pleasantly surprised. Patch is mostly a win all around. Kicking gens is only fun for a time, after all.

    Changes to self heal should hopefully make chases more worthwhile. Can't wait to see how things go.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Mandy has answered this already I think:

    (though my tired brain can’t figure out front this wording which is the intended way..)

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Single use attempt. BHVR has stated multiple times their original wording was incorrect.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2023

    surprised bhvr didnt beg the survivors for forgiveness for daring to suggest actual meaningful nerfs

    all this drama just to gut a few of the last usable killer perks and call it a day

  • Member Posts: 453
  • Member Posts: 470

    I think you really have upset a lot of killers now. Still get decent games but against a swf on comms that just wants to gen rush it's going to be even more diabolical than it already is.

    Way to go.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    The base healing and billy add ons changes shouldn't have seen the light of earth in the first place. It was a mistake that could easily killed the game. I don't know why you thank them.

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  • Member Posts: 869

    I don't use those perks either. I main wraith with coxcombed/all seeing combo and pain resonance, enduring, spirit fury, bamboozle perks. The update actually greatly benefits me, given my play style.

    There is however no denying that I still get destroyed by efficient survivors and that, while sure some killers do fine without heavy regression because they either have it build in or they are super aggressive and can end chases very fast, not every killer is like this and there is a clear portion of the player base that are going to find themselves against the same old super efficient survivors, with nothing to push back.

    You seem to like new pain resonance, because you can be strategic with it, but honestly I don't think it's gonna be much use for me anymore. It was never a consistent value perk to begin, but now it's even more inconsistent. I'm gonna try it out, but I kinda feel I'm going to be replacing it with something else soon. Since there is no slowdown perks anymore I'm thinking information?

    What could be a good 4th chase perk?

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    When will the patch be released?

    Also, somewhat disappointed that Dead Hard will still be a meta perk.

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