If you want people to stop dying on first hook/dc to nurse and blight then fix them ...

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited March 21 in General Discussions

two of the must unfun killers to play against unless you're a hardcore SWF team...

there is a reason they are go to killers in tournament games and there is a reason some of there addons are banned ....

the issue is not that they are easy to play it's the fact as soon as the player has put the time into learning them they are extremely hard to play against and almost impossible to loop even for tournament players where they are lucky if the killer only gets a 3k. Both of their skill ceilings are far above the top abilities of a survivor meaning you're going down quickly regardless of what you do unless the player messes up.

Add to the fact that solo survivor matchmaking is a joke and you have team mates that go down in 30 seconds it's a complete waste of time.

will inevitably get the "they're easy to loop once you learn" but as I said at the start if you watch tournament matches with tournament teams they are almost always 4k'd vs these two killers.

There is a reason both of them can play without any addons comfortably and win as long as the player has put time into learning the mechanics.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That should be the goal of a killer design, where once you've put the time in that the killer at their base should be comfortable to play and decently successful without addons.

    Also, the game isn't balanced around tournament play nor should it be as this game really isn't well suited to that type of competitive play even though it is fun every now and then to get in on a tournament. You're asking for two killers to be "fixed", but they aren't "broken" to begin with. They are basically functioning as intended. Nurse has taken a lot of nerfs and basically shrugged them off due to the fact that her power is what it is. Unless they decided to completely change her power there isn't anything much left to do to her. She's the fairest she's ever been without sacrificing the steep skill curve required to play her. Blight hasn't taken near the amount of downtuning Nurse has, but he's fairly difficult to learn and his power most functions as intended and he's much more manageable to play against at base than going against Nurse. He still has to play dbd while also playing geometry wars pinball which means once you learn how he works and how to play around his gimmicks he isn't all that threatening in most situations.

    Killers with higher skill ceilings should feel very rewarding to invest time into.

  • JackOf4llTrades
    JackOf4llTrades Member Posts: 42

    Totally agree. The guy cries about that people who play a lot are actually getting rewarded hardly for that.

    Imo these killers should become a little bit easier, and less rewarding, that will be right desicion. Because its nearly impossible to deal with strong nurse indeed. Especially in solo queue. But overall you are right.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    completely missing my point ...

    you should be rewarded for learning a killer but it shouldn't mean you're going to win 99% of your games automatically because your ability far outweighs what survivors can do ....

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2023

    massive difference between "smart decisions" and "oh this guy has dedicated to the point where i can't avoid his flick" your argument is basically "i've put more time into it so I should automatically win if i've put more into it" in Formula 1 who normally wins the championship ? the guy with the best car regardless of how good he is as a driver .... it's not a coincidence ??

    AGAIN . there is a reason he is a go to killer against top tournament players and it's not because he's a challenge to win with ... (once you've put the time in to learn the mechanics)

    if you put as much time into wesker or nemesis etc for example you'd win more games than you'd lose but you wouldn't be anywhere near the win ratio as you are with blight .... what does that say ? you can be protective over it all you want because of the amount of time you've put in to try to show off, but facts are facts the killer is hard to lose with once you learn the mechanics and that is not BALANCE it's called having a higher skill ceiling than your opponent. You could come against a survivor that's put just as much time into the game as you have, be the same skill level but because you have more tools than other killers you WILL take them down a lot quicker than you would with any other killer (other than nurse) and again that isn't all SKILL. there is a massive difference between SKILL and "i've put thousands more hours in than the other players" but you just don't seem to be grasping that.

    I'm sure top counter strike players use the excuse of "he's played a few more hours than me, that's why he's won"

    Post edited by smartemarte on
  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 708

    survivors won’t be happy until killers cannot win in any scenario

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I can say with certainty people who play Nurse and Blight aren't winning 99% of the games. Also if a killer's ability outweighs what survivors can do then you should be expected to have a harder time and shock/horror even lose. It works the same way when a group of survivors collective ability outweighs what killers can do. No matter what side you're on you bring the skills and tools at your disposal and whoever uses their stuff the best or just happens to get alittle luckier on the day wins.

    The amount of good Blights and Nurses is really quite small compared to the number of people who actually play them. Most people play them a few times and drop them so often you're encountering the same few handfuls of players who've put the time in and would probably do about the same with other decent killers. Survivors have a lot of tools and are getting more as time goes on even if your gameplay isn't gaining more complexity. You'll be fine.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 997
    edited April 2023

    I don't mind blight, you can have some really fun edge of your seat matches with him.

    But Nurse continues to be horrendously unfun to go against. The recent nerf, from a survior perspective, made absolutely no difference to her in terms of making her less miserable go against. If I hadn't read up on what the nerfs were I wouldn't even have known any happened it was so poorly handled.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Or actually, stop giving free rights of throwing the game.

    Let them "play out" or at least give proper penalty for those who decide to throw it, it's just illogical to give exact same thing as DC for free in a game where DC is penalized.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 708
  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    look at the "streamers" that are on 100 game winning streaks with him with 1 perk ..... or waiting until the survivors are down to 1 gen .... you can't do that with any other killers other than blight or nurse so what does that say about them ?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Agreed. A killer shouldn't win almost every game they play simply because they play that character a lot. It's not balanced.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 997

    A more severe rework of her blinking would be ideal: it doesn't feel like anything has changed about this and it's her most oppressive element. She now has more blinks than before too which seems like they haven't listened to peoples issues with her. She is supposed to need to return to her original position, but I'm seeing a lot of Nurses that can blink 4 times and continue to follow you around a map blinking without going back. Something feels off.

