MMR playing killer.
Did I suddenly become a top killer in this game overnight? I can't even stand a chance against these survivor groups I've been going vs. We're talking the whole jack pot of misery. Fast gens, everyone running DH, holding forward before I even get close so it takes me 15-20 seconds to even start hearing the chase music, always greeding the pallet just perfectly to get the stun. The game literally feels unplayable as killer, it's not fun when it's like this. This happened last night to, which is strange because 2 nights ago the games were pretty evenly matched. Some 4ks, some 2ks and 1ks. Getting a couple hooks is a struggle in these games right now. Feels so cheesey and rigged when it's like this.
I hate skill based match making. Switching back to survivor for a little bit I guess, yikes.
Killer is the easiest it's ever been, just wait out dead hard and git gud!
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Lol yup.
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Do like i did: LEAVE THE GAME. It's not worth your (and my) time. There are a lot of fun games out there and i'm not gonna play a game for being frustrated overall speaking... add the fact that now the usual well know names (for not saying another term) will come here just to mock you for this post instead of trying to be positive/argue with actual good arguments regarding WHY you made this post and the reasons of it and you'll understand why i said this
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Yeah same here. Last week as Knight was horrendous. Went from comfortable 3k's to barely getting 1k. Lost 8 out of 10 games as Knight and the survivors were cranked, held w and just did everything right. My games to tend to fluctuate in terms of difficulty.
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I love this damn game but the matchmaking really blows chunks. Puts you in to many unwinnable games. And with that comes total frustration. This is 2 nights in a row where I was really craving to play some killer and I just had to basically turn my console off after a couple games because it's just not even fair.
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No idea whats up with matchmaking the last days. Last game was a 3 man swf (2000 hours min) + me against a 196 hour demo on RDP.
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Matchmaking is known to not be very accurate. There are some known things that can throw it off such as your region, time of day (potentially less players active as certain times), and people leaving lobbies
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I've not a clue.
I haven't touched Artist in a couple months. I play her, instant comp team. I managed a 2k, very proud of myself.
I play Nemesis. I've won 47 of my last 50 games with him. Boom, 39 hour Dwight. Why's he here, dunno, but he DC'd to go play Siege.
MM has been more weird than usual lately. Maybe it's with the EGS and Steam issue rn.
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It would explain so many afk killers I've been getting while playing surv - people are desperately trying to derank.
But to be serious - I know what op means. I have days where I suddenly find myself facing groups of people focused more on bullying the killer instead of actually playing the game. I don't mind getting outplayed when survs just do their gens and leave. Problem starts when they try to make a game as miserable as they can. It's why I leave the lobby the moment I see 'ttv' or 'yt' - I refuse to be a monkey for somebody's entertainment.
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That might be because killers who were at the top are leaving, and now lower level killers are being matched with high level survivors to fill that void and have low queue times. Could be wrong but it's a conspiracy theory and I like conspiracy theories :3
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This doesn't make any sense. One just needs to turn on any well known killer main streamer and see that top killers win 80-90% of their games. Why would people like this be leaving? Did they get sick of winning so much and become bored? It's the less experienced killers who do the complaining and doomsaying. The real issue is the matchmaking in this game is just bad and always has been.
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I don't need to base my opinions on streamers or anyone else playing the game. I think based on my personal experience.
During the past couple of months, I found killer to be less fun to play due to how quick a match can be if survivors are very coordinated.
Then, the next match, I was against potatoes who didn't know how to look behind. It's a "stomp or get stomped" situation. I found out that there's no in-between.
Same as survivor. You win a match, you get bad teammates and a good killer against so you lose. Then you get good teammates but inexperienced killer so you win. There's no good balance right now, at least for my experience.