How will New DH work with BT Basekit & Off the Record?

Will new DH still give survivors multiple health states with BT basekit and Off the Record?

Survivors gets hooked, I take a swing they get protected by BT or OTR, will DH still work and give them another health state?

Im trying to figure out how all these protection perks work together..


  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    I don't think they work together. Endurance stacking isn't a thing. If you tunnel straight off hook, they won't have any protection.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    I suspect it works like it does now. If you hit them off the hook they go into deep wound. They can't use DH while in deep wound. If they manage to get away and mend, they could then use DH.

    Nothing is different there other than that the DH still only has one possible use.