    I don't care that her attacks counted as special attacks. This is the thing that they actually did nerf and to me it was completely incredulous to do so as no one, from what I've seen, really had an issue with this. Revert her so her attacks go back to how they were pre-nerf so they're not all basic attacks and address her mobility. It's the only way, really. Every other killer who has some sort of teleport/speed element is way better balanced. Including Blight.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    I drop on nurse too. F that skilless, effortless, brainless killer

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    they do when its blight or nurse.... again look at the streamers on 100+ game winning streaks, they wouldn't get that with other killers regardless of how good they are.... that is not BALANCE.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Ah then we certainly should nerf survivors too because there is plenty of streaks too.

    Those who winning regularly is not a common thing at all, even with 60% kill rates they will lose 2/5 matches.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Nurse and blight are fine if you are good at survivor

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    She is quite literally the same speed as Trapper.

    Her base walking speed is slower than survivors, and her first blink travels 20m when fully charged, with her second one traveling 12m when fully charged, after this she recieves a fatigue that nullifies any distance she made over other killers, and has to wait for her tokens to recharge. Also I don't know what your talking about with the 4 blinks thing, she can blink 3 times with her iri that reduces her mobility, and then return to her original place, foregoing all of the distance she made.

    It's obvious you don't understand her power, which is fine because not everyone is a walking encyclopedia of DBD facts, but if you want to participate in this discussion then you need to understand how her power works.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    In what world am I not going to win at a much higher rate with 1600 hours in a certain character with a high skill ceiling, Vs somebody that has 20 hours? Name a game that’s doesn’t implement this.

    You clearly just don’t know how to play against blight. I’ve met survivors that do, and they put up a really good chase.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    It's like playing counter strike at high level , one guy has a awm sniper and the other guy has an ak47 ... at long range 99% of the time the guy with the sniper is going to win regardless of how much extra time he has put into the game because he has the better tools for the situation IE blight charge with silly auto refresh add ons and blinking with nurse .... the ak player is fighting an up hill battle because he hasn't got the same tools. Yes there needs to be variety but you're just lucky there's not many people that can be bothered/want to waste their time mastering blight because they'd soon nerf him if the over all win ratio went up to what the players who play him alot have .... you're lucky there's lots of beginners losing with him to keep the ratio down.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    mmm I don’t know that CSGO weapons is the right comparison. You have to look at the root of the game; the mechanics. A CSGO player with 1k hours is going to decimate somebody with a fraction of the hours 9/10 times. THAT IS NORMAL. That’s literally the essence of pvp games. Somebody with a thousand hours with wesker can have an extremely high kill rate, or nemesis, or huntress, or pinhead. You see the theme? In what sense should you NOT be compensated for your dedication to learning a killer to that depth?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Survivors DC/die on first hook regardless of killer. As long as the game is going in the killer's favor.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    That's why people have 600+ win streaks on both of them. Totally fair and balanced. In a game with an MMR system no less. Pretty sure 600 win streaks are more than an issue of git gud.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    They can nerf her as soon as the devs rework all maps, removing strong loops and pallets, making them 50/50 with no way for the survivor to look through cracks in the wall and shrink the size of the maps.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Oh you wanna balance based off the top players? Don't forget what that would mean for survivors.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    There is no chance any current Nurse has a win streak like that. And I guess this surprises you, but it’s normal for a very good player to win the majority of the time.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Can you tell me who have 600+ win streaks on both of them and link the video of them doing the win streaks

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You can do that with killers other than Blight and Nurse it just takes more work and isn't as consistent.

    Streamers spend hours upon hours playing the game and while there is a lot of them they only constitute a very small fraction of the people who play this game. Most people you're playing against aren't a 10k hour streamer with high level game sense and even the ones who are lose. Winning 100 games in a row is impressive, but that as much to do with luck as it does with skill. There are survivor main streamers who do 50 and 100 escape in row challenges. Dowsy's famous for his Hardcore Survivor series. Noob3 was doing chain escapes at his peak. I've watched Entity's Left Hand who played trapper exclusively win tons of games in weird and different ways even when trapper could only carry 1 trap.

    You yourself can do it with enough time, patience, and luck. If you've ever gotten adept achievements on survivor or killer you've technically already done it a small scale.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    What is that Survivors are so often saying to Killers that get stomped by a SWF? Oh yeah, you can't expect to escape every time.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    oh yeah ofc ppl dcn and killingself on the hook, BECAUSE its Nurse & Blight :))))) not because they are worse than legion (one of the S tier killers) and call him boring, Bubba well he can face camp, Wraith he can sneak up, Plague ehmm I can't use my heal stuff that well dc, dc anddd dc! bhvr just has to ban people who dcn too often something like that is called "griefing" in other games, e.g. League if you do this 2.3x you'll get a ban because it destroys people's fun and is unfair for your mates

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 200

    Get better at the game then.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,986

    Just die on first hook against them

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