What is the point of all of these Us vs Them and The Game Is Dying posts?

Like seriously, these posts do nothing. We're all playing the same game that isn't going to die in the foreseeable future as it has no competition. Just stop filling up the fourms with these posts!
For Us vs Them, DBD isn't two different games. Everyone is playing the same game with the same rules, on different sides. No amount of screaming at the other side means anything, as everyone has the same game.
For The Game Is Dying posts, whats going to kill it? VHS? That game didn't even come close to doing anything. The game will die someday, but screaming its going to die because something pissed you off does absoultely nothing.
Tl;dr: Stop ######### posting these types of posts they don't do anything.
I agree, us vs them is childish when we could (and should) be discussing how to make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone, especially when there's plenty of things both sides of the player base should be able to agree on. Like, QoL changes to make the game better for handicapped players, or implementing features that curb annoying, griefing strategies, such as how you can keep someone in a match for 4 minutes.
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The only game that can kill DBD is DBD.
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"DBD isn't two different games."
Well it's not literally two different games but i think both sides are very different experiences. Survivor is co-op survival horror and killer is tactical solo experience.
I personally think the reason why people get offended and start offending other people back is because a lot of people make their complaints about the game personal, or if they don't mean to then they make it look like it's personal. For example saying "Skull merchant players are so boring" is more likely to offend people than saying "Skull is merchant is boring". Also another one is that when people talk about preventing killers from doing unfun strategies i often see the word "punish" word used a lot which can feel unfair to a killer player.
Text is the only expression available on these internet setting so a lot is left to interpretation if you do not choose your words with precision.
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"Game is dying" is an eternal meme.
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People need to vent, and they want to see if anyone else agrees with their sentiments. No better place than the forums I guess.
Now as for fearmongering? Yea that’s not cool…
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Because those are the threads that do numbers
Good, unique, thoughtful threads get 5 responses before dying an undignified death facedown in a gutter while GAME IS DYING AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS A BOT gets multiple pages of responses as everyone talks over each other.
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People are passionate about the game. When someone says (BHVR or others) 'hey, we should make these changes' people overreact.
Also, as some have mentioned, click bait titles get a lot more responses than things trying to do a fair analysis.
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i mean i think it’s true tho. OG players would say the same thing, killer or survivor. Imo, this game is turning into Sims 4 with all the unnecessary updates every month and giving the community stuff they didn’t ask for. The constant changes and tweaks to stuff that didn’t need to be changed is what’s killing the game. They’re editing the stuff the players use the most while leaving the things that have been asked for to change unattended. I quit s4 and might have to quit this game too. it’s just not as fun anymore.
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I have no idea, but it's starting to get on my nerves more and more as time passes. The constant whining of the community is something a person can only deal with for so long.
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A lot of people in this community are just bitter and spiteful individuals. It's a universal problem with the internet these days, everyone has a complaint and they have to express it by pointing a finger at someone else.
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They are the same ones who criticized , enjoyed and insulted those who considered the changes made during the PTB as bad
Since the changes have been made, not in the way they wanted, they're screaming to death like they've been shot
Simply that..
And, Pulsar, if you see this message, take a coffee break, I see you on every post on this subject, trying to defend tooth and nail false information, rest, don't overwork yourself please
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He is greater than any man.
His worshipping of Steve has been rewarded. He was granted non-human abilities and can post on the fourms while playing as well. No human can truly comprehend the power he was granted.
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survivors post us vs them posts because the devs listen to them and never do any real survivor nerfs
killers post us vs them posts because the devs listen to the survivors and never do any real survivor nerfs
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POV: You are an us vs them
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I've been granted supernatural powers by the Entity itself.
My powers have doubled since the last time we met.
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All of this information is factual, although, I was hoping to keep it under wraps for a bit longer.
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So... Two cup of coffee it's not enough? Or one Cup of tea?
Joke aside... These people don't want to listen when we try to explain the fact (like one saying that Dead Hard now grant a button for having a better sprint burst blow my mind..)
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Ha! I knew it! You couldn't keep it a secret forever!
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Many players are in a love/hate relationship with DbD, because the game can be so addicting and frustrating at times.
They kinda hate to play, but feel like they need to because of sunk cost fallacy.
So perhaps they want this game to fail, because they can´t stop playing on their own.
