I am starting to being sick of this content creator's "apocalypse of DbD"
you guys think 34,000 people after a chapter drop is alot? BHVR helped with call of duty vanguard, the player base here is a piss in the bucket compared to some of the other games they've worked on in the last couple years let's be real about it
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Lol no, companies don’t just drop cash cows. Reference: Disney
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In that same perspective think about how many people also parrot the content creators and follow suit with what they do right down to playing the other games they're watching them play instead of this one
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good sized recent ptb test video promising the imminent death of the game had rigorous testing methods such as
- running around grouped up with teammates trying to heal vs a legion
- going in a straight line with billy for 5 seconds
these are not serious people, ignore them
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Youtubers: "Meta is getting stale. BHVR needs to do something about this. Otherwise the game dies!"
BHVR: "Ok. Here's the changes we are going to do to freshen up the gameplay"
Youtuber: "OMG! BHVR doesn't know or understand what they are doing! Why the changes? If this goes live, the game dies!"
BHVR: "What? Okay... Uhmm. How about we rework some stuff and see where it goes from there. And we've decided to release a new killer so that these changes will make sense..."
Youtubers: "Why is BHVR releasing YET another killer and doesn't concentrate on balance changes??? This game will die if they do not fix the balance!!"
BHVR: "Oh, come on!!! Fine. We'll concentrate on balance issues, then..."
Youtubers: " Why hasn't BHVR released any new killers, survivors or maps?!?! The balance isn't great, but this game is getting boring without new content!"
BHVR "Now you're just throwing a piss at me... Fine! We'll make balance changes that will revert the meta to previous one. Happy?? And here, have an event while at it!"
Youtubers: The meta is stale. This game is dying. BHVR needs to do something"
BHVR: OK! That's it! Come here you, you little sh---
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And I can tell you that the casual player does not read patch notes nor car about changes they don't know have happened. They just go ... Oh I can't do that anymore ok.
They then continue to play.
That's what a casual is.. they aren't on the forums, they just enjoy horror dbd game, and my fiance is one of them and gives zero cares to this change as she isn't a sweat.
So yeah, you're 100 percent wrong. Casuals will just play for an hour or 2 and then logoff, rinse repeat. Win or lose. Only if they lose 100 percent no matter what ( which dbd Devs would see in data) would they maybe venture to see what's up. At which point the Devs would correct any unbalance
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You better be careful now. Your facts will destroy their egos.
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BHVR said 4 years ago they "hoped" to keep it going at least five more years
iirc they said a few years later that they planned to continue supporting the game for as long as people were still interested in playing it.
Also this
Post edited by Smoe on0 -
If you had a point, it missed me. No one drops a cash cow, until the milk dries up.
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So Star Wars doesn’t ring a bell? How about the MCU. Don’t be dense.
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remember “content creators” belong to this very exclusive group called anybody.
So basically anybody with a laptop and a camera can be a content creator, meaning there is absolutely no reason to take anything any one of them says seriously.
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Consider not watching content creators you dont like.
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The game is bleeding players because the core design of the game and killers never change.
Needs new killer designs that really challenge both the killer and survivors. Every killer besides nurse just starts to feel the same the more you play. Needs more variation and wacky designs like hers (but not OP).
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While yes more varied designs are needed to keep the game fresh.
I’m afraid it’s not bleeding players the way people seem to go on about. Every now and then you get some doomsayer misinterpreting steam charts when if you look closely at those charts average player count is pretty stable.