The us vs them is simply people playing only 1 side (half the game) and having absolutely no empathy for the other side. Everything "my" side does is good, everything the other side does is bad.
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The real us vs them should be US players vs THEM the developers.
We pay them to be disrespected in every way shape or form, the don't listen us at all and when they do it's not about them caring about their beloved community but because their profits might be in danger
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Yeah, that one was a little (a lot) silly.
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So this is what Killer entitlement looks like.
This developer update addressed several of the longest-standing Killer complaints in the game: Dead Hard is still too prevalent, Medkits are too strong, Circle of Healing is too good, I feel like I need to tunnel in order to win.
Boom, Dead Hard nerf. Boom, Medkit nerf. Boom, Circle of Healing nerf. Boom, Pain Res now rewards you- substantially- for not tunneling.
This is one of the most hype mid-chapter updates I've ever seen, including 6.1.0.. Dead Hard is finally, finally eating a serious nerf. I don't have to tunnel anymore, I can just hook whoever with Pain Res. Medkits aren't god-tier anymore.
I can hardly wait to play a game where I don't have to wait an extra 2-3 seconds every time I catch an injured Survivor. A game where a successful mindgame isn't countered by pressing a button. A game where Survivors actually have to be good at looping because they don't have a third health state at the ready.
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*16 second altruistic heals.
Also, it doesn't apply to Self-Heals. You need someone else to heal you.
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Yeah, no. It clearly says Altruistic speeds. No Self-Care.
How many people do you need to heal in CoH?
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You have to multiply it by two. You can't heal on your own in 8 seconds, someone else needs to devote time to come and heal you.
The "heal" time may be 8 seconds, but the time investment is still 16 seconds. If there's three people, multiply it by three.
That's extremely inefficient and good for you as Killer.
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I wasn't talking about Killer.
I was talking about SURVIVOR time investment in CoH, you know, like we were discussing. Please, try to stay on topic.
The time investment for two people to heal in CoH is 16 seconds, assuming no travel time.
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I can hardly wait to play a game where I don't have to wait an extra 2-3 seconds every time I catch an injured Survivor. A game where a successful mindgame isn't countered by pressing a button. A game where Survivors actually have to be good at looping because they don't have a third health state at the ready.
But you will have to do that. It just won't be on the first chase. The second and third chases, though? It'll still be exactly like that.
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I'm so tired of the us v them posts. But what infuriates me more is content creators who only stay relevant because Us v them. Specifically the high mmr blah blah blah ones constantly complaining
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Pulsar eternal overlord
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It may not have competition right now but that doesn't mean people wont move on to something else. I did for 6 months.
Both sides need pleasing. I play both although I prefer killer.
I rarely use s tier killers so I really think bhvr need to be very careful with their next few updates.
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go figure
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The problem is that community outrage is often effective. People constantly posted complaints about Deathslinger and he was nerfed into irrelevancy, as was spirit and other killers. Survivor mains review bombed Steam when the healing nerfs were announced and, magically, the devs took back some of the nerfs. BHVR has set the precedent of giving into to uneducated and biased opinions, so people will continue to make divisive and one-sided posts.
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Too many people saying the healing nerfs were reverted because of survivor complaints, and yet BHVR said in their update why they did it - because they didn't consider the effect that certain killer perks and add-ons would have on it. There was also plenty of killer main feedback who recognised how unhealthy that big of a nerf would be, and gave feedback saying as such. It's over on the PTB feedback sub-forum. Players can kick up a stink but that doesn't mean the devs should ignore the very feedback that they asked for when putting changes to a PTB.
Also, there were numerous killers posting here about review bombing the game when Eruption was getting nerfed, and the devs ended up reverting it a bit. Did they cave in because of complaints? or maybe they just took everything on board as feedback?
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hey, at the very least all those toxic and extreme bad faith posts that serves no purpose and only breeds toxicity in the community aren't against forum rules at all, as long as we don't break the rule we are allowed to say whatever things no matter what!
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Human nature. Take a look at governments and how they divide their people. They could fix the problems and solve the "us vs them" but there is no money in that.
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I am on this forum regularly, and the survivor complaints far outweigh killers’. Lately there have been more killer complaint threads, but overall, it isn’t close.
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This is unfortunately